EU is heading to the right, Brits are frustrated, so why’s Rishi still a social democrat?

Facts4EU.Org surveys the political landscape ahead of EU elections in one month’s time

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All signs point to shift to right-wing policies amongst people across Europe, as in UK

All across Europe the signs are that many citizens have had enough of the policies of their globalist leaders. In particular immigration has risen to the top of the agenda in many countries and the rush to Net Zero is increasingly unpopular.

Even the globalist Ursula von der Leyen seems to have read the tea-leaves and is now cosying up to the right-wing in the EU Parliament, in order to have a chance of getting elected as EU Commission President for a second term.

In 2019 she was ‘shoe-horned in’ by Angela Merkel at the last minute for her first term in office as the only candidate, but now she needs some right-wing support to get re-elected.

What’s going on in the EU?

The picture across Europe could currently best be described as ‘fragmented’. In this report we can only cite a few examples, but there are a great many more. They vary from country to country, but we are sure some will resonate with British readers.

  • Strikes
  • Protests
  • Anti-green sentiment
  • Differences over Russia and China
  • The effects of mass immigration
  • Democratic unrest over feelings of not being listened to

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Examples of some of the discontent across the EU's empire

1. Strikes

Many countries have seen strikes by key workers. In some cases this is about money but in others it is about policies being pursued by governments. The UK has seen strikes too, but it is rarely reported that repeated railway and airline strikes have caused major disruption in countries such as Germany.

2. Protests

In the UK protests have mostly been in favour of the Palestinian cause and this is true in other European countries too. The large increase in Muslim populations is seen generally as the reason for this.

3. Anti-green sentiment

Last week in Poland saw a massive demonstration in that nation’s capital regarding the EU’s ‘Green Deal’. Farmers in particular are up in arms in other countries too, such as the Netherlands and France. The reasons differ but the EU has been forced to row back on the enforcement of its policies, which were never voted on by citizens.

The Netherlands government and others have been trying to force farmers to make large parts of farming land go ‘wild’ and to produce less meat, because of its alleged effect on ‘climate change’.

In Poland there are specific concerns about the importation of cheap Ukrainian foodstuffs after the EU Commission lifted tariffs. The border between the two countries has frequently been blockaded.

4. Differences over Russia, Ukraine and China

Any notion that the EU has an agreed Common Foreign Policy has been torn apart over Russia and China. Some EU countries continue to trade to a significant degree with Putin’s Russia and openly profess their closeness, for example Hungary.

With China, French President Emmanuel Macron welcomed the Chinese dictator to the Elysee Palace last week and Xi-Jinping went on to a warm welcome in countries such as Slovakia.

5. The effects of mass immigration

There is increasing disquiet in a great many countries regarding the effect that many years of mass immigration has had for ordinary citizens. This is replicated in the UK, according to opinion polls.

In the UK this started under Tony Blair’s government, with ‘free movement’ from the EU. In the EU itself the problem became most acute under Angela Merkel’s German government, when she declared “Wir schauffen das” and in effect unilaterally opened the EU’s doors. In Germany now, hundreds of town mayors have said they simply can’t cope with the numbers.

6. Democratic unrest over feelings of not being listened to

All across the EU voters have been swinging to the right. In some countries this has resulted in right-wing governments. In others it’s a different story.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ right wing party clearly won that country’s election last year but he is still prevented from becoming Prime Minister. In Germany there are moves afoot to ban the right-wing ‘Alternative für Deutschland’ party from running at all, after it achieved domination in many state elections. The AfD is now more popular than the party of the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

In France Marine Le Pen is currently favourite to win the first round of voting in the next presidential elections.


The EU Commission continues to put a positive spin on all it does, but the reality is that many citizens and some governments across the empire are deeply unhappy about a variety of issues. In a short summary such as this it is not possible to list all the grievances but our report above gives some indication.

In broad terms there is still little appetite for leaving the EU as the UK has done, but in many cases this is down to the fact that most countries are net recipients of money from the EU budget, as we showed on Tuesday. However, with the EU Commission intent on growing its empire with the addition of several poorer countries, more and more existing member countries will suddenly find they are net contributors. This has already happened to the Republic of Ireland, for example. This may well change ordinary people’s views about EU membership.

Interestingly, the electorates in many countries have shown a preference for more conservative policies and for ‘less Europe’, whilst the Conservative government in the United Kingdom has moved to the left and has been quietly signing up the UK to EU constructs such as Horizon and PESCO. There are some indications that the rhetoric in the Government is now changing in response to disastrous polling results, but it seems that this may be too little, too late.

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[ Sources: European media ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Mon 13 May 2024

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