Almost 500 illegal migrants have crossed in 2 days, since Starmer scrapped Rwanda

Will Starmer’s ‘new’ plan work? Sadly it was already tried by the previous government

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The total number of illegal migrants is now nearly 130,000

One of the first announcements made by the new UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer was the scrapping of the Sunak government’s ‘Rwanda Plan’ for stopping large numbers of young undocumented males from entering the UK with assistance from the French Navy. His spokesman also said that some 102,000 migrants currently in the system would now be allowed to apply for asylum.

On Wednesday at the NATO Summit in Washington, the PM said he would not be putting any target numbers on reductions of boat migrants from France. This was on the day when the Home Office released its latest figures showing that nearly 500 illegal migrants had made the crossing from France since Sir Keir Starmer made his announcements.

Below we show the scale of the problem. These official figures are for the last seven years and they show ‘year-to-date’ for each of these years.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

1. Illegal boat migrants for last 7 years, year-to-date in each case

  • 2018 : 11
  • 2019 : 638
  • 2020 : 2,503
  • 2021 : 6,665
  • 2022 : 13,318
  • 2023 : 12,772
  • 2024 : 14,058

[Source : The UK Home Office, 11 Jul 2024.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

2. Total number of illegal migrants since this started

NOTE: We have recently seen outdated charts in the press with lower total numbers, but our numbers and charts are up-to-date as of 09 Jul 2024 - the latest available.

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

Total No. of illegal migrants from start-2018 to 2024 year-to-date : 128,380.

No. of illegal migrants entering in the last two days alone : 484

Labour’s ‘amnesty’ for 102,000 migrants?

On Monday Sir Keir’s spokesman indicated that 102,000 migrants already in the country will be allowed to apply for asylum. Around 90,000 of these are said to be illegal migrants who were slated to be deported to Rwanda. It seems these people will now be allowed to stay.

On Wednesday in Washington DC, the Prime Minister said the following about a target for reducing immigration :

“What I’m not going to do is pick an arbitrary date, an arbitrary number because that hasn’t worked in the past.

“But I do want to be clear that my intention is to break down the gangs that are running this vile trade putting people into boats on the coast of France. Nobody but nobody should be making that crossing.”

- The PM in Washington DC, 10 Jul 2024.

This means we will have no means of assessing success or failure, as Sir Keir appears not to want to give the media any targets to judge him on. Instead we will have to continue analysing and reporting on the official facts and the public can then make up its own mind.


Whilst we have no wish to be negative, Keir Starmer’s plans to stop the boats appear to be no different to what the Sunak government had already been trying to do, without success. The numbers just keep on rising. Yes, some gangs have been arrested, but the trade is so lucrative that other gangs quickly take their place. The problem is that the demand simply doesn't stop.

These are 'Macron's Migrants'

It was Facts4EU that first used the term 'Macron's Migrants'. We did so to highlight the fact that all the UK's illegal boat migrants have come from the safe EU country of France. Yet when the previous government attempted to engage with the French on this issue, they said they could do nothing as it was an EU issue. Naturally this is not correct. If it were in France's interests to take its migrants back, it wouldn't hesitate.

The ‘Starmer Amnesty’?

On top of this, Sir Keir’s spokesman stated on Monday that over 100,000 migrants who are already illegally in the UK will now be allowed to apply for asylum. This sends a very encouraging message to all those illegal migrants who continue to mass on the northern French coast. Given that all migrants already have the right to apply for asylum, we believe this is a coded way of saying that an effective amnesty has been declared.

Scrapping Rwanda and opening up the asylum claims will, we believe, have precisely the opposite effect to the one which the majority of the British public wish to see. Time will tell. Unfortunately with thousands more migrants now expected to cross the Channel, time – and the patience of the public – are the two things in increasingly short supply.

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[ Sources: No.10 | Press event in Washington ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Fri 12 Jul 2024

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