It’s far easier to do business in the UK than in the EU, says World Bank report

As EU celebrates 30 years of its ‘Single Market’ we review how badly it has done

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30th anniversary of the EU's Single Market - Special Edition

A Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org three-part special report
on the state of business in the EU’s empire

  1. Part One – It's much easier to do business in the UK than in the EU, says World Bank report [TODAY]
  2. Part TwoOfficial: UK’s growth rate fell after the EU adopted its ‘Single Market’
  3. Part Three‘UK benefited least from our greatest achievement,’ says EU in last Single Market report before Brexit

In this three-part landmark report, we provide the official facts
showing why the UK should never even think of rejoining the EU

The EU’s fabled ‘Single Market’ was founded 30 years ago, on 01 Jan 1993, and the EU is celebrating. But what do they have to celebrate about?

Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org have reviewed the latest reports from the EU Commission on the failings in its Single Market – particularly in respect of the services sector which accounts for 80% of the UK economy. We have also reviewed the World Bank’s latest ‘Ease of Doing Business’ country rankings, which was referred to in a major EU Commission report.

In Part One of this Facts4EU 30th anniversary special we focus on the World Bank country rankings. In Part Two we show how the UK's growth actually fell after joining the EU's Single Market. And in Part Three we will provide proof from the EU Commission itself that the UK benefited from the Single Market least out of all the 28 countries.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

World Bank global rankings show the UK is much nicer place to do business than the EU

  • UK’s world ranking : 8th out of 190 countries
  • EU27’s world ranking : 40th (average)

[Source: World Bank ‘Ease of Doing Business’ report 2021, last updated 22 Dec 2022.]

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The EU’s ‘Single Market’ doesn’t make it easier to do business

The World Bank’s rankings clearly show how the UK is streets ahead of the EU average when it comes to ‘the ease of doing business’.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

How some key EU economies fare, compared to the rest of the world

  • It’s easier to do business in North Macedonia (No.16) than in Germany (No.21)
  • It's easier to do business in Georgia (No.7) than in Spain (No.30)
  • It’s easier to do business in Kazakhstan (No.24) than in France (No.32)
  • It’s easier to do business in Azerbaijan (No.27) than in the Netherlands (No.41)
  • It’s easier to do business in Rwanda (No.37) than in Belgium (No.45)
  • It’s easier to do business in Armenia (No.46) than in Italy (No.57)

[Source: World Bank ‘Ease of Doing Business’ report 2021, last updated 22 Dec 2022.]

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The World Bank says: “‘Ease of doing business’ ranks economies from 1 to 190, with first place being the best. The ranking of economies is determined by sorting the aggregate ‘ease of doing business’ scores. A high ranking (a low numerical rank) means that the regulatory environment is conducive to business operation.”

The World Bank’s rankings look at a wide variety of important factors when doing business in any given country.


Whatever the shortcomings in the World Bank’s methodology in ranking countries might be, one thing is clear. Brexit Britain is far superior to the EU27 when it comes to doing business.

The UK has consistently outshone the EU27 in these World Bank reports, in spite of the impediments imposed by the increasing raft of EU Commission interference on the UK in terms of laws, directives and regulations.

It is now essential that the UK Government of Rishi Sunak proceeds with all speed in repealing the 4,000+ EU laws which hold Brexit Britain back. In the seventh year since the country voted for Brexit, we are sure that a very dim view will be taken by voters if the Civil Service drags its feet and if Ministers do not impose their will, with strict targets to be achieved. All these restrictions need to be removed THIS YEAR - as promised.

In Part Two….

In the second part of this report we will look at the EU’s Single Market – to which Rejoiners of course want us to stay closely aligned and ultimately rejoin. We will demonstrate – with official government data - how the UK's economic growth actually fell after the country joined the Single Market and we will summarise the EU’s own evaluation of how poorly this totemic EU policy has performed in the interests of consumers and businesses.

If you could help to fund these reports we would be greatly appreciative.

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[ Sources: EU Commission | World Bank ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thurs 05 Jan 2023

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