EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Nigel Farage's Deputy takes no prisoners

Reform UK's Deputy Leader says “The Conservative Parliamentary Party is in direct opposition to its own membership”

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024

A ‘no-holds-barred’ interview with Ben Habib, former MEP and Reform’s Deputy Leader

Today we are publishing an exclusive video interview with Ben Habib, Nigel Farage’s Deputy Leader of Reform UK, speaking frankly to us on the major topics of interest to UK voters in our global broadcast. Amongst many other subjects he tells us “The need for mass immigration to run our public services is a flawed argument, when four million of our own are on benefit.”

Here's a quick 'taster'

We are well aware that some readers do not have the time to watch a full interview, so we and our Australian colleagues have prepared a 50 second trailer which you can watch here.

[Video copyright Facts4EU.Org, CIBUK.Org and Commanding the Narrative (Australia). For permissions to re-use, write to us here.]

We have published the full interview on the YouTube channel of our colleagues at CIBUK, where readers can also find interviews with other notable individuals, including former MPs the Rt Hon Sir John Redwood and David Jones, as well as Nigel Farage, Lord David Frost, Lord Peter Cruddas, and others.

And here is the full, uncensored video

Please remember to click on 'Like' and 'Subscribe'!

[Video copyright Facts4EU.Org, CIBUK.Org and Commanding the Narrative (Australia). For permissions to re-use, write to us here.]

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Europe’s shift to the Right. What does this mean for UK politics?
PLUS : What’s going on in the UK general election?

A summary and some transcripts from this riveting interview

On the new political divisions

  • We have moved beyond the traditional left/right divide
  • The battle today is between those who govern and see their prosperity through the prism of globalism versus those who see prosperity primarily through the prism of the nation state
  • This revolt is taking place within the UK. It is also taking place across Europe as the recent elections to the European Parliament have illustrated

On comparative electoral systems

  • Ben argues against proportional representation and in favour of first past the post
  • He believes that PR has the effect of muting and diluting the voices of those who campaign on a clear, partisan manifesto
  • He cites the Netherlands and Italy where Geert Wilders and Georgia Meloni have conceded their agenda on mass immigration

On the ‘mood on the street’

“The spirit that got Brexit over the line in 2019 has not been abandoned”

  • Parliament has turned its back on the will of the people

On Reform UK’s political objectives

“The party is fielding 611 candidates across the UK.”

On realignment with the Conservative Party

“The Conservative Parliamentary Party is in direct opposition to its own membership.”

  • Ben expresses his strong opposition to any coalition deal with the Conservative Party
  • At most there are 10 Conservative MPs who hold similar views to Reform UK
  • He believes the Conservative Party will be even more globalist after the election

On reform of our institutions

“The UK’s eco-system is infested with a culture of self-loathing.”

  • Institutional opposition to what Reform UK believe in is widespread. The struggle to overhaul it will be immense
  • From the civil service and judiciary to the armed forces and the police, the UK’s eco-system he believes is infected to the core
  • Unless the fight is taken to these institutions, the UK faces an existential crisis

On Net Zero

“The penny will only drop when the full costs come home to roost.”

  • Reform UK will ditch Net Zero
  • Objectively the scientific evidence is flaky
  • Switching off our energy supplies from the North Sea amounts to economic self-harm
  • It is a supra-national policy imposed on the West and not the rest of the world

On legal migration

“Immigration helps to undermine the nation state.”

  • The need for mass immigration to run our public services is a flawed argument, when four million of our own are on benefit
  • It acts as a huge break on productivity and a barrier to innovation

On illegal migration

“Our Government has turned a blind eye to border control.”

  • Government has turned a blind eye to border control
  • Reform UK would create a dedicated force with fast boats backed up with drones, barriers and censors and send the boats back to France by force if necessary

On cultural identity

“You cannot fix the destruction of the culture of a country which is what happens with mass immigration.”

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion is designed to undermine the settled culture of the country
  • We are now practising a form of reverse-racism
  • Reform UK would impose a 6.2% surcharge tax on employers who employ foreign workers

On Northern Ireland

“Northern Ireland is effectively no longer a part of the UK.”

On education and our young people

“Children have been brought up to be ashamed of their country.”

  • Reform UK would reinstate British history and would support Christianity to be taught in schools
  • Abolish critical race theory
  • Support the singing of the National Anthem each morning

On re-connecting with the North

“The working class want to work and need to be incentivised.”

  • Reform UK’s pledge is to raise the threshold at which income tax is paid to £20k per annum

Facts4EU.Org remains non-partisan. In this election campaign we aim to shine some light on the policies of the main political parties, to help inform the voting decisions of the British electorate.


We would like to thank Ben Habib for expressing himself in such a forthright fashion in this exclusive interview - something which is increasingly rare amongst politicians. We strongly recommend watching the whole interview. There are many revelations which we think readers (and the media) will find interesting.

This interview was organised by Facts4EU.Org's Chairman and has now gone around the world, as well as hitting UK voters in the general election.

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[ Sources: Ben Habib ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sat 22 Jun 2024

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