2,900 EU boat migrants in 10 days – when will the EU take them back?

The moment the weather cleared after the PM’s boasts, the surge resumed

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The EU must be called to account over its export of another 10,500 illegal migrants to the UK

Just over 10 days ago Rishi Sunak boasted about a reduction in illegal migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. He did so while the weather in the Channel was preventing crossings. Now the weather has improved it has exploded again.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org presents the latest data on the numbers and asks when the government will call the EU to account.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Illegal migrants crossing from the EU to the UK in 2023

  • As of yesterday, over 10,500 illegal migrants from the EU had arrived in the UK
  • The unusual weather conditions in the English Channel had previously suppressed the numbers
  • Over 2,900 illegal migrants have arrived since the Prime Minister’s speech just over 10 days ago

[Source: The Home Office, 20 Jun 2023.]

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The source of this is the EU

Currently President Macron has refused to negotiate on the return of his illegal migrants departing French shores, saying that it is a matter for the EU.

The EU Commission has so far not engaged with the UK government on this issue.


All illegal migrants in small boats come from the EU

It might be said that the refusal of the EU Commission to allow the repatriation of its illegal immigrants from the United Kingdom back to France – whence they came – is not an act of neighbourly co-operation, enshrined in the Withdrawal Agreement.

We would go further and say this is typical of the hostile attitude of the EU Commission’s unelected Eurocrats since the British people voted to leave the EU, in the largest exercise of UK democracy in history.

The UK has thrown hundreds of millions of pounds to France to pay for its border force on the northern coast. (One might ask why.) Yes, there have been some efforts by the gendarmes, but they are clearly not enough.

As a result of the intransigence of Emperor Macron and the EU Commissariat, the UK is now spending hundreds of millions more on the Rwanda plan. This is currently held up in the Remainer House of Lords and the Courts of Justice and looks unlikely to come to fruition any time soon.

If the EU simply agreed to take back its illegal migrants the problem would be solved overnight.

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[ Sources: The UK Home Office ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 21 June 2023

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