If the UK re-joined the EU in the next 10 years, what would it be re-joining?

“Must do better” - EU Commission’s report card on the 9 countries lining up to join

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2023

On Wednesday the Commission showed how it plans to become the EU36

On Wednesday (08 November 2023) the EU Commission published its annual reviews of each of the 10 countries who want to join the EU. One is irrelevant (Turkey) as talks have been stalled for the last five years. The other nine are very keen, however, and none of them will be net contributors to the EU budget.

Brexit Facts4EU summarises each country’s chances, plus what the EU would look like

Part One – How the EU27 intends to become the EU36 (This report)
Part Two - Just how little these countries will add to the EU’s GDP

Today Brexit Facts4EU.Org presents a picture of what the newly enlarged EU will ultimately look like. If the Rejoiners had their way and if the UK applied to become a member again, then it is important to know what we would be rejoining.

Firstly, who are “the Candidates”?

We start by listing the countries lining up to join the EU.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The list of nine realistic 'Candidates' to enter what would be 'the EU36'

Seven official ‘realistic’ Candidates :

  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Moldova
  • Montenegro
  • North Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Ukraine

One official Candidate going nowhere :

  • Turkey

Two Potential Candidates:

  • Georgia
  • Kosovo

[Source: Latest EU official data, released Wed 08 Nov 2023.]

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Secondly, what are their chances of becoming members of the EU?

Below we have only summarised some of the major issues which currently prevent any of these countries becoming members of the EU. There are more, but readers might detect some common themes. The EU Commission talk of each of these countries in positive terms, emphasising the progress they are each making. The reality is that they all have some way to go.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Currently the 'Candidates' are not who you might wish to have as neighbours

'The Magnificent Seven'

Problem Areas: Corruption, organized crime, freedom of expression, minority issues, rule of law.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Problem Areas: Corruption, judicial system, economic reforms, freedom of expression.

Problem Areas: Corruption, power of oligarchs, judicial reform.

Problem Areas: Corruption, organized crime, justice reform.

North Macedonia
Problem Areas: Corruption, organized crime, public administration.

Problem Areas: Way too close to Russia and China, attacks on Kosovo.

Problem Areas: Corruption, power of oligarchs, organised crime, fair treatment of minorities... Oh, and there’s a war going on.

Two Potential Candidates:

Problem Areas: Corruption, power of oligarchs, human rights, Russian media interference, electoral problems, over-powerful security services, judicial reform.

Problem Areas: Corruption, judicial reform, government reform, state services, relationship with Serbia.

In Part II we will demonstrate just how little these countries will add to the EU’s overall GDP.


The EU's unelected decision-makers

It is worth pointing out that the unelected EU Commission acts as prosecutor and judge when it comes to deciding which countries can become “Candidate Countries” of the European Union.

The ultimate arbiter is then the EU Council who effectively act as jury. They are the ones who decide on the Commission’s recommendations and they must act in unanimity in order for a new country to be allowed to join.

It is the 27 Leaders (and their coalition governments) in the EU Council who are the real hurdle for many of the applicants. The disputes over policies towards Russia and China represent just one area that is causing real conflict politically - even amongst the existing EU27 - but this is the tip of the iceberg. Some EU members also object vehemently to other policies of the Candidate countries. For example the Bulgarians have recently sent troops in considerable numbers to their border with Serbia. And the Candidate countries also have many serious disputes between themselves.

Re-join what, exactly?

When any of the applicants do end up as EU Members, it begs the question of just what sort of political mess will reign in Europe for decades. On top of this, there is the thorny question of freedom of movement. One can only imagine how many millions from these poor countries will exert their new rights to come and live in the UK.

Then there is the question of just how much more per annum the UK would have to contribute to the EU budget each year, if the UK were to rejoin. The EU will be paying the Candidate countries many billions every year for years, to pay for the upgrading of their infrastructures. This is a subject we will cover in Part II.

There should be no mistake in readers' minds. The EU is determined to absorb the nine countries we have listed into their sclerotic political bloc. This will not happen overnight but the process is well underway.

The United Kingdom is well out of this. Another Brexit benefit.

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[ Sources: EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Fri 10 Nov 2023

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