Brexit – Labour’s skeleton in the closet?

Dealing with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is “like honey on toast”, say EU Ambassadors

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Facts4EU.Org evaluates what little we know about Labour policy towards the EU

Firstly and importantly, Brexit Facts4EU.Org remains politically neutral and we only comment on the political parties’ policies in relation to Brexit, and the UK’s relations with the EU. Other than that we are non-partisan.

Getting to the bottom of a future Labour government’s policies on ever-closer alignment to the EU is akin to wading throgh treacle – uphill. What we do know is that there would a major realignment in the UK’s relationship with the European Union. We know this from Sir Keir Starmer’s own statements over the past year and also from those of David Lammy, the shadow Foreign Secretary.

As the general election looms, however, it becomes ever more difficult to know exactly what Labour will do if they come to power. The UK’s relationship with the EU has become Labour’s ‘skeleton in the closet’.

“Not in front of the children, dear”

Despite the fact that the UK’s international relationships and foreign policy are not mentioned on Sir Keir Starmer’s ‘five pledges’ card we know a little of what they are planning, based on interviews with pro-Remain media over the past year.

We also experienced the behaviour of the Labour leader and his shadow cabinet during the disgraceful period in the Remainer Parliament in the years following the EU Referendum in 2016. They were all advocating that the democratic vote of the British people be overturned.

Now they are reluctant to speak of this, but it is all in Hansard.

“The People’s Vote” was actively campaigned for by Keir Starmer and his colleagues

It must be remembered that Sir Keir Starmer was part of the large Remainer cabal in Parliament who actively advocated ‘The People’s Vote’ – as if the people had not already voted. This was nothing short of a brazen attempt to subvert democracy.

The British people had voted in the largest democratic vote in history to leave the European Union. It remains our view that those politicians who engaged in this prolonged attempt to subvert democracy should be barred from office. There is no place in Parliament for those who do not respect the will of the people.

David Lammy – the EU’s champion

David Lammy MP is the Shadow Foreign Secretary. Come November it is highly likely that he will be in overall charge of the UK’s relations with the EU.

It is not easy to find videos of any speeches by David Lammy or other shadow cabinet ministers in the last year, but below we show one.

Last month even the avidly pro-EU Guardian published the following

“The party’s reluctance to air the European question too loudly before that [the election] is understandable. But this does not mean the question is going to go away in government.

“One thing can be said with complete confidence. The change in the UK-EU relationship if Labour returns to power will be complicated not simple, evolutionary not explosive, and contextual not doctrinaire. It will not be a stark in-out choice, as it was in 2016. In many ways it would be crazy if it was, in the light of the civic and practical damage that the referendum and its aftermath inflicted on our still wounded country.”

“But a changing and closer relationship with Europe is nevertheless a certainty if Labour is elected. The threat from Russia matters here, of course, as do the climate and migration crises. But Britain’s relationship with Europe cannot avoid being a key dynamic of any long-term national renewal project for Britain of the kind that Starmer promised to the Labour conference last year. Repair with Europe cannot be dodged indefinitely, whether in the context of domestic politics, international security or the economy.”

Meanwhile in Brussels…

It seems that the EU Commission of Ursula von der Leyen is licking its lips at the prospect of a pro-EU Labour government in the UK.

No-one there will be quoted on the record – probably for fear of damaging Labour’s electoral chances - but one official said that dealing with Labour would be “like honey on toast.”


Any talk of "closer alignment" with the EU by a British administration is something which will worry many readers.

This is particularly acute when many feel that the current Government has failed to capitalise on the freedoms which have already been available to us as a result of Brexit, but which have not been used.

We urge the current administration to act with alacrity to pursue all reforms which should have been implemented, ahead of the next general election.

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[ Sources: Various Labour sources and pro-EU media | EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 21 May 2024

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