Revealed – Keir Starmer’s Labour wanted us locked down even harder and for longer

We now know lockdowns were a disaster – but they would have been worse under Sir Keir

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We summarise what Labour would have done to us if they had been in power, and interview a world-renowned medical specialist

It is now widely accepted – even within the scientific community – that the lockdowns imposed on the population due to Covid-19 did more harm than good. In this context it is appropriate to look at what Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer had to say during this period.

The key question is: “Will a new Labour government under Sir Keir Starmer be even more dictatorial than the last, if we experience another epidemic?”

What follows are direct quotes from the Labour leader, showing without doubt he would have been far more authoritarian with the British public and would have caused even more harm.

Right: Keir Starmer taking the knee to Black Lives Matter in June 2020, in the midst of the Covid crisis.

What were Sir Keir Starmer’s and Labour’s views on lockdowns?

Here are just some of the numerous statements from Sir Keir Starmer during the Covid period, urging the government to be much tougher on the British public.

On 13 October 2020, Starmer called a press conference to call for a “circuit breaker”, which would have meant only essential work and travel would have been allowed during this period, with households banned from mixing and all pubs and restaurants shut.

Then in the whole of 2021 Keir Starmer urged stronger and longer lockdowns. Here are two examples of this, from January to November :-

The current restrictions are not strong enough to control the virus; stronger restrictions are needed… Why on earth are restrictions weaker than last March?

- Sir Keir Starmer, House of Commons, 13 Jan 2021

“At every stage, the Prime Minister has been too slow, behind the curve.“
“Tougher national restrictions are now needed.”

- Sir Keir Starmer, House of Commons, 02 Nov 2021

[Source: Hansard.]

Throughout the Covid-19 period from 2020 to the end of 2021, the Labour Leader was advocating that far more stringent measures be taken against the British people. At no time did he listen to eminent scientists and physicians, voicing major concerns.

Next we look at what eminent scientists and physicians were saying

Speaking exclusively to Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK yesterday evening, one of the world’s leading cancer specialists, Professor Karol Sikora, told us :-

Lockdown was an absolutely disastrous policy for Covid in Britain. For most people the infection caused only a minor illness, no worse than the ‘flu. Yet the increased mortality caused by lockdown for cancer and heart disease totally overshadowed any reduction such a policy achieved in Covid deaths.

“The average age of those dying from Covid was over 81.6 years in Britain - beyond the normal average age of death. Yet we are still seeing the consequences of that policy in the late stage presentation of cancer at a much younger age - the number of life years lost will be significantly greater because of lockdown than Covid itself for years to come.

“Diagnostic delays occurred as people were too frightened to access medical care because of government brainwashing to 'save the NHS'. There were severe delays in getting essential scans and biopsies. This continues today as many are still frightened by the official propaganda echoed in the mainstream media. Even now the BBC website heralds a new wave of Covid this summer. 'Project fear' is proving extremely difficult to terminate.

We need to learn the lessons. Controlling infection when those most likely to be harmed - the elderly, sick, obese and immuno-compromised - can be identified needs a different approach. The vulnerable should be advised to isolate whilst the majority carry on as normal. Common sense was thrown out the window by our politicians right from the beginning.

Dissenting voices, including mine, were cancelled. The subsequent public enquiry has no scientific value whatsoever despite costing millions. The only winners are the participating lawyers with their fat fees.

The consequences on healthcare, education of children and our economy will last until the end of this decade.

“We simply have to have a better strategy in place for handling a future pandemic. This will surely come.”

- Professor Karol Sikora, 01 July 2024

Professor Sikora and other world experts repeatedly warned about the effects of lockdowns at the time, as did we. Here is one example from a highly-respected US professor of medicine :-

“I do think that future historians will look back on this and say this was the single biggest public health mistake, possibly of all history, in terms of the scope of the harm that it's caused,”.

- Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford, June 2021

Professor Bhattacharya was supported by two more top epidemiologists – Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and Martin Kulldorff, then of Harvard.

The impacts of the government’s measures are disastrous, but Sir Keir would have gone further

Almost every family in the country has its own stories about how lockdowns affected them. As the country shut down three times in 2020 and 2021, these effects included cancelled operations, delayed referrals for critical cancer, heart, and other very serious conditions, drastically reduced schooling with its permanent impact on our young, and serious damage to people’s mental health.

NHS waiting lists went through the roof, from 4.6m pre-pandemic to a record 7.5m now, according to NHS England. There is serious evidence to suggest the true figure is far higher.

Not only a health and societal disaster, but an economic one too

With many businesses unable to function - with a serious effect on the government’s tax revenues - the government stepped in. Around £400bn was ploughed into ‘furlough’, business loans and other costs of the lockdowns. The UK’s national debt has soared from c. 80% to almost 100% of GDP. This debt will have to be paid off, or supported, by generations to come. It is not dissimilar to the huge debts Britain faced after fighting the Second World War, in relative terms.

Then there’s the tragic human cost

During that period, loved ones were separated and families could not visit their elderly and vulnerable relatives in care homes. Even sadder was the fact that when elderly parents were dying, their offspring were not even allowed to visit, to comfort them in their final hours.

Further reading…

This report is our last on Mr Starmer before the election on Thursday. For readers who missed them, here are our previous three reports.

Brexit – Labour’s skeleton in the closet?
Dealing with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is “like honey on toast”, say EU Ambassadors

Labour’s manifesto plans would hand UK’s defence on a plate to the EU
“Starmer’s military plan has no place in British politics,” says defence report

'Labour’s manifesto plans - Keir, if Brexit has been so bad, how come we’re all able to spend more since the Referendum?'


Looking back now at all the costs of lockdowns, it must be said that well-informed politicians such as Keir Starmer should have been able to weigh up the costs and the benefits of what some Establishment doctors were insisting on, and should have formed a more balanced view.

We don’t know if this is one of the many important subjects on which Keir Starmer has changed his mind. What we do know is that at the time of Covid-19, his strong inclinations were for longer lockdowns and much more stringent measures. Unfortunately it wasn’t only the Labour leader who felt this way. His shadow cabinet and his backbench Labour MPs all wanted more draconian measures, for longer.

When they win the general election on Thursday, we can only hope we don’t suffer another epidemic in the next five years.

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[ Sources: Hansard | Professor Karol Sikora | Liam Halligan ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Tues 02 Jul 2024

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