With so many reasons to love Brexit, why does the UK increasingly want to rejoin the EU?
Brexit Facts4EU presents 5 years of polling, showing a 57% / 43% wish to toss away our freedoms
Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2025
If this isn't a wake-up call for all who love their country and wish to see it prosper as a strong, global power again, nothing is
The gap in public opinion on whether to rejoin the EU or stay out is widening and it shows how much Rejoiners have influenced people's views with their fictional claims and forecasts. The globalist, pro-EU, Rejoin narrative now has a commanding lead over those who wish to preserve the United Kingdom’s independence, freedom, and its embrace of the world.
The facts are simply not making it through the filter of the europhile BBC and other pro-EU media organisations. Without a concerted effort to inform the public in all ways possible, the United Kingdom ultimately risks being dragged back into the EU’s autocratic orbit and being forever stripped of its hard-won freedoms.
From Brexit 5th Birthday Benefits to a gloomy Rejoiner world
In advance of our ‘Benefits of Brexit on our 5th Birthday’ celebration tomorrow (31 Jan 2025), today we table some sobering news for all our Brexiteer readership. The Facts4EU think-tank has looked at the last five years of polling on Brexit. Sadly this shows an ever-increasing tendency for the British public to favour a return to European Union membership.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary
The last 5 years of opinion polls: Rejoin the EU or Stay Out?
Average of all polls conducted in each quarter from Jan 2020 to Jan 2025
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click to enlarge
[Sources: All the major polling firms – all opinion polls on EU membership over the last five years.]
How reliable is this information?
As all readers know, individual poll results can vary by significant margins. We have therefore taken the average of all polls each quarter to smooth out any ‘outlier’ results. This gives a more realistic trend in public thinking over time.
In common with other organisations – and in keeping with the practice of the UK’s favourite psephologist Sir John Curtice – we have excluded the ‘Don’t Knows’ to make the direction of travel clearer.
Overall we have included the results of more than 250 polls over the five years in question.
Even if the polling results were to be ‘taken with a pinch of salt’, it is abundantly clear that the pro-Brexit case is in deep trouble.
The trend towards the public being in favour of rejoining the EU is accelerating significantly. Amongst all the polls it seems that a majority of the public believe that the UK’s recent economic woes since Rachel Reeves' first budget are due to Brexit. This is not of course the case but Brexit has long been held out by Rejoiners as the cause for negative news of any kind.
If the current, depressing news on economic matters continues, as is predicted by most commentators, then it is likely the trend towards blaming Brexit and backing a move to rejoin the EU will grow still further.
If this report has affected you in any way, assistance is available.
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The young and Brexit
It has long been known that pro-EU sentiments are felt most strongly amongst younger voters. According to the latest polling of this section of the population, this continues.
The polling company Savanta has been conducting surveys of young people’s attitudes in the last few years for Robert Peston’s programme on ITV. In the last such survey of 18-25 year-olds in June last year (2024), the result was as follows.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary
Savanta survey of 18-25 year-olds, June 2024
“If there was a referendum now on whether the UK should or should not join the EU tomorrow with the question, 'Should the United Kingdom become a member of the European Union or not become a member of the European Union?', how would you vote?”
- Join the EU : 84%
- Stay out of the EU : 16%
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2025 - click to enlarge
[Source: Savanta 2023-2024.]
These survey results have been weighted by Savanta towards those who are most likely to vote – very important when looking at any surveys of young people. They are broadly similar to the results a year earlier, which showed 86% / 14% in favour of rejoining.
This report is a wake-up call to all involved in promoting the enormous benefits of Brexit
The facts on why we are better off outside the EU are simply indisputable, but Rejoiner organisations do not use facts. They use wild claims with no basis in the actual, official data and rely on presenting apocalyptic forecasts from discredited bodies as if they were facts.
Sadly, the Rejoiner organisations have vastly superior funding to all pro-Brexit organisations such as Brexit Facts4EU. The majority of this comes from foreign foundations funded by a foreign billionaire. With millions of pounds to play with, this gives them far more staff and allows them to do much more than we can with the media. In addition they benefit from the pro-EU leanings of some major media outlets such as the BBC, Sky News, ITN, the Financial Times, and the Guardian.
We know that many other pro-Brexit organisations out there are asking you for donations, but we would humbly suggest that your investment goes further with us. We simply produce far more output and we do so daily. We are a lean organisation, not-for-profit, and we could do far more than can the Rejoiner organisations with every pound that is donated. We simply need a much bigger stream of donations to ramp the team back up again and make a real difference.
This report demonstrates that we are all facing a clear, serious and growing threat. Please do not let the Rejoiners win with their false narratives. Please help us to carry on our vital work in defence of independence, sovereignty, democracy and freedom. Please do something now, to help to turn this around. Please donate to us, here, now. Thank you.
[ Sources: Major UK polling companies | Savanta (for the youth polling) | National Centre for Social Research ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thurs 30 Jan 2025
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