‘Dr. WHO is coming for YOU’

Final part in our series on how the WHO plans to take over lockdowns from UK Gov’t

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Part VII in our series – If you read nothing else please read this

If you thought the EU was the only major threat to nation-state democracy think again. Proposed changes to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) powers over EVERY SINGLE MEMBER’S health policy makes the battle for Brexit look like a minor skirmish.

We highlight the main points from detailed research by health practitioner Philippa D’Arcy and the Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK teams on the imminent dangers of this proposed huge extension of the WHO’s new powers.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Below is a bulleted summary of the proposed globalist takeover of the powers of national governments by the unelected World Health Organisation, an agency of the United Nations.

Sweeping new powers include

  • Freedom to declare a pandemic at which point all decision-making powers fall under WHO
  • Mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns
  • Local doctors forced to follow WHO edicts
  • Charging member states huge sums to put these measures into effect
  • Censorship of alternative views and the stifling of dissent

Undemocratic and Unaccountable

  • WHO is almost 90% privately funded
  • WHO spends only 13% of its budget on medical supplies
  • 87% is spent on staff and ‘other expenses’

Mis-leading pandemic propaganda

  • Fears over pandemics have been hugely exaggerated
  • 91% of deaths in the last three years had nothing to do with Covid
  • Far more die of ‘flu and tuberculosis every year

Supra-national Legislation

1. The new WHO ‘Pandemic’ Treaty

  • Sets up an international supply network overseen by the WHO
  • Funds the structures and processes – budget now $31bn per annum
  • Sets up a ‘Governing Body’, under the auspices of WHO, to oversee the whole process
  • Expands scope with ‘One Health’ agenda, which combines all human, animal and environmental concerns into one
  • Such legislation will be applicable at ALL times, not just in times of health emergency

2. Amendments to International Health Regulations (IHR)

  • Proposed amendments to the IHR threaten to remove national sovereignty and cede it to the WHO and partner agencies
  • The Regulations are negotiated by unelected delegates
  • The IHR is already an instrument of international law which is legally binding on 194 nations
  • Any new, adopted amendments will require no UK parliamentary scrutiny or vote
  • Art 59 of the Regulations halves the time that countries can object to/reject an amendment
  • The deadline for rejecting this amendment is 30th November – under three weeks’ time

Commenting on the report’s findings, Director of Communications at CIBUK, Ben Philips said:

“It’s time to wake up and smell the Fairtrade coffee. Democracy is under direct threat from the WHO. Our MPs are mostly completely unaware of this. They need to be notified before it is too late. We have but a couple of weeks to do so. Urgent action is required – now!”


Global government is already here - and this just makes it worse

The above summary completes our report on the WHO's plans for significantly increased global governance. This is timely, given yesterday's judgement by the Supreme Court that the Government's Rwanda plan is unlawful.

In their judgement, their Lordships referred not only to evidence given by the UNHCR but also to all the international obligations the UK has signed up to over the years. These include :-

  • Article 33(1) of the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol
  • Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights ('the ECHR')
  • Tony Blair's Human Rights Act 1998, section 6
  • The Asylum and Immigration Appeals Act 1993
  • The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002
  • The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc) Act 2004

Whether it is from international obligations or from national laws which have given effect to these 'international laws' the simple fact is that the UK has given in to world governance for decades. Where this governance reflects the current realities of life it might be felt that international coordination is a good thing. Where it flows from outdated doctrines or from politicised judicial and other bodies such as the ECHR, the UNHCR and the rest however, then surely the time for a re-think is long overdue.

Returning to the WHO and its plans, today we and our colleagues at CIBUK are sending the above summary to MPs and to the press. There is no time to lose if the UK does not wish to get dragged under yet more 'global government'.

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[ Sources: WHO | UN | EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thurs 16 Nov 2023

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