After a long battle we got our independence – Let’s not give it up today

300,000 men went to war for democracy & freedom, all we have to do is go to the local polling station

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Postal ballot delays? The simple answer is “make the small effort to vote in person”

80 years ago last month, hundreds of thousands of young men put their lives on the line in the D-Day landings, to protect democracy in the UK and to restore it in the rest of Europe. The least we can do today is to honour them by exercising the privilege they granted to us.

Whatever your political allegiance we urge all readers to go to the local polling station and lodge their vote.

The UK’s newspapers have started telling people how to vote. (See below.) Being non-partisan we will not do this. We merely suggest that when you go to the polling station today, you consider how the principles of independence, sovereignty, democracy and freedom are best represented by the candidates in your constituency.

The five main parties



Above : Rishi Sunak (Cons), Keir Starmer (Labour), Nigel Farage (Reform), Ed Davey (LibdDems), John Swinney (SNP)

There are now five main parties in the UK’s general election : Labour, Conservative, Reform, LibDems - and the SNP in Scotland - in that order. Based on Facts4EU’s ‘Poll of Polls’ which we published yesterday, the UK vote shares of these parties are as follows.

  1. Lab : 39.9%
  2. Con : 21.1%
  3. Reform : 15.8%
  4. Lib Dems : 11.3%
  5. SNP : 2.9% (but with a much higher share in Scotland)

Votes versus seats

The media obsess with the number of seats in Parliament which will be won. This is quite natural as it is MPs who are able to debate and vote on our laws.

That said, the outcome of today’s election looks very unlikely to reflect the share of votes cast. In particular it seems probable that the LibDems will end up with a wholly disproportionate number of MPs compared to their share of the vote. They are in fourth place, according to the polls, but will probably have 10 times more MPs than Reform UK which is in third place, and which is significantly more popular than the LibDems overall.

What the papers say

Whether explicitly, or by interpretation of its editorial stance, here is how the British press lines up.

  • Vote Labour : The Sun, Financial Times (Brussels’ favourite), Sunday Times, Daily Mirror, Guardian
  • Vote Conservative : Daily Telegraph, Daily Express
  • Vote Reform : Nothing

Postal voting - 'X' marks the spot

In this Internet age there is something rather special about going to the polling station, having your name checked on the electoral roll, being given a ballot paper, and then entering a booth. When you draw that curtain behind you, the world is not watching. Whatever influences or pressure have been brought to bear on you are gone. In complete privacy you can make your choice and put your 'X' against the name of the candidate you would like to represent you in Parliament. This has been our system for generations.

Sadly, the changes brought in by Tony Blair mean that almost anyone now has the right to a postal ballot. Around 20% of people have taken advantage of this. Not only does this belittle the value of voting, it has serious dangers in terms of fraud. In some communities in the UK it is said that religious leaders collate ballot papers from their communities and fill them in.

There is one final point that is seldom made. We should all vote on the same day. Much can happen in the weeks preceding an election. The election day should be just that: the day we unite as a country and give our decision on that day.

The only people who should be allowed postal ballots are the infirm who cannot leave the house, and members of the armed forces on duty overseas.

Going back to basic principles

The Facts4EU.Org team always focuses on certain core principles, regardless of party. These principles are those of independence, sovereignty, democracy and freedom. Contained within these is of course the No.1 duty of any government : defence of the Realm.

When you go to the polling station today, we hope you will keep these basic principles in mind and place your ‘X’ on the ballot paper beside the name of the candidate you most trust to uphold these.


The important thing is actually to go out and vote today, whatever your political allegiance. A healthy democracy thrives on the maximum possible engagement of the electorate with the legislature. Put simply, if you don’t vote, you don’t count. Don’t come complaining later.

We are facing a pivotal moment in British electoral history. Please be a part of it. Thank you.

And finally, to lighten the mood...

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[ Sources: See report ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Election Day, Thurs 04 Jul 2024

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