REVEALED : An 18% jump in population in the last 30 years – due to immigration
UK’s foreign-born population now stands at 17% and London will soon be a majority-foreign city
Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024
Facts4EU reveals the extent of our governments’ complicity in changing the UK’s nature
In today’s report the Facts4EU.Org think-tank can reveal by just how much the population has increased and changed over the past three decades. This period includes the tenure of all governments – Conservative, Labour, and Conservative LibDem Coalition – in that time.
It covers the period in power of eight Prime Ministers, from John Major to Rishi Sunak.
With over 100,000 illegal migrants from Macron’s France since 2018, and record numbers of legal migrants last year, it seems there is no end to the Government’s willingness to accept an ever-increasing number of foreign nationals into the country. Facts4EU summarises the picture for ordinary people across the UK.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary
The increase and changes in the population of England and Wales, 1993-2023
Analysis of raw data sourced from the ONS, Jan 2024
- 9.6m (18.1%) increase in size of population overall
- 10.0 million residents (16.8%) are now foreign born
- Since the 2021 Census, 1.3m have entered the country legally
Plus we have the comments of a former Minister and of a former Secretary of State.
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge
[Note: The above does not include Scotland and Northern Ireland, nor does it include Macron’s boat migrants.]
Former Brexit Minister, the Rt Hon David Jones, MP for Clwyd West, commented on our report
“Brexit Facts4EU.Org’s report will naturally cause concern.
“The UK is struggling to keep up with the inflow of people from overseas; our health, education, housing and transport infrastructure simple can’t grow quickly enough to accommodate them. Some bring special skills that the country needs; but a larger proportion are introduced as lower-cost labour and adversely impact the wages paid to the indigenous population.
“Voters will rightly want to know from politicians of all parties what they will be doing to reduce immigration to manageable levels.”
- Former Brexit Minister, the Rt Hon David Jones, MP for Clwyd West, commenting to Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org, 23 Jan 2024
Sadiq Khan’s London will soon be a foreign city
More than 40% of ‘Londoners’ are now foreign-born. Sadiq Khan’s London continues to attract the highest number of non-UK born people. In 2021 an astonishing 40.6% (3.6m) were foreign-born. This has increased from 27.1% in 2001.
At the current rate London – the nation’s capital - might best be described soon as a foreign city.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary
The growth of migrants in the capital
- 2001 : 27.1%
- 2011 : 36.7%
- 2021 : 40.6%
[Source : 2021 Census data, from the ONS.]
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge
Our chart above shows data up until the last Census in 2021, and the trendline to 2041. It shows that on current projections the nation’s capital city will be majority foreign-born in 10 years’ time.
Note: The Census data up until 2021 does not include the net figure of 1.3m migrants who have entered the country legally in 2022 and 2023.
The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham, commented on our report
"I am glad Facts4EU have highlighted the large increase in legal migration. Much of this was to invite in so called cheap labour because employers offered low pay, keeping wages down.
"It has imposed a large cost on taxpayers as the state struggles to catch up with demand for increased school places, NHS capacity and above all subsidised housing."
- The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham, commenting to Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org, 23 Jan 2024
The national picture and the regions
In 2021, 10.0 million (16.8%) usual residents in England and Wales were born outside of the UK, an increase of 2.5 million from 2011.
The proportion of non-UK-born residents has increased across all regions of England, with London having the highest percentage (see below). The East of England and the East showed the largest increases since 2011.
- Sadiq Khan's London : 40.6%
- South East : 15.8%
- West Midlands : 15.2%
- East of England : 14.9%
- East Midlands : 13.7%
- North West : 11.7%
- Yorkshire & the Humber : 11.4%
- South West : 10.2%
- Wales : 6.9%
- North East : 6.8%
Where did they all come from?
Among the non-UK-born population of England and Wales, those from other EU countries (Cyprus, Malta and Croatia) were most likely to hold a British passport (71.2%), followed by Africa (63.0%) and the Middle East and Asia (59.1%); India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were the top three countries of birth with the highest number of UK passport holders.
Middle East and Asian-born (the top non-UK country of birth region), Hounslow (25.4%), Slough (24.3%) and Newham (23.2%) are among the highest areas, while there are other areas with high proportions around Leicester, Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester.
Outside the Westminster bubble, immigration is a key election issue
Successive governments over the past 30 years have been complicit in the rapid rise in the population of the United Kingdom. Finally it seems that politicians are waking up to the fact that ordinary people have had enough.
They have had enough of the shortage of housing – meaning that our young people struggle to get on the housing ladder. They have had enough of their inability to get a GP appointment. They have had enough of the impossibility of finding an NHS dentist. They have had enough of the overcrowding in schools. They have had enough of the inability of their local councils to provide normal local facilities, including repairing the poor state of the UK’s roads.
All of these issues come back to the massive rise in population due to immigration – and successive governments’ failure to invest in our national infrastructure to take account of population growth.
We would suggest that any political party with credible policies on these issues might have a fighting chance with the voters, at the General Election this year.
We must get reports like this out there
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[ Sources: Census data 2021 | Office for National Statistics ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Tues 23 Jan 2024
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