'Keir, if Brexit has been so bad, how come we’re all able to spend more since the Referendum?'

With a pro-EU Labour government about to be elected, will this now be under threat?

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We review how much more we are able to spend – and on what

The latest official figures show consumers are spending more, after inflation, than before the Referendum.

On Friday (28 Jun 2024) the Office for National Statistics released its latest data for household expenditure in the United Kingdom. These clearly show that consumers feel able to spend more now – after adjusting for inflation – than just before the EU Referendum in June 2016. These are therefore real increases.

With a broadly anti-Brexit Labour government about to be elected on Thursday, we de-bunk another of their claims about what it means for the United Kingdom to be outside the EU.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

UK household consumer spending rises in real terms since the Referendum

[Technical description : UK national and domestic household final consumption expenditure, chained volume measures, quarterly data, seasonally adjusted, £ millions.]

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[Source : Office for National Statistics, 28 Jun 2024.]

The EU’s players are licking their lips at the prospect of a Labour victory on Thursday

Here is the extremist EU-lover and MEP Guy Verhofstadt yesterday, on 'X' (Twitter), barely able to contain his excitement.

How does all this compare to what Leavers were threatened with?

The above compares with the disaster set to befall every British household if we voted Leave in the ‘In/Out’ EU Referendum just over eight years ago. Naturally a 3% rise is not impressive, but it compares with the far worse predictions of the Remainers at the time. It must also be remembered that the country suffered dramatically during the intervening years as a result of the Covid lockdowns.

That ‘disaster’ is what the British people were threatened with by the government of Cameron-Osborne and the Remain campaign. It was backed by almost every area of the Establishment you can think of. This came to be known as ‘Project Fear’ and in today’s report we disprove yet another aspect of all their fictitious threats to our way of life.

As Britons go to the polling stations in just four days’ time, with a landslide Labour government led by Keir Starmer about to be elected, the figures we are publishing put to the sword another myth about Brexit.

This matters because of what we know about the proclivities of this prospective Labour government and its desire to ‘align more closely’ with the EU. In practice their policies will mean once again bringing back under more EU control over the United Kingdom and its people.

What are we spending our money on?

Naturally the figures below are for the entire United Kingdom and these will therefore vary for each individual household and in which region they live. Nevertheless they provide an interesting insight to how we are all spending our money, on average.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Breakdown of UK household consumer spending

[Technical description : UK national and domestic household final consumption expenditure, chained volume measures, quarterly data, seasonally adjusted, £ millions.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

[Source : Office for National Statistics, 28 Jun 2024.]


We frequently report on macro-economic data such as GDP. To millions of people this is of little interest. What matters to many of them is how much money they feel able to spend each month.

Had the architects behind Project Fear been right, we would have expected people to be spending less (after inflation), not more.

Relevance to the general election on Thursday

The last eight years have clearly shown that Sir Keir Starmer himself – and almost all his Labour Party – are anti-Brexit. (See our report in May here.)

In order to get elected, Sir Keir has said that he will not take the UK back into the EU’s (failing) Single Market and Customs Union. Unfortunately we believe this to be disingenuous. The evidence comes from the many statements made by Starmer and by his shadow cabinet colleagues in recent months – both in the House of Commons and in interviews. It is their stated intention to ‘align the UK more closely’ with the EU once again.

A large part of the public is favouring Labour because after 14 years of Tory rule people are disappointed and want a change. We believe it will certainly involve a change, but people may once again be surprised and disappointed with what they get for the next five years.

Our view is that we did not vote Brexit and leave the EU, only to be stealthily taken back under the EU’s rules and regulations via an ‘ever closer alignment’ with the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels.

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[ Sources: Office for National Statistics ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 30 Jun 2024

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