Who funded Labour’s victory? Where did £9.5m come from? We reveal all

Facts4EU.Org analyses campaign monies to all parties, showing Keir Starmer’s Labour trousered 72.5%

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Gone are the days when big donors only gave to the Conservatives

Elections can’t be won without money. This is a simple fact in the modern age. Rallies, campaign teams, advertising, videos, social media – all these things are expensive.

The Facts4EU.Org think-tank has delved into the official records for political donations and public money in the first three weeks of the general election campaign. We believe the results of our analysis will astonish many readers.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Monies received by the political parties

First three weeks of the general election campaign

  • Labour Party & Co-operative Party : £9,486,637 (72.5%)
  • Conservative and Unionist Party (GB) : £1,264,872 (9.7%)
  • Liberal Democrats : £1,092,252 (8.3%)
  • Reform UK : £981,000 (7.5% )
  • Scottish National Party : £164,303 (1.3%)
  • Green Party : £40,000 (0.3%)
  • Climate Party : £25,000 (0.2%)
  • Social Democratic Party : £25,000 (0.2%)
  • Workers Party of Britain : £12,000 (0.1%)
  • TOTAL : £13,091,064

[Source: Electoral Commission, amounts exceeding the £11,500 limit above which they must be declared.]

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It used to be the case that big business gave huge sums to the Tories and the Unions gave to Labour

This is no longer true. Our analysis of payments to the Labour Party shows that Labour did not only trounce the Conservatives in the voting, they also trounced them in the monies they received in the first three critical weeks of the election campaign.

In addition to winning the funding battle for private donors, Labour also received far more in public funding: £652,411 for Labour versus £22,453 for the Conservatives.

So exactly who gave more than £9 million to the Labour Party?

Below we can reveal Labour’s top donors

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Those who powered Labour’s campaign and who really enabled Keir Starmer to motor into No.10 with ease - the Top 40

  • £2,500,000 : Lord Sainsbury - Individual
  • £1,490,000 : UNISON - Trade Union
  • £900,000 : Gary Lubner - Individual
  • £700,000 : Martin Taylor - Individual
  • £652,411 : House of Commons - Public Fund
  • £500,000 : Toledo Productions Limited - Company
  • £500,000 : Stuart Roden - Individual
  • £500,000 : Antony Gormley - Individual
  • £300,000 : USDAW - Trade Union
  • £250,000 : Danny Luhde-Thompson - Individual
  • £100,000 : Tony Bury - Individual
  • £100,000 : ASLEF - Trade Union
  • £70,000 : Clive Hollick - Individual
  • £70,000 : Stuart Roden - Individual
  • £60,000 : Susan Rankin - Individual
  • £100,000 : Nick Razey - Individual
  • £40,000 : Karim Nakhla - Individual
  • £32,908 : CWU - Trade Union
  • £25,000 : Tony Langham - Individual
  • £25,000 : Mark Binks - Individual
  • £25,000 : Clare Parsons - Individual
  • £25,000 : Community Union - Trade Union
  • £25,000 : Jason Howlett - Individual
  • £25,000 : Harish Sodha - Individual
  • £25,000 : Simon Moran - Individual
  • £25,000 : GMB - Trade Union
  • £25,000 : Jason Howlett - Individual
  • £24,000 : Thiago De Carvalho - Individual
  • £20,000 : Medical and Professional Services Limited - Company
  • £20,000 : Andy Gray - Individual
  • £38,800 : Anna Lisbet Rausing - Individual
  • £15,000 : Lucy Garrett - Individual
  • £14,471 : USDAW - Trade Union
  • £14,322 : GMB - Trade Union
  • £12,000 : Anna Turley - Individual
  • £12,000 : Rob Sewell - Individual
  • £11,725 : Fire Brigades Union - Trade Union

[Source: Official records of payments received by the Labour Party, 30 May – 26 June 2024, located and analysed by Facts4EU.Org.]

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‘The times they are a’ changing’

The Conservatives used to be able to talk of Labour being beholden to its “trades union paymasters”. Our research suggests the Tories may need to alter this narrative.

The analysis we carried out above shows that of the £9.5m received in the first three weeks of the campaign by the Labour Party, (including payments to its associate the Co-Operative Party), only just under £2m (21%) came from trades unions. 79% came in from private individuals or companies.

By far the largest single donation was made by Lord Sainsbury. £2.5 million is a great deal of money to donate to a party that he will have known was already going to win, with or without his help.


In a rare 'double bill Sunday', we have a second article for you.


When we started this research we expected the report would be about the money Tory donors wasted in backing Rishi Sunak. In fact Labour was able to outspend the Tories by seven to one, albeit based purely on funding in the first three weeks of the campaign.

Does Labour still ‘owe’ the unions? Yes. £2 million is a lot of money. That said, the amount of private money flooding into Labour surprised us. It far outweighs the amount that the seven unions donated.

Now that Keir Starmer is sitting on his ‘super-majority’, the question is how he will ultimately reward those who stumped up so much cash for his cause.

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[ Sources: Electoral Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sat 06 Jul 2024

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