The unelected WHO ruling the world and our lives – Part VI

The serious threats to UK sovereignty of the UN WHO's International Health Regulations

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2023

How the WHO will take decisions overruling the UK Government - unless we opt out now

Reading the WHO’s proposed ‘Pandemic Treaty’, readers would be forgiven for thinking that it does not compromise any nation’s sovereignty. Unfortunately this is far from the truth when it comes to the ‘International Health Regulations’ (IHR) which complement the Treaty.

It is the proposed amendments to the IHR that do threaten to remove national and individual sovereignty and cede it to the WHO and partner agencies. So the concern to sovereignty comes from the IHR amendments and their integration with the Pandemic Treaty, which creates the infrastructure and bureaucracy that enables them, and the industry that flows from it.

Today, in Part VI of this series, we look at sovereignty and how the UK can get out of this globalist government that is fast coming down the road.

The new WHO plans are not what they seem – here’s why

At first sight the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty appears to guarantee national sovereignty and decision-making. However, the guarantees in the Treaty are set to be overridden by amendments to the International Health Regulations.

The IHR amendments propose to remove the Individual Sovereignty phrase in the Treaty (Article 3.1) which says it will be implemented “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons”. Regarding National Sovereignty, the WHO will point to the phrase in Article 3.2 which says “States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and general principles of international law, the sovereign right to legislate and to implement legislation in pursuance of their health policies.”

The problem is that WHO Member States (of which the UK is one) will be obligated under the new IHRs to enact the legislation of the Pandemic Treaty through their own national ‘IHR focal points’ (see below) and will be required to use existing or new national laws to fulfil the surveillance, testing, financial and other obligations both during and between health emergencies. So effectively they are legislating for nations to draw up legislation to enact them within their own countries. It is slightly obtuse, but it will still threaten the UK’s sovereignty at the end of the day.

What are ‘IHR Focal Points’ and why do they matter?

People ask how the WHO can actually make us do anything. IHR Focal Points are the way in which the WHO will enforce their dictats. There are already IHR Focal Points in every country. A Russian amendment is currently seeking to strengthen and empower these national Focal Points to enforce the IHR obligations.

Other European countries appear to be clear that the IHR amendments are going to be binding on their respective governments. It is possible that the UK Government could ignore its obligations under the IHRs, but many readers would need a lot of convincing that the Government would not automatically follow the duties purportedly imposed on it by them.

During the Covid Pandemic there was no such legal obligation but nevertheless most nations followed in lockstep with the same protocols - to disastrous effect. It is the actions that our Government would take that is important.

How long have our MPs got to shoot all of this down?

The latest WHO Pandemic Treaty will be voted on at the next World Health Assembly meeting in May next year (2024). It requires a 2/3rds vote of the 194 member states. It then requires at least 30 countries to ratify it after this vote – which it will get - and ultimately it will come into force 30 days later (July 2024), and will apply to the countries that ratify.

The May 2023 IHR amendments are still being debated between the delegates of the member states. The Working Group (WGIHR) have met several times, for 3-4 days at a time, and have already overrun the timetable for agreeing the final version. Like the main Treaty, the final version of the IHR amendments (now only available in Q1 2024) will be voted on at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. In this case all that is needed is a simple majority – a 50% vote in favour, out of 194 members and 2 associate members.

If a majority vote passes, which looks highly likely, there is a 10 month rejection period which runs to March 2025. Then it automatically comes into force two months later in May 2025. If the UK Government does nothing before March 2025, the amendments become law. The Government must actively opt out by invoking Article 61 of the existing IHRs.

Opting Out

While both texts are intended to have force under international law, countries can theoretically opt out (by exercising Article 61) in order to preserve their sovereignty and protect their citizens’ rights. Opting out would still mean the current versions of IHR health regulations (2005) continue to apply to the UK.

The deadline for opting out of the May 2022 amendments is 30 Nov 2023. It is essential that the UK Government opts out of Article 59 of that set of five proposed amendments (the other four are benign) by the end of this month.

The role of the European Union

On 05 June 2023 the WHO launched a digital health partnership with the EU Commission. They laid out their plans very clearly.

The Commission and the WHO fully intend to reactivate the EU Covid-19 digital certificates, and to expand and develop this to become the global digital health certification network that they desire. The EU Commission says in its statements that the WHO and Commission will work together to encourage maximum global uptake and participation.

And as if this weren’t bad enough…

The UN itself (of which the WHO is part) further seeks to centralise power and control over our lives.

The UN's ‘Our Common Agenda’ is a set of protocols that can be activated when needed. In effect it is an emergency platform to respond to emergencies. It would bring together the same players to respond to “global shocks” that threaten sustainable development goals. Here are some examples: climatic/environmental events, pandemics, high impact biological events, large scale disruptive or destructive activity in cyberspace, and even a ‘major event in outer space’ (!). It even has a catch-all of ‘unforeseen risks’.

In the list of key principles and objectives of this emergency platform there is no mention of the healthcare or well-being of the public.

The document’s conclusion proposes

“that the General Assembly provide the Secretary General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalise automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach”.


There is serious momentum around this project, with many global entities all contributing. The globalists are absolutely intent on getting this through.

An international bureaucracy is currently being built, with funding envisioned of up to $31 billion per year for at least the first five years. The UK will of course be a major funder. The World Bank is closely involved in making this happen. This same bureaucracy will survey populations for new and variant viruses, identify them, determine their ‘threat’ level and then implement a response.

This essentially creates a self-perpetuating pandemic industry, funded by the world’s taxpayers but, as a UN agency, having no national legal oversight and little accountability. Its justification for continued funding will rely on declaring and responding to perceived threats, restricting the lives of citizens whilst accruing profit for its sponsors through pharmaceutical recommendations and mandates.

In conclusion

In the final part of this series we will produce one of our famous, bullet-pointed, ‘One-Page Summaries’ for MPs, the media, and the general public.

Yes, we know that this series has been a bit ‘turgid’ for some, but if we don’t bring all of this to the attention of the British public and its elected representatives who will?

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[ Sources: WHO | EU Commission | UN ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Mon 13 Nov 2023

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