Excellent reasons why we should buy British - Part III

For decades the UK has led the way in animal protection – the EU is way behind

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EU live animal transport and slaughter - and the kitten and puppy trade - will the EU finally now act?

In this final part in our series on food safety and animal welfare, Brexit Facts4EU.Org looks at the EU Commission’s latest legislative proposals. It is said that the UK is a nation of animal lovers. As this was one of the few areas where the UK could in part legislate without direct EU interference, British farm animals and pets have enjoyed levels of protection that simply do not exist in the European Union.

Finally, after decades of protest, the EU Commission is tentatively proposing to do something about the abuses taking place to live farm animals transported for slaughter – and to the trade in kittens and puppies - across the European Union. Last month on Thursday 07 Dec 2023 the Commission finally unveiled its plans.

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Series

Part I – The EU’s food safety standards are lower than those in the UK – pork
Part II - The EU’s chicken and egg scandal
Part III - The EU’s appalling standards on animal welfare - This report

The UK has always been way ahead of the EU on animal welfare

The UK has many national laws regarding animal welfare, including the Animal Welfare Act 2006, the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007, and the Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) Regulations 2007.

It also has numerous animal welfare codes of practice for the animals you keep or own. Welfare codes are not law, but if you do not follow them they can be used as evidence in court to show breaches of legislation.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The lack of animal welfare in the EU

  • 1.6 billion live animals are transported into and out of the EU each year
  • 20 years of neglect in the care for these animals – now the Commission finally proposes to act
  • The welfare of puppies, dogs, kittens and cats – breeding and housing – will allegedly also finally be dealt with

What the EU Commission is now finally proposing on animal welfare

The EU Commission admits its lack of action on animal welfare.

“The Commission has today proposed the biggest reform of EU animal welfare rules during transport in 20 years.” [NOTE : This relates to the transport of live animals for slaughter.]

“The Commission is also proposing, for the first time ever, new EU rules on the welfare and traceability of dogs and cats, which are bred, kept and traded, as companion animals, for economic purposes.

“The package includes an overhaul of the current EU rules for animals in transport, which will improve the well-being of the 1.6 billion animals transported in and from the EU each year. The new rules reflect the latest scientific evidence and insights as well as technological developments.”

The existing EU rules for animals in transport are 20 years old. They no longer reflect current realities, latest scientific insights and advice, sustainability goals or legitimate concerns of our citizens when it comes to animal welfare. Today's proposal therefore focusses on key areas, vital to ensure good animal welfare in transport.”

- EU Commission, 07 Dec 2023

The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham, has always been a strong advocate for supporting British farmers, home-grown produce, and for British safety standards. We asked him for his views on out 3-part report.

Comments from the Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham
and former Single Market Minister

"Facts4EU have done another great job highlighting lower standards of animal welfare in the EU than in the UK. The UK has rightly led on raising standards and tried to get improvements from a reluctant or hostile EU all the time we were members. We always used what flexibility we had to do better than the EU. Today we are legislating to go further now we are free to so.

"So where some food says 'Not for sale in the EU' this shows it accords to our higher food safety and animal welfare standards than EU ones.

"It is the EU that is being difficult as they seek to undermine Northern Ireland's place in the UK.

"UK consumers should be reassured the UK has higher standards written into our laws. It means we can buy British with pride. Look out for the Union flag and use the 'Not for sale in the EU' labels as proof that buying British is best. That's what I do."

- The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood MP, commenting to Facts4EU.Org, xx Jan 2024

Here are the specifics from the EU Commission

“Travel times will be shortened and during long journeys, animals must be unloaded for periods of rest, feeding and watering. Special rules will apply to animals for slaughter, and to vulnerable animals such as unweaned calves and pregnant animals.

“Allowances to ensure minimum space for the different animals will be increased and adapted to each species. Transport in extreme temperatures will be subject to strict conditions, including limiting transportation solely to night-time when temperatures exceed 30 degrees. In addition, when temperatures are below 0°C, road vehicles shall be covered and air circulation in the animal compartment controlled, in order to protect animals from exposure to windchill during the journey. If temperatures drop below -5°C, along with the previously mentioned measures, travel duration should not surpass 9 hours.

“Rules for the exports of live animals from the Union will be tightened, including better controls in third countries to meet equivalent standards as those found in the EU.”

- EU Commission, 07 Dec 2023

The Commission fails to say that its standards have to be improved to meet those of countries such as the United Kingdom.

Here is what the EU lobby group for animal welfare had to say

"For the first time, the welfare of cats and dogs will be protected by EU legislation. The proposal is set to introduce long overdue measures on the traceability of cats and dogs, breeding practices and imported animals, but further work is required to tackle extreme breeding and online sales."

- Eurogroup for Animals, 08 Dec 2023


In this 3-part series we have put a sword to the idea that food safety and animal welfare standards are better in the EU than in the United Kingdom. The opposite is the case, as we have proven.

To all those Rejoiners who falsely believe in general that “standards are higher in the EU than in the UK” - despite all the evidence we have published over the years - here is yet another example.

In its own words the EU Commission admits - in a rare moment of weakness it must be said – that ”The existing EU rules for animals in transport are 20 years old. They no longer reflect current realities, latest scientific insights and advice, sustainability goals or legitimate concerns of our citizens when it comes to animal welfare.”

That’s 20 years of suffering of animals, and this lies on top of the suffering caused by EU countries having disregard for animal welfare for years before this.

It should be noted that the EU Commission’s statement last month amounts to a set of proposals. It will take months before this is agreed and turned into law – if indeed that happens.

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[ Sources: EU Commission | UK Government | The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood MP ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Mon 15 Jan 2024

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