Our bloated NHS – Over 1.6m employees, huge increases, and nothing to show for it

And this doesn’t include GPs and staff employed by primary care providers

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Facts4EU.Org analyses the latest disastrous numbers from the NHS

On Wednesday last week (06 March 2024) the Office for National Statistics published the numbers of people employed by the NHS in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The figures are extraordinary – and yet they do not even include GPs and those employed by primary care providers.

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Two-Parter

Part I – Total numbers of NHS employees declared, excluding GPs and primary care workers (This report)
Part II – Massive growth in number of non patient-facing staff

Today Facts4EU.Org publishes an exclusive report, having analysed the raw data. This is such a shocking picture that we have split this report into two parts. Unfortunately the ONS did not provide a UK-wide summary so we have done this for them.

Total NHS staff excluding GPs and primary care staff

  • England : 1,308,824
  • Scotland : 158,375
  • Wales : 95,445
  • Northern Ireland : 64,688
  • TOTAL : 1,627,332

[Source : Office for National Statistics, 06 Mar 2024.]

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Why can’t this data be simplified across the UK?

Each of the four UK nations publishes official statistics on the directly employed NHS workforce, which provide insight into current NHS employment levels in each nation.

The devolved nature of UK healthcare means that each part of the UK collects and reports NHS workforce data based on their own legislative frameworks, policies and priorities. As the ONS says :

“These differences mean we can look at overall trends but direct comparisons on the NHS workforce cannot be meaningfully made.”

This data is not remotely complete or comparable between the four nations

There are different arrangements for employing the workforce between UK nations, with a combination of direct employment to the NHS, agency workers and commissioned providers. Comparisons using NHS direct employment statistics alone do not account for these policy differences.

Statistical note : Readers might ask why the ONS did not present numbers including GPs and primary care staff. We find this baffling too and we can only suggest readers ask the ONS.

It is also bizarre that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have a category for “medical and dental” staff but England does not. Finally the reporting periods are different.

The simple fact is that we have only been able to present an analysis of the basic figures which the ONS has reported. Clearly the true numbers for those employed in the public healthcare sector are far higher – whether employed directly by the NHS or by agencies or other healthcare providers.

In Part II of this report we will look at the number of non patient-facing staff working for the NHS.


Given the massive expenditure on the NHS and public healthcare in general, it is extraordinary that we do not even know the total number of people employed in this part of the public sector. In this two-part report we have done what we can with the information available. Quite how any Minister can make decisions without all the relevant information is beyond us.

The NHS’s waiting list now stands at well over seven million. It is very obvious that this huge part of the public sector has needed root and branch reform for many years. Instead of which, successive governments have simply thrown money at it.

In Part II we will look at the explosive growth in the number of admin / non-clinical staff directly employed by the NHS.

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[ Sources: Office for National Statistics | NHS England ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 13 Mar 2024

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