EU migrants, Part Three - The ‘pull factor’ of Brexit Britain

How job prospects for EU citizens have always been so much better in the UK

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Facts4EU.Org analyses the official numbers of EU migrants and why they came

A four-part Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org investigation into
who came to the UK legally from the EU – and why

  1. Part OneWhere did the 6.7 million legal EU migrants come from?
  2. Part TwoHow much more could they earn in the UK than in their EU country of origin?
  3. Part Three – Unemployment : How much better were job prospects in the UK than in the EU? [TODAY]
  4. Part Four – Home Office still approves more EU migrants PER MONTH than illegal boat migrants all year to date

In this four-part landmark report, we provide the official facts

It is a simple fact that unemployment in the UK – and in Brexit Britain after we left – has been consistently much lower than that in the EU27 countries. As we have reported many times, for those in the EU who wanted a job the UK was - and is - the place to come.

In this third part of our EU migrants series we look at how millions of EU migrants left countries with much higher unemployment rates than the UK’s.

Yesterday the EU Commission celebrated 'International Migrants Day'

© EU Commission 2022

Yesterday the EU Commission once again extolled the virtues of millions of migrants per year on 'International Migrants Day'. The Executive Vice President Josep Borrell, No.2 to Ursula von der Leyen, said this:

“Every year, around 2 to 3 million people from all over the world come legally to the EU to work or study. At the same time, every year thousands seek to reach the EU in irregular and unsafe ways, using deadly routes….”

“Some move in search of new job opportunities…. the EU is working to create new avenues for legal migration, for all levels of education and skill-sets, such as through the establishment of strong and mutually beneficial Talent Partnerships with partner countries, including Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.”

- EU Commission Executive Vice President Josep Borrell, Sun 18 Dec 2022

As in our last report on EU27 wages compared to the UK’s, we use the official data from the EU Commission from 2016 – the year the British people voted in the biggest numbers in British history to leave the European Union. We then give the current picture, with a comment from former Brexit Minister the Rt Hon David Jones MP.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Unemployment has consistently been worse in the EU this century than in the UK

1. Overall unemployment rates in EU countries in 2016 when we voted Leave

  • UK : 4.9%
  • EU27 : 8.6%

[Source: Official EU Commission statistics for June 2016.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2022 - click to enlarge

2. Youth unemployment rates in EU countries in June 2016 when we voted Leave

  • UK : 12.1%
  • EU28 : 18.5%

[Source: Official EU Commission statistics and ONS statistics for June 2016.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2022 - click to enlarge

3. And today?

Despite the propaganda, in 2022 Brexit Britain continues to have much lower unemployment than the EU27 average.

  • UK : 3.7%
  • EU27 : 6.0%

[Sources: Official EU Commission statistics and Office for National Statistics figures for Oct 2022.]

Former Brexit Minister the Rt Hon David Jones MP commented exclusively to Facts4EU.Org

“This excellent report by Facts4EU and CIBUK makes clear that the pre-Brexit warnings of economic damage resulting in higher unemployment were well off the mark.

"More than six years after the UK voted to leave the European Union, British unemployment remains significantly lower than the EU average.

“The resilience of the UK economy is, in large part, the reason why this country remains a magnet for continental workers. That, in turn, underlines the need for tighter controls on inward migration.

“Despite the best efforts of Rejoiners to talk Britain down, it is clear that Brexit has been good for our country, with a nimble, independent UK more able to withstand the global shocks of recent months."

- The Rt Hon David Jones MP, 19 Dec 2022

The tragedy of high unemployment in the EU

The EU has suffered high unemployment for decades. For many years you were twice as likely to be out of a job in the EU than in the United Kingdom.

For young people the situation in the EU was even worse. In some EU countries almost an entire young generation has been condemned to living at their parents’ homes, collecting the dole instead of being productive citizens.


In this four-part series on the six million-plus EU migrants whose applications for residency have been granted by the Home Office, we have researched the official facts.

  • In Part One on migrant applications we quoted the latest Home Office figures
  • In Part Two on migrants’ wages in their home countries we used the EU Commission’s data
  • In Part Three today we have once again gone to Brussels for their official figures
  • And in Part Four we reveal the extraordinary numbers of EU migrants' applications for residency still being approved by the Home Office

Fundamentally this is about EU Freedom of Movement

The Rejoiner campaign can deflect all they want (and they will) but this landmark set of four reports is about the consequences of the EU’s ‘Freedom of Movement’ rules.

Facts4EU.Org has laid bare the basic facts about immigration from the EU. We suggest that in our use of the official data as usual, Rejoiners have nowhere to hide. It simply is not good enough for the small but highly vocal anti-British, pro-EU brigade in the UK to witter on about xenophobia, racism, or anything else. They have to confront reality.

If the United Kingdom were to rejoin the EU it would be forced to accept Freedom of Movement again, leading to a further increase in the already unacceptable levels of immigration into the country.

If they don’t believe us they should get out more. Certainly they should get out of London and the other major cities and feel the temperature right across the country.

We hope this series of four factual reports has been informative for our readers. If so, please support our work with a donation today. We just can’t keep doing this without you. Thank you.

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[ Sources: Official EU Commission statistics for 2016 ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Mon 19 Dec 2022

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