Why should scientific powerhouse Brexit Britain subsidise the EU’s scientists?

For years the EU Commission broke its TCA agreement with the UK over Horizon Europe

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Facts4EU.Org exposes how the ‘rule of law’ EU broke its international treaty with the UK

For years the EU continued to deny Brexit Britain’s scientists access to its bloated scientific research programme called ‘Horizon Europe’. Negotiations foundered again and again, mostly based on the amount the EU wanted the UK to pay, and the UK was effectively blackmailed over the problems with the N.I. Protocol.

Just as with the EU’s disastrous and vastly expensive ‘Erasmus+’ student exchange programme, as an EU member the UK had to pay billions into the EU’s Horizon Europe.

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Series

Part I – Why is the UK paying billions to the EU again?
Part II - Why should scientific powerhouse Brexit Britain subsidise the EU’s scientists? (This report)
Part III – Who needed the EU? – Brexit Britain had a vibrant new scientific research programme ready

Under the ‘Trade and Co-operation Agreement’ (TCA), the UK Government agreed to continue to be part of Horizon Europe – against all our campaigning not to do so. Since the TCA was signed, however, the EU Commission refused to implement this. Bizarrely they tied access to Horizon Europe to the dispute over the Northern Ireland Protocol – an entirely separate matter.

Early last year, after signing the equally egregious ‘Windsor Framework’ to resolve the Northern Ireland dispute, Rishi Sunak was confident that access to Horizon Europe would be restored. This simply didn't happen - until now.

“It’s time to consign the EU’s science projects to the petri dish of history, and withdraw £11bn UK funding”
Why should the UK commit to £11bn for EU science projects?
And when did the BBC ever call out the EU for breaking international law?

A Facts4EU.Org report
on the EU’s flagrant disregard for the rule of law

For three years the UK’s scientific community was blocked by the EU from participating in its four major science programmes. This participation was agreed under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) but UK scientists continued to be barred by the EU, for its own political reasons.

Facts4EU.Org conducted its own research project into the EU and its refusal to comply with the terms of the TCA in respect of Britain’s scientists. Our conclusion was that it was time to consign the EU’s ‘Horizon Europe’ and Copernicus science projects to the petri-dish of history.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The EU’s refusal to comply with the terms of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement

  • UK Government agreed to continue funding the EU’s science projects
  • For three years UK participation was banned by the EU Commission
  • The EU did this with no legal basis
  • It was done to blackmail the UK over the N.I. Protocol
  • The UK had committed around £11bn to the EU’s science projects

[Source: UK Government and EU Commission statements.]

What are these EU science projects and how much will they be costing the UK taxpayer?

The EU has various scientific research programmes. The main ones are Horizon, Copernicus, Euratom Research & Training, and Fusion for Energy. In short, these broadly cover scientific and medical research, space and satellites, and nuclear.

For convenience we are going to refer to all of these as ‘Horizon Europe’ (the major one). The figures below show how much the UK Government allocated to these in its official 2021 Spending Review.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

UK’s budget allocation to the EU’s science projects

  • 2021-22 : £1.4 bn
  • 2022-23 : £1.3 bn
  • 2023-24 : £2.4 bn
  • 2024-25 : £2.2 bn
  • 2025-26 : £2.2 bn
  • 2026-27 : £2.2 bn
  • TOTAL : £11.7 bn

[Source: 2021 UK Government Spending Review.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

NOTE: We have combined the budgets from different government departments in an effort to present a more complete picture. For example, the contribution to the EU’s space programme Copernicus bizarrely comes out of the budget of the Dept for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). We have also projected two extra years to line up with the EU’s own budgetary period of 2021-2027.

UK scientists complained – but so did the EU’s, and Brexit should not have been an issue

In essence, ‘Horizon Europe’ is all about funding research and cooperation between the scientists in European countries. Horizon already encompasses many countries outside the EU, so Brexit should never have been an issue.

Given the reputation of the UK’s scientific community there were as many scientists protesting in the EU about the UK’s exclusion as there were in the UK.

What did the UK Government do?

On 20 July 2022 the UK Government issued a statement.

How the UK will transition to a new R&D programme if unable to associate to Horizon Europe, Copernicus and Euratom

Excerpts from statement by the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP

“The UK government has always been clear that our departure from the European Union (EU) does not mean leaving the flagship Horizon, Copernicus, Euratom Research & Training and Fusion for Energy programmes. The UK has always been a major financial and intellectual contributor to these programmes and seeks to continue that partnership.

“Unfortunately, the EU has still not formalised our association to these programmes as agreed under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), linking them to resolution of wider political discussions. I am concerned that the continued delays are causing intolerable uncertainty for our research and business community.”

“Despite widespread support for UK association across member states and the EU’s research community, association continues to look unlikely while the EU links it to wider political issues.”

- Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP, Former Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, 20 July 2022

The UK’s long-term Horizon Europe alternative - 'Pioneer'

With an R&D budget of £39.8 billion over the spending review period, the Dept for Business and Trade and other departments, with their partner organisations, were going to invest across a range of priority areas spanning fundamental research, talent, innovation and infrastructure.

In Part III of this report we will look at the UK's exciting new alternative to Horizon, which was called 'Pioneer'. Sadly the UK government's alignment to the EU's Horizon now makes this obsolete.


The United Kingdom is a scientific powerhouse

The UK dominates the rankings in Europe when it comes to the top-rated universities and the country has by far the most Nobel Laureates. The EU needs the UK’s brainboxes.

It is well-known that academics overwhelming voted to remain in the European Union. This was confirmed by the Times Higher Educational Supplement survey which we reported on. It is therefore not surprising that these academics and their representative bodies were up in arms about being blocked from Horizon Europe and blamed Brexit.

In reality it was the EU Commission that was at fault. There was no conceivable justification for linking the UK’s participation in scientific programmes to the N.I. Protocol. Indeed, we would argue that there was a clear breach of the TCA by the EU.

The Government then confirmed its long-term commitment to British science and research, with a very significant budget. This was welcomed by Universities UK and other organisations.

At the time we urged the Government to go further and inform the EU Commission that because of its failure to comply with the terms of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, the UK would go its own way. The British taxpayer would then have saved money (EU programmes always go over-budget and over-deadline) and scientists across Europe and around the world could have continued to cooperate as they have done for generations.

In Part III – Who needed the EU? – Brexit Britain had a vibrant new scientific research programme ready.

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[ Sources: UK Dept for Business and Trade | DEFRA | 2021 Spending Review | EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 18 Feb 2024

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