Can Farage pull off another upset with his Reform UK Party in the general election?

At the last EU elections Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party easily beat all of Europe

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024

In the UK he also trounced the Conservatives, Labour, and the LibDems

In May 2019 Nigel Farage changed the landscape for all the other parties in the EU and easily won the most seats in the EU Parliament, beating German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party and decimating the UK’s Conservative and Labour parties.

Today, the electorates of the EU27 are still voting for their MEPs in the EU Parliament. As we await the 2024 results tomorrow morning, (Mon 10 Jun), Facts4EU.Org looks back to Mr Farage’s resounding victory in 2019 and asks whether there are any parallels with what might happen at the UK general election on 04 July.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Nigel Farage’s stunning victory in the EU Parliamentary elections 2019

1. The victory in the UK

  1. Brexit Party : 29
  2. LibDems : 16
  3. Labour : 10
  4. Greens : 7
  5. Conservative : 4
  6. SNP : 3
  7. Plaid Cymru : 1
  8. DUP : 1
  9. Alliance (N.I.) : 1
  10. Sinn Fein (N.I.) : 1

[Source : EU Parliament.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

If “a week is a long time in politics” then five years is a lifetime, but can lessons be learnt?

The scale of Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party victory five years ago in the EU parliamentary elections can easily be forgotten, as the UK left the EU the following year. Nevertheless it is worth looking back at the devastation he wreaked on both the Conservatives and Labour at that nationwide election.

The Brexit Party took seats from both of the UK’s two main political parties. The Conservatives lost 15 seats and Labour lost 10. It should also be pointed out that the UK’s most ardent pro-Remain party, the LibDems, gained 15 seats. Nevertheless Mr Farage’s party was the clear and outright winner in the United Kingdom, coming from nowhere to win 29 seats.

The magnitude of this victory is perhaps a salutary lesson for the UK’s main political parties in the lead-up to the UK’s 2024 general election on 04 July.

EXCLUSIVE : Deputy Leader of Reform UK and former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib, commenting on our report

“Reform UK has been building and building over the last year. Polling 5% in October 2023, it is now at 18% and neck and neck with the Tories.

“When I joined Reform I said I wanted to obliterate the Tory Parliamentary Party. It failed to deliver to Brexit and left Northern Ireland under the boot of the EU. Well, that step has been achieved.

“Reform must now take seats and become a serious Parliamentary Party. We must save our country from the multiple existential threats posed to it by successive Tory and Labour governments.

“Certainly, I will not leave the fray until that mission is accomplished.”

- Deputy Leader of Reform UK, Ben Habib, 09 Jun 2024

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Nigel Farage’s stunning victory over Europe in the EU Parliament elections 2019

2. The victory in the EU

  1. UK Brexit Party : 29
  2. CDU (Merkel) : 23
  3. LREM (Macron) : 21

[Source : EU Parliament.]

As can be seen above, Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party was the clear winner in the last EU Parliamentary elections. He beat all UK parties as well as all EU parties, to gain the maximum number of seats of any single political party in Europe.


Firstly, and for the benefit of new readers, Facts4EU.Org remains non-partisan and welcomes views from all political persuasions.

Tomorrow we will know just how far the EU has shifted to the Right

Whether the movements will be on the scale Mr Farage and his Brexit Party achieved in 2019 is something we doubt. Nevertheless we expect a tectonic shift in the voting in many EU countries which will have ramifications in the bloc for the rest of this year and for years to come. Some of these will undoubtedly affect the UK.

When it comes to the United Kingdom and the general election in just over three weeks’ time, Mr Farage’s Reform UK party is already climbing in the latest opinion polls. Given his success five years ago in the EU parliamentary elections, it is possible that he might well pull off a surprise.

And finally, as it's a Sunday...

As regular readers know, on Sundays we give our readership some music which has some resonance with our report. Today we present Billy Joel. This song is a classic. It might not at first seem to have any relevance, but it's about ordinary people and their struggles.

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[ Sources: EU Parliament | Reform UK ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 09 Jun 2024

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