Latest : EU fudges its immigration policy for the 8th year running

Numbers are growing and more will be headed for the UK in small boats

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Brexit Facts4EU looks at the EU’s latest (tentative) immigration pact

For years the EU Commission has been trying to broker a deal on immigration – and failing. So far none of the proposed policies has held, with numerous EU member countries refusing to comply. Last week in Luxembourg yet another deal was proposed in an attempt to ‘fudge’ a compromise.

Ahead of the official text expected on Tuesday, Brexit Facts4EU.Org brings readers a summary of the prospective deal which has been done at the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Council on 08-09 June 2023.

This matters to the UK because of number of the EU’s illegal migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The provisional agreement on the Asylum and Migration Management Regulation and the Asylum Procedure Regulation

  • The EU’s border states want to re-distribute migrants across the EU
  • The EU’s non-border states don’t want to take them
  • Border states will be allowed stricter controls to process and return illegal migrants
  • Non-border states will be allowed to refuse transfer of migrants in return for payments per migrant
  • This compromise deal must still be approved by the EU Parliament and the full EU Council

[Source: EU Justice and Home Affairs Council.]

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Here is what the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Council agreed

The Council reached an agreement on two key asylum and migration files – the Asylum and Migration Management Regulation and the Asylum Procedure Regulation. Both laws are cornerstones of a new European migration and asylum policy which they describe as ”fair, efficient and sustainable for the long term.”

“Migration is a common European challenge and responsibility. Our agreement today is a big leap forward to a fair and sustainable European migration and asylum policy.”

- Maria Malmer Stenergard, Swedish minister for migration

The asylum procedures regulation (APR) establishes a common procedure across the EU that member states need to follow when people seek international protection. The regulation contains a border procedure rule which allows a fast assessment at the EU’s external borders whether applications are unfounded or inadmissible.

The Asylum and Migration Management Regulation (AMMR) should replace the current Dublin regulation. The purpose of the AMMR is to determine which member state is responsible for the examination of an asylum application. It claims to ”establish a new migration management and solidarity mechanism which would assure a more even distribution of migrants across the EU.”


Since Angela Merkel’s disastrous and unilateral declaration of “All welcome here” in 2015, the EU has suffered a serious problem with immigration – legal and illegal. Putting aside the four million immigrants from Ukraine who are now in the EU, the EU still does not seem able to control its borders.

The numbers are growing, as have shown in many previous reports.

We frequently get comments from Rejoiners saying “Why do you care? We’ve left.” These comments are of course wholly disingenuous for two main reasons.

  1. It is axiomatic that Rejoiners wish the UK to re-enter this dysfunctional and sclerotic EU empire and subject ourselves once again to its foreign laws and rules
  2. The EU’s failure to deal with illegal immigration impacts directly on the UK, with the EU refusing to take back illegal boat migrants arriving in the UK

It remains to be seen whether a legal text for the new immigration pact will ever be agreed. Our best guess, based on previous form, is that if a text is agreed it will be so weak as to be unworkable and ineffective.

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[ Sources: EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 11 June 2023

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