On Friday Elon Musk’s ‘X’ (Twitter) came under EU attack for allowing freedom of speech

Is Brussels Big Brother now out of control, as it exercises EU powers under its new censorship laws?

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024

A huge showdown is looming between unelected EU bureaucrats and a global free speech champion

In April the EU Commission’s new Digital Services Act came into force, which granted it powers to intervene against any significant organisations operating on the Internet and to fine them heavily if the Commission’s censors don’t like what they’re doing.

All the major platforms including Google, Facebook, etc have now meekly agreed to the EU Commission’s terms – except one. The exception is Elon Musk’s ‘X’ (formerly Twitter), which has stood up and said no to this control by Brussels bureaucrats and no to what amounts to censorship.

Credit : 'X'

Now is the time to stand up for free speech

On Friday (12 Jul 2024) the EU Commission took its first-ever action under its latest ‘Big Brother’ law and issued ‘preliminary findings’ to X (formerly Twitter) for alleged breaches of the new EU Digital Services Act. This gives Mr Musk the opportunity to respond but if the Commission doesn’t like his response (and they won’t), the Commission plan to fine X up to 6% of its total worldwide turnover.

Undeterred, Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org contacted an important American commentator, Michael Shellenberger, head of Public.News in California, who is outraged. Below, with his permission, are his views about this blatant act of attempted mind control by the EU Commission. Mr Shellenberg personally has over 1 million followers on ‘X’ (Twitter), making him an influential figure, and this video has alreay been seen over a million times.

The totalitarianism we warned of is happening

By Michael Shellenberger

Credit : 'Michael Shellenberger

The European Union is at this moment forcing big tech companies secretly to engage in mass censorship. Google and Facebook are, apparently, going along with it. Only Elon Musk’s X, among the major platforms, is resisting.

A few hours ago, Musk said, “The European Commission offered X an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not.”

And so now, the EU is preparing to punish X with massive fines — up to 6% of total global revenue. I can't imagine a more egregious form of foreign interference in our domestic affairs than foreign governments demanding mass secret censorship for ideological and political purposes.

Most terrifying is the apparently direct involvement of government intelligence and security agencies, and their intermediaries, in demanding censorship. This is all happening at the very moment that the same governments, including our own, warn of Russian disinformation through spam accounts that hardly anybody ever sees.

Don’t be fooled by the EU and others

Don’t be fooled by what is happening. Governments and former intelligence officials in Europe, Australia, Israel, Brazil, and Ukraine and other nations are not only demanding censorship but also often spreading their own disinformation.

For example, the EU claims that there is more false information on X than on other platforms, and more censorship would reduce it. This is false. Only X has the open-source Community Notes system, which allows for real-time corrections to false information. A recent study in JAMA, the Journal of American Medicine, found that 97.5% of the Community Notes were entirely accurate, 2%, partially accurate, and 0.5%, inaccurate.

It’s not perfect. I myself sometimes disagree with them. And of course, science is never standing still, so what appears accurate today might not be accurate in the future. However, X’s Community Notes uses more speech, not censorship, to provide context to controversial content. You can still agree or disagree with the content, even with a Community Note attached.

What the EU wants is for its committees of experts, not Community Notes, to secretly decide what we can read and say online. This is unethical and unconstitutional.

Just who are these arbiters of free speech?

Another key part of the EU’s disinformation is that ‘researchers’ should have access to X’s internal data, which Musk cut off when he bought Twitter. But those people who want the data aren’t researchers. They’re censorship activists, many of whom have deep relationships with governments in general and intelligence agencies in particular.

If the EU succeeds in censoring X, Facebook, Google, and every other major Internet platform, then there is no free speech. There is only government-controlled speech.

Many people rightly worry about the implications of a single man, Elon Musk, being all that stands between us and foreign governments’ totalitarian censorship plans. I worry about that, too. Our speech is inalienable. It is not something governments give to us.

We need to fight back

While we should be grateful to Musk for standing up to the totalitarians in Europe, Brazil, and Australia, we must build a citizen’s movement to fight back.

There’s three things you can do. First, share this video to raise the alarm. Second, add your email to our list here, so we can involve you in the future. And, third, consider making a donation to build the free speech movement and urge Congress and other social media companies to stand up for free speech against foreign interference.

- Michael Shellenberger, 12 Jul 2024

What the EU said on Friday

“Today we issue for the first time preliminary findings under the Digital Services Act. In our view, X does not comply with the DSA in key transparency areas, by using dark patterns and thus misleading users, by failing to provide an adequate ad repository, and by blocking access to data for researchers. The DSA has transparency at its very core, and we are determined to ensure that all platforms, including X, comply with EU legislation.”

- Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for 'a Europe Fit for the Digital Age', 12 Jul 2024


If we give in on this, we may as well give up

Facts4EU.Org is grateful to Mr Shellenberg. We have published his thoughts because he made the case against the EU's latest power-grab forcefully in our view. On other matters we agree with some of his views and disagree with others, but we defend his right to hold all of these and for him to write and speak about them.

A couple of his phrases stood out for us, coming from an American. Firstly, “I can't imagine a more egregious form of foreign interference in our domestic affairs than foreign governments demanding mass secret censorship for ideological and political purposes.” For decades the UK suffered foreign interference in its domestic affairs – until we finally left the EU. Now Americans are gaining some sense of what the UK has gone through.

Secondly, ”If the EU succeeds in censoring X, Facebook, Google, and every other major Internet platform, then there is no free speech.” We have consistently argued that the EU Commission is regularly guilty of disinformation itself and we have published the evidence to prove this. For them to try to control and penalise others outside its own borders for disagreeing is almost breathtaking.

This affects everyone in the United Kingdom

For years Facts4EU.Org suffered a form of censorship from Twitter and particularly from Facebook. In the latter case we still do. When Elon Musk bought Twitter, now renamed ‘X’, we felt like a bird released. Suddenly our number of followers started increasing. Previously we had watched as new people ‘followed’ us on a daily basis, but miraculously our total number of followers barely moved. Following Mr Musk’s purchase of the company, this all changed.

If you feel as strongly about freedom of speech as we do, we’re asking you to do something about it today. It would be a tragedy if we had to close our doors after eight years, just as our daily factual reports are most needed. This is looking highly likely, unless our funding improves.

Keir Starmer’s Labour government has openly said it will align the UK more closely with the EU and this report shows how the EU’s powers are stretching ever further outside its own borders and affecting the British people even more than they already do. We urge you to support us by donating now.

P.S. We are a 'not for profit' team (we make a loss) and any payment goes towards the actual work, not plush London offices, lunch or taxi expenses, or other luxuries of some organisations. If you help us you will receive a personal, friendly ‘thank you’ from a member of our team within 48 hours. Thank you.

And finally, as it's a Sunday...

As regular readers know, on Sundays we try to lighten the mood with some music which is vaguely relevant to the content of our report.

P.P.S. We wish all our French readers a "Happy Bastille Day"!

[ Sources: Elon Musk | Michael Shellenberg | EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 14 Jul 2024

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