Keir Starmer didn’t really win, he simply didn’t do as badly as Rishi Sunak

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From the interesting, to the enraging, to the astonishing, to the downright bizarre

As the dust starts to settle on the general election, and as Sir Keir Starmer starts to settle into his armchair in No.10, (‘no calls after 6pm please’), Facts4EU.Org takes a look at some interesting facts resulting from our continuing analysis. This may well turn out to be the strangest election in more than 100 years.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

How did Keir Starmer’s Labour do?

  • Labour won 63.4% of the seats on a vote share of only 33.8%
  • In short, Labour won almost twice as many seats as its vote share justified
  • This vote share is less than the Marxist, IRA-apologist Jeremy Corbyn achieved as Labour Leader in 2019
  • On Thursday Corbyn, standing as an independent, beat Labour in Islington North
  • In this election Labour increased its vote share by only 1.7% but it more than doubled its no. of MPs
  • These increased from 119 to 412 (+108%, +214 seats)
  • Sir Keir Starmer’s own vote share dropped by 15.6% in his North London constituency
  • He only secured 18,884 votes (48.9%), compared to 36,641 (64.5%) in 2019
  • In short, he personally won around half the number of votes compared to the last election
  • And significantly less as a percentage of total votes counted
  • So uninspired were the voters by him, the turnout in his constituency fell by 32%
  • Only just over half could be bothered to go out and vote

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

[Source: Local authorities | PA | House of Commons Library.]

How did the Conservatives do?

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The Conservatives' fall from grace

  • The Conservatives gained just 23.7% of the vote
  • The party’s vote share fell by 20.0% and it lost 252 of its MPs
  • It now has only 121 MPs – just enough for factions to reassemble and for it to be His Majesty’s Opposition
  • Nearly an ‘extinction level event’, but not quite
  • In 2019 Rishi Sunak gained a majority of 27,210 (47.2%) in his Richmond Yorkshire constituency
  • In 2024 he won 23,059 votes – 4,000 more than Keir Starmer – and his majority fell to 12,000

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

[Source: Local authorities and PA.]

Nigel Farage’s win – what happened in Clacton-on-Sea?

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Nigel Farage in Clacton

  • Clacton had one of the highest Conservative majorities in the country
  • In 2019 the Conservative Party’s Giles Watling gained 31,438 votes
  • This was a whopping 72.3% of the vote
  • In 2024 Reform UK’s Nigel Farage entered the ring
  • On Thursday he demolished the Conservatives in Clacton, winning 46.2% of the vote
  • His majority is 8,405 votes
  • The Conservative candidate slumped to just 27.9%
  • To turn a 56.8% Conservative majority into a Reform majority of 18.3% is extraordinary
  • And this was done in just four weeks

[Source: Local authorities and PA.]

“How could it be right that the Conservative Party, that has just over 50 per cent more votes than we have, have 30 times the number of MPs?

“How could it be right that the now ruling Labour Party have double the number of votes that we have, and they’ve got some 100 times the number of MPs?"

Want more? Here it is, live and uncensored, from Sydney Australia

From 11am to noon today (Saturday) our Chairman will be live-streamed from Sydney, Australia, where he will be interviewed about the fallout from the UK’s election.

All Facts4EU.Org readers are welcome to join in and ask questions. To do this, here is the link, or click on the image below.

© Commanding the Narrative (Australia) - click to enlarge


Sir Keir will no doubt focus on his new majority and his 412 MPs. To win a general election is a big thing and we congratulate him on his victory. However, we would urge him to look at the overall picture, as we have presented above. A little hubris may be required. Faced with a deeply unpopular Conservative Party, Labour barely managed to scrape a very small (1.7%) increase in its national vote share.

Regarding his personal ratings, Labour could probably stand a rat as its candidate in the Holborn and St Pancras constituency of North London, and as long as it was wearing a red rosette it would be elected.

For the UK’s new Prime Minister to suffer such a humiliating fall in his personal vote share (down by 15.6%) should be of concern to him. This is hardly a ringing endorsement.

In our next report we will look at “Who funded Labour’s win?”

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[ Sources: Local authorities | PA | House of Commons Library ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sat 06 Jul 2024 (updated Sun at 03.30am)

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