Latest rise in EU population is all down to mass immigration, says EU Commission

This helps to explain why the number of the UK’s illegal boat migrants has grown for the last 6 years

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024

PLUS - Brexit was the equivalent of the EU losing the populations of 15 of its member countries

Since 2012 the EU’s ‘natural population’ has been decreasing. Deaths of EU citizens have outnumbered births for 12 years running. Despite this, the EU’s net population grew again last year by 1.7 million, all down to immigration. Facts4EU.Org analyses the figures for British readers and sheds some light on the problem.

The latest data from the EU’s statistics agency on Thursday (11 Jul 2024) shows that between 2012 and 2024 the net population of the EU increased by 8.7 million (8,653,918). The reason for the discrepancy when deaths are higher than births is very simple : mass immigration.

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Series

Part I – The net rise in the population of the EU27 (This report)
Part II - The effect - How it was the EU that created the UK's illegal migrant boat crisis

How the UK unwillingly enabled the EU to disguise its immigration problem

It is worth noting that the increase in the ‘natural population’ of the EU would have been even higher but for the 6 million EU27 citizens who left the EU and came to live in the UK under the EU’s Freedom of Movement rules, while the UK was still a member of the European Union. This means that the latest figures for growth in the EU’s population are even more shocking.

Below we present the 2024 population numbers for each of the EU’s remaining member countries, before looking in Part II at the number of migrants they have let in. This is highly relevant to the United Kingdom, as a significant proportion of these migrants into the EU wanted (and still want) to move to the UK.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Latest EU27 population numbers, 2024

In brackets we show the percentage change since 2023.

  1. Germany : 83,445,000 ( 3.9% )
  2. France : 68,401,997 ( 4.8% )
  3. Italy : 58,989,749 ( -0.7% )
  4. Spain : 48,610,458 ( 3.8% )
  5. Poland : 36,620,970 ( -3.8% )
  6. Romania : 19,064,409 ( -5.1% )
  7. Netherlands : 17,942,942 ( 7.2% )
  8. Belgium : 11,832,049 ( 6.8% )
  9. Czechia : 10,900,555 ( 3.8% )
  10. Portugal : 10,639,726 ( 0.9% )
  11. Sweden : 10,551,707 ( 11.3% )
  12. Greece : 10,397,193 ( -6.2% )
  13. Hungary : 9,584,627 ( -3.5% )
  14. Austria : 9,158,750 ( 8.9% )
  15. Bulgaria : 6,445,481 ( -12.0% )
  16. Denmark : 5,961,249 ( 6.8% )
  17. Finland : 5,603,851 ( 3.8% )
  18. Slovakia : 5,424,687 ( 0.4% )
  19. Ireland : 5,343,805 ( 16.4% )
  20. Croatia : 3,861,967 ( -9.7% )
  21. Lithuania : 2,885,891 ( -3.9% )
  22. Slovenia : 2,123,949 ( 3.3% )
  23. Latvia : 1,871,882 ( -8.5% )
  24. Estonia : 1,374,687 ( 3.7% )
  25. Cyprus : 933,505 ( 8.3% )
  26. Luxembourg : 672,050 ( 28.0% )
  27. Malta : 563,443 ( 34.9% )

TOTAL : 449,206,579

[Source : EU Commission (Eurostat), 11 Jul 2024.]

The Top 5 EU countries account for 66% of its population

Five EU countries represent two-thirds of the bloc’s population. These are Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland. Without these five countries the EU would be one-third of its size, making it relatively insignificant on the world stage.

The EU’s population would then be smaller than :

  • China
  • India
  • The United States
  • Indonesia
  • Pakistan
  • Nigeria
  • Brazil, and
  • Bangladesh

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

Brexit was the equivalent of the EU losing the populations of 15 of its countries

The EU Commission frequently talks about the size of its market of consumers. This has always been a point of pride, even though the EU still consists of independent countries. It is not like the United States, for example.

When the United Kingdom left, the number of EU consumers shrank by around 13%. This really hurt the EU Commission, which helps to explain its vitriolic approach to the UK during the exit negotiations and ever since.

It also explains the urgency with which the Commission is seeking to allow new joiners. All of the countries it has lined up are relatively small, and in economic terms they are minnows compared to the large UK economy which the EU lost. Below is one of the most popular charts we produced in the eight years since we started.

One of our most popular charts in the last eight years

We produced this very popular chart in early 2017. It was based on the official GDP figures of the UK and the EU27 at the time of the Leave vote in the Referendum in 2016. We created this because so many Remainer-Rejoiners seemed to be under the impression that the UK was just one of 28 countries and therefore relatively unimportant. In reality some of the EU's 27 member countries are very small. The impact for the EU Commission of the UK's impending departure was therefore enormous.

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

We clearly showed that the UK's departure would be the equivalent of the EU losing 18 of its member countries - making it the EU10 rather than the EU28.


The enormous effect of the EU’s migrants – a proportion of whom head for the UK: We summarise how it was the EU that created the UK's illegal migrant boat crisis.


We still live in a world where a significant proportion of the UK population has a distorted view of the EU. This is not these people's fault. It is due to the relentless propaganda and misinformation from the EU Commission, as well as the continual bias from some of the UK's media including the BBC, Sky News and ITN.

Our daily reports using official data - from the EU Commission, the UK's statistics agency, and international organisations such as the IMF, OECD, World Bank, etc - have attempted to correct the rose-tinted picture of the EU beamed into people's living rooms and published in some major newspapers. Often it has felt like we are fighting a lonely battle.

We now have a government determined "to align more closely with the EU". To quote from ancient mariners' charts, "Here there be monsters". It has not been more important since the 'Benn Surrender Act' of the Theresa May years that we continue to counter this and fight back.

Once again we must make a plea to our readers. Our work is not behind a paywall and we rely 100% on you - the great British public - to keep us going. Please, please donate today if you can. Thank you in anticipation.

[ Source: EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Mon 15 Jul 2024

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