‘Benefits of Brexit on our 5th Birthday’ PLUS 'The Movie'!
With our readers, Brexit Facts4EU celebrates Five Fabulous Freedoms since leaving the EU
Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2025
Who would ever want to give all of this up?
Can it really be five years since we (technically) left the European Union? Given the daily attempts by its opponents to besmirch the legacy of Brexit, it feels like only yesterday.
However, as we point out in this fifth anniversary celebration, opinions are not facts and if the Remainer-Rejoiners had spent just a little more time analysing the reality of life outside the EU over the past five years, they too would have a great deal more to celebrate.
As it’s Brexit's 5th birthday, here’s your second chance to see our ‘must-watch’ movie!
‘The Independence Documentary’ - 40 minutes of Brexit bliss, with an all-star cast including Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Kate Hoey, John Redwood, and many more.
After months in the making, a lot of painstaking research, and with a stellar cast of politicians, academics, lawyers and economists, our Facts4EU and CIBUK Independence Documentary had its worldwide première in Manchester on Monday 02 October 2023.
The Facts4EU and CIBUK ‘Independence Documentary’ - your menu
The superb cast includes Nigel Farage MP, the Rt Hon Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, the Rt Hon David Jones, the Rt Hon Baroness Kate Hoey, the Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe, the Rt Hon Lord Peter Cruddas, Barnabas Reynolds, Richard Tice MP, former MEPs Ben Habib and Belinda de Lucy, economist Julian Jessop, Professor Robert Tombs, economist Catherine McBride, and others.‘Teasers’ – three fast-moving 35-second clips - and the 2½ minute trailer
The full Independence Documentary movie
~ 42 minutes of pure Brexit gold ~
Documentary Copyright Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2023
And please don't forget to "Like" and "Follow" us on YouTube!
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Five example topics from many dozens, from the wonderful world of Brexit benefits
What follows are five freedoms based on our reports over the past year outlining some of the concrete benefits to Britain from having left the European Union. This is but a very small sample of the large volume of positive and uplifting reports we have published. We could have presented a long list of benefits but instead we chose to highlight a small number in more detail. Controversially, four out of the five we've highlighted are about the economy and trade.
These were subjects on which the Remainers chose - to their cost - to focus in the EU Referendum campaign of 2016. They completely failed to realise that for the British people sovereignty was the more important issue. We've therefore taken the Remainers' economic worries and debunked them in what follows. Then in our final example we've chosen the topic of the law and who governs us. This example was one of the most popular reports we published last year.
Whether the new Labour government will consolidate the gains we have secured or risk losing them in a misguided attempt to ingratiate itself with the EU remains an open question. Let us hope they see sense and are persuaded by the evidence before them.
1(a) Freedom to make trade deals – outside the EU
2025 news: Brexit Britain has trade agreements with 36% more countries than the EU
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click the image or click here to read report
On Thursday 02 Jan 2025, the Office for National Statistics released its latest update on trade deals achieved by Brexit Britain since it left the EU and the country was finally able to do these deals on its own.
Our summary update shows categorically that the UK is now in an excellent international trading position, less than five years after finally leaving the EU. Brexit Britain’s results are now eclipsing those of the entire EU apparatus.
For full details click on the link here.
1(b) Biggest-ever free trade deal for Brexit Britain is now in force – in record time
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On Sunday 15 Dec 2024, the UK formally accessed to membership of the enormous Trans-Pacific trading bloc known under its acronym ‘CPTPP’. This represents another huge ‘Brexit benefit’ and Rejoiners have been keen to try to minimise it. What follows makes it impossible for them to do this and retain any credibility.
Click here for the full report.
2(a) Freedom to grow exports – outside the EU
Since 2016, the UK exports to Trump’s USA grew 1.5 TIMES FASTER than exports to the EU
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On Mon 11 Nov 2024, we showed that President-Elect Donald Trump’s USA bought £187 BN in goods and services from the UK last year. This next part in the Facts4EU.Org exports series is even more revealing.
Since the EU Referendum, Brexit Britain’s exports to the US have grown over one-and-a-half times faster than its exports to the EU.
Click here for the full report.
2(b)"God bless America" - UK’s largest export market bought £187 BN from us last year
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click the image or click here to read report
In this next part in our UK exports series using the latest trade data, we reveal where Brexit Britain is now selling the most. And in the Top 30 markets, less than one-third of UK overseas sales were to EU countries, according to latest official figures.
Click here for the full report.
3. Freedom to create jobs & prosperity – outside the EU
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click the image or click here to read report
LATEST : More than 2.1 million additional people employed since the EU Referendum
On Mon 04 Nov 2024, the Office for National Statistics released its latest data on the number of employees in Great Britain. (Northern Ireland’s data is delayed.) Facts4EU.Org’s analysis of the official figures shows an astonishing rise of more than 2.1 million in the number of employees in GB, since the British people voted to leave the European Union.
The full report can be read here.
4. Freedom from the massive costs of membership – outside the EU
REVEALED : Brexit Britain dodged a speeding, 3-year, €600bn EU budget bullet-train
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click the image or click here to read report
If the UK were still a member of the EU, (which Ms Reeves and the entire cabinet all campaigned vigorously for), it would have been the second-largest funder of the €569 billion budget for 2021-2023. The UK would have had to pay around £66bn (GBP), plus additional monies for ‘off-budget’ EU funds.
This dwarves Rachel Reeves’ “£22bn black hole” by a factor of three and would have meant she was having to face four times the funding gap.
A link to the full article can be found here.
5. Freedom under the law – outside the EU
Why the World chose English law over EU law
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click the image or click here to read report
This was a hugely popular report.
The law matters and has always been appreciated by the British people. For centuries it has been developed and nurtured and the British legal system has been adopted by countless countries around the world. It enables rather than restricts and people know where they stand.
In contrast, the continent operates on the code-based method, either the Napoleonic version of 1804 or the German version of 1900. The principle in the EU is that you can only do something safely if the law says you can. If there’s no law then you have no legal cover. In effect the EU legal system means you could be committing an offence even if there is no clear law prohibiting it.
Facts4EU was fortunate in securing the thoughts of one of Europe's most eminent lawyers on UK, EU, and US law - Barnabas Reynolds, Partner at Shearman & Sterling and Global Co-Head of Financial Services Regulatory and Financial Institutions Sector Lead - to guide readers in a way that is very accessible to all. Barney has advised both the UK Government as well as Parliamentary Committees on the legal aspects of Brexit. A link to the full article can be found here.
For years Facts4EU.Org has been publishing daily reports on a wide variety of topics related to Brexit and sovereignty, independence, democracy and freedom, all based on in-depth research of the official facts. We don't do forecasts, as Rejoiners do, because we prefer to focus on reality rather than apocalyptic forecasts which scare but fail to materialise.
Above we have cited just a few examples of our output in the past year, chosen for us by a colleague at CIBUK who reads our reports each day. On this particular day, the fifth birthday of an independent Britain after exiting the EU formally on 31 January 2020, we are celebrating. Today is not the day for bemoaning how much further on we could have been if the Referendum result had been enacted in full, and years earlier. Today let's celebrate the successes, of which there have been a great many.
Jobs are up, wages are up, the economy is up, exports are up, foreign investment is up, and most of all we are free of so many of the shackles imposed on us by the unelected EU Commission in the form of foreign laws, directives, and regulations.
The important thing is to look ahead now. We have a great base on which to build. As we all celebrate today, let's focus on what we can do to realise the benefits of Brexit in full. As we showed yesterday, an essential part of this is to have organisations such as ours promoting these opportunities and preventing any slide back into the EUI's dysfunctional orbit. We hope you will support us in this.
Please, please help us to carry on our vital work in defence of independence, sovereignty, democracy and freedom by donating today. Thank you.
[ Sources: See the various reports for details ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Brexit's 5th birthday, Fri 31 Jan 2025
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