Payrolled employees up by 2.3m since Referendum, median wages up by 41%

Latest analysis by Facts4EU.Org think-tank shows Brexit IS working, despite Cameron's threats

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We ask: “What happened to the ‘economic Armageddon’ you threatened, Lord Cameron?”

Today’s report from the Facts4EU.Org think-tank shows how payrolled employment has risen and how median wages have also climbed since the UK voted to leave the European Union. The analysis is based on the latest data available from HMRC.

Given that the British people were threatened with an economic catastrophe if they voted to leave the EU, our report demonstrates just how wrong the Cameron-Osborne government – and all major institutions – were, back in May-June 2016.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Payrolled employment and median earnings June 2016 – Dec 2023

  • 2.3m increase in people in payrolled employment since the EU Referendum
  • 41% increase in median monthly wages since the EU Referendum

[Sources : HMRC and the ONS, 16 Jan 2024.]

What happened to the economic Armageddon threatened by Messrs Cameron and Osborne?

(And all national and international economic bodies.)

Facts4EU.Org presents the facts.

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge

The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham, MP commented on our report

"Great news.

Once again Facts4EU brings us good news. Since Brexit the UK has created many new jobs and pay has risen. The Remain establishment warned of mass unemployment and lower pay. As some of us said at the time, they would be wrong.

There are plenty more Brexit benefits to come if government will use our new freedoms well.

- The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham, commenting to Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org, 21 Jan 2024

1. Payrolled employment

Early estimates for December 2023 indicate that the number of payrolled employees rose by 1.0% compared with December 2022, a rise of 306,000 employees. That’s over 300,000 extra people paying PAYE in the last 12 months alone.

Since the EU Referendum in June 2016 the number of payrolled employees has increased by 2,293,991. That’s a rise of 8.2%.

2. Median monthly wages

Early estimates for December 2023 indicate that median monthly pay increased by 6.6% compared with December 2022.

Annual growth in median pay in December 2023 was highest in the transportation and storage sector, with an increase of 9.7%, and lowest in the professional, scientific and technical sector, with an increase of 4.2%.

Since the EU Referendum median monthly earnings have increased by £677 per month. That’s a rise of 40.9%.


Unfortunately it remains the case that neither Lord Cameron, nor George Osborne, nor any of the many national and international institutions who threatened the British people with economic Armageddon if they voted to leave the EU have ever apologised for their completely erroneous statements.

This criticism must also be aimed at all the Labour, LibDem, and SNP politicians – including Sir Keir Starmer and his Shadow Cabinet - who repeated the claims and who could not have worked harder to overturn the largest democratic vote in United Kingdom history.

Our analysis of the latest HMRC data proves conclusively that not only were those people hopelessly wrong, they were wrong on an epic scale.

Economic conditions globally are currently very difficult, particularly with the Houthi attacks on shipping in the Gulf, but our report clearly shows that Brexit Britain has withstood all the slings and arrows and is doing far better than ‘the Establishment’ threatened.

We continue to await apologies from all the guilty parties.

More Brexit good news from the Facts4EU.Org team.

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[ Sources: HMRC | ONS ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 21 Jan 2024

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