9.5 million people in England are currently waiting on the NHS for treatment
Facts4EU.Org blows the lid off the idea we have a functioning health service
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Latest official data from NHS England presents unacceptable picture for world’s 6th economy
On Wednesday (03 Apr 2024) the Office for National Statistics published its latest data on waiting times for NHS England and on the ability for people to get to see their GP. The overall picture is extremely unhealthy and would not look out of place in the Third World.
A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Series on the NHS
Part I – 9.5 million people in England are currently waiting on the NHS for treatment
(This report)
Part II - Where are the hundreds of billions of pounds spent on the NHS going?
We have interrogated the data in detail and bring readers a summary of just how bad things are. Because of devolution, we are only able to show the figures for NHS England, as the devolved administrations report at different times and use different criteria.
However, just the picture in England alone is a disaster.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary
Patients’ experience of the NHS and GP’s surgeries, 2024
1. Wait times for hospital appointment, test, or to start receiving medical treatment
As at 15 Feb 2024
- Total adults waiting : 9,476,027
- Waiting more than one month : 6,574,513
- Waiting 12 months or longer : 1,353,269
Of that total : 1.35 million adults have been waiting more than 12 months
[Source: NHS England, Apr 2024.]
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2. Experience of patients when trying to see their GP
- Very easy : 3,747,690
- Easy : 5,084,808
- Neither easy nor difficult : 3,394,797
- Difficult : 3,323,661
- Very difficult : 2,163,341
A total of 5.5 million adults found it "difficult or very difficult" to see their GP.
These are not even the exact figures
The simple fact is that NHS England cannot provide exact numbers because it doesn’t know them.
The above figures are extrapolations of surveyed data which then use algorithms to determine the weighted numbers in each category, according to population size. There is naturally a margin of error but we have used the median figures in each case.
People are no longer standing on their doorsteps banging their saucepans in appreciation
When the COVID-19 pandemic first became public knowledge, readers will recall the mass hysteria which greeted it. Readers will also recall the sight of people coming out on their doorsteps every Thursday, banging pots and pans in their appreciation of “our NHS”, which we were all told to protect.
We found this odd, because we thought the NHS was there to protect us, not the other way around.
The Facts4EU.Org team became unpopular at this point because we were deeply troubled by the mass hysteria in the absence of real facts, and by what we saw as a totalitarian regime response which brooked no questioning at all. The effect on civil liberties was the most extreme since the Second World War and the effects are being felt to this day.
It doesn’t seem to matter how much public money is thrown at the NHS, the service continues to fall far short of that expected of the sixth-largest economy on the planet.
Millions are on the waiting list for essential treatment and more millions can’t get to see their GP.
Across the Channel in France, people can get MRIs and scans within a few weeks, and seeing a GP or consultant is generally not a problem. GPs even come to the house for those who struggle to get out. People with serious conditions such as cancer or heart disease have nurses coming to the house three times a day.
It’s now clear that a root and branch reform is necessary of ‘our NHS’. Gone are the days when nurses used to be able to go to their local supermarket and not even be charged for their groceries if they were in uniform.
The mass hysteria has gone, the hard facts of life are surely now coming home to matron.
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[ Sources: NHS England ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Tues 09 Apr 2024
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