‘One week today, the country will go to the anti-Brexit dogs’

Keir Starmer and Labour’s record over the last few years cannot be brushed under the carpet

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What voters should know about Keir Starmer’s Labour if they care about independence, sovereignty and freedom

In exactly one week’s time on 04 July the British people will vote in the general election. They will vote in large numbers for a Labour government led by Keir Starmer. In so doing, they will be voting for a party which has consistently fought against the largest democratic vote in British history, and one which has done everything possible to overturn Brexit.

Note : The picture above comes from Keir Starmer’s X (Twitter) account, and shows the provisional new PM and his Deputy PM down on bended knees to the now discredited BLM movement. This article looks at how this behaviour may be replicated in the UK’s relationship with the EU under a Labour administration.

There can be no doubt that Labour will win the election and Keir Starmer will form his new administration. In the latest MRP poll published yesterday, it predicted the following numbers of seats:-

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Find Out Now / Electoral Calculus MRP poll

  • Labour : 450
  • LibDem : 71
  • Conservative : 60
  • SNP : 24
  • Reform : 18
  • Green : 4
  • Plaid Cymru : 4

[Source : Find Out Now / Electoral Calculus, 26 Jun 2024.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

The electorate will naturally vote how they wish, but they should know what they’re voting for

Being non-partisan we make no comment on the political parties’ various policies which do not relate to our core principles of independence, sovereignty and democracy. When it comes to these values, however, we feel it is only right to draw voters’ attention to Labour as a clear and imminent danger. They risk re-creating the UK as a nation once again subservient to Brussels, and where the government will not be free to act in the interests of its own people.

Labour’s current leader, Sir Keir Starmer, has demonstrated his proclivities over many years. During Jeremy Corbyn’s period as leader, Starmer backed him fully. The fact he has now flip-flopped cannot expunge this.

When it comes to Brexit, Starmer was unequivocal in his support for a ‘People’s Vote’. This was a proposal for a second referendum to overturn the decision which had already been delivered by the British people in the EU Referendum – one he didn’t like. It was nothing short of an attempt by the Labour leader and former Director of Public Prosecutions to usurp democracy.

Starmer also voted for the Benn ‘Surrender’ Act which effectively removed the government’s ability to negotiate with the EU Commission in any meaningful sense.

“Keir Starmer is about to kill the Brexit dream for good”

Today’s Daily Telegraph contains an article by the eminent barrister Martin Howe KC – an expert on EU law – with the above headline. We should add that this headline was written by the Telegraph and the author says he does not agree with it. In the article itself, he says this :-

“Starmer’s and Reeve’s comments about trying to negotiate with the EU to improve the terms of Brexit reveal their naivety about the EU and its objectives. Their attempt will either fail altogether in the face of the EU’s demands – probably the most likely outcome – but if they do a deal, it is likely to involve a very heavy price in loss of independence and control in return for modest trade benefits.”

Starmer’s 40 pieces of silver

In total, Starmer voted over 40 times for legislation to hinder the UK’s exit from the UK and/or its independence as a sovereign nation.

In both March and April 2019 Mr Starmer voted for a ‘confirmatory public vote’ on Brexit. This was a brazen attempt to force the British public to vote again ‘until they got the decision right’. It was only narrowly defeated. He also voted for the Cooper-Letwin Bill, designed to ensure the UK could not leave the EU without a deal, to emasculate UK negotiators.

Starmer also voted in favour of the UK seeking full membership of the Erasmus+ student scheme, voted for many EU citizens to be granted automatic UK citizenship, as well as other moves to allow EU family members in.


With a majority of 100 or so seats more than Boris Johnson achieved in 2019, Starmer will have the closest thing to absolute power the country has seen since the reign of the original King Charles. Our report today will not change the result, but at least some voters will be better informed.

The irony is that Starmer and his party seem intent on transferring this power back to Brussels.

Looking only at the issues of independence, sovereignty and freedom, our verdict is : ‘One week today, the country will go to the anti-Brexit dogs.’

Who will 'speak truth to power' after next Thursday?

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[ Sources: Starmer Twitter account | Electoral Calculus poll | Martin Howe in the Telegraph | Hansard voting record ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thurs 27 Jun 2024

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