EU is buying 78 TIMES more than UK from Putin's Russia as a % of its global imports

'The EU’s hypocrisy in its trade with Putin' - Should someone tell President Zelenskyy?

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2023

Part Two of an EXCLUSIVE Brexit Facts4EU.Org report

Yesterday in Part One we showed how the EU's total trade with Putin's Russia (imports + exports) totalled €¼ TRILLION in the 12 months to end-June 2023. Today in Part Two we show how Brexit Britain's Russian imports and exports are a tiny fraction of the EU's, as a proportion of the global trade of each.

As we reported yesterday, on Friday the EU perhaps unwisely published one of its regular propaganda pieces. This one was about its trade with Putin’s Russia in which it seemed to pat itself on the back for reducing its trade with that pariah state. Once again we have analysed in detail the figures for the 12 months to June this year, both from the EU Commission and from the UK’s Office for National Statistics. The results are even more shocking than yesterday's.

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Two-Parter

Part One – Total trade (imports and exports) of the EU and UK with Russia as a % of their total international trade
Part Two - Imports and exports with Russia - how much are the EU and UK buying and selling? (This report)

To confirm, given that the relative sizes of the EU’s and the UK’s international trade are very different, we have used percentages as the EU itself did on Friday. This allows for a true comparison between how the UK and the EU have been treating Russia in their commercial trading arrangements, in relation to their relative sizes.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The EU’s and the UK’s trade with Putin’s Russia, 12 months to June 2023

[Sources : EU Commission statistics agency and the UK’s Office for National Statistics, accessed 03 Sept 2023.]

1. Imports from Russia as % of their total imports (How much did they each buy?)

  • EU : 3.91% (The EU is buying 78 times more from Putin's Russia than the UK, pro rata)
  • UK : 0.05%

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2023 - click to enlarge

2. Exports to Putin's Russia as % of their total exports globally (How much did they each sell?)

  • EU : 1.75% (The EU is selling Russia 10 times more than the UK, pro rata)
  • UK : 0.18%

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2023 - click to enlarge

On Friday the EU Commission put a different interpretation on the data

Here is what they said :-

© EU Commission 2023

The headline from the EU’s statistics agency is based on a single month’s figures for June. Responsible statisticians would never take a single month’s trade data and use this to make a political point.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org has looked at the trade data over the last year, which shows just how slowly the EU has reacted compared to the UK. The EU’s commercial dealings with Putin’s Russia may have fallen in value – but too slowly and not by nearly enough.

The simple fact is that in the 12 months to June 2023, the EU27 have paid Putin’s Russia €111.2bn for goods, despite their supposed sanctions. They have also sold Putin’s Russia goods to the value of €45.6bn.

The UK acted fast to reduce its trade with Putin’s Russia to a trickle – within a few months. Conversely the EU has acted sluggishly and has continued to buy from Russia and continued to sell to it - in massive quantities.


Regardless of readers' views about the military conflict and the extent to which the UK should be involved, these two reports are not about this. They are about economic sanctions against Putin's Russia and the level of the EU's hypocrisy. We have exposed the difference between EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's repeated public announcements - and the reality. The simple fact is that Brexit Britain has once again outperformed the EU to a major degree.

The EU propaganda continues

The EU Commission has continued to put out a relentless series of statements accompanying its 12 sets of sanctions spread over the last 18 months. Even when it does not have new sanctions to announce it proclaims what it is doing on a regular basis.

Our report shows the numbers which the EU cannot escape from.

‘Funded by the UK’ - A Brexit dividend

The EU Commission wastes no opportunity to label any assistance it gives to Ukraine as “Funded by the EU” when in reality this aid comes from individual EU countries. If the UK had still been a member country, the Ukrainian people would have had no idea of the extent of the UK’s support. It would have been subsumed within the EU umbrella and under its label.

On military aid the United Kingdom has been far and away the most prolific and timely provider of military equipment and training for the Ukrainian armed forces. No other EU country has come close and in some cases – notably Germany – this assistance has had to be dragged out of them. The UK has been assisting the Ukrainian military since Putin’s first illegal invasion of Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, while the EU did very little.

If the UK had still been a member of the EU, it is certain that last year it would have had to follow the EU’s bureaucratic, insufficient, and very slow response to Putin's latest illegal invasion of Ukraine.

The EU’s ‘sanctions packages’ against Russia

As we pointed out yesterday, when it comes to international sanctions these need to be immediate and co-ordinated if they are going to have the desired effect in altering the behaviour of the rogue state in question – in this case Russia.

To this day the EU is buying significant volumes of Russian goods, thereby helping to fund the Russian economy during Putin’s ongoing atrocities against Ukraine. EU companies have also continued to profit from their sales to Putin’s Russia.

Since late February 2022, the EU has adopted a total of 12 sanctions packages against Russia and against countries such as Belarus. These have been decided upon on average every couple of months.

Some of the latest ones have been designed to address the growing problem of Russia circumventing the measures by using third countries through which to channel their goods. These channels have been very useful for those EU countries who were happy to turn a blind eye to the provenance of energy products in particular.

The figures we have shown above are those for direct purchases from Russia and direct sales to it. The reality is that the numbers would be even higher if the sales to and from third countries were correctly classified as originating from Russia.

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[ Sources: EU Commission | ONS ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Tues 05 Sept 2023

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