“The population bomb” – It has already exploded and we’re seeing the fallout

Plus, 6.1m more migrants into the UK in the next 15 years? How will we cope?

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Facts4EU analyses latest official population projections and asks serious questions

On Tuesday (30 Jan 2024) the Office for National Statistics released its latest projections for population growth in the UK. The estimates show a massive rise of 6.1m additional migrants, on top of the population explosion we have already seen.

In today’s report Facts4EU dives into the detail and brings readers a summary of this exploding crisis.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The UK’s population bomb has already exploded

Population growth projected in the coming 15 years

  • Current population : 67.0m
  • Predicted population : 73.7m

[Source : ONS, 30 Jan 2024.]

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The vast bulk is predicted to come from immigration

The ONS report from 30 January carries many caveats but it is clear on one thing. By far the largest factor in the projected growth in the UK’s population comes from migrants.

6.1 million more migrants are anticipated in the next 15 years

[Source : ONS, 30 Jan 2024.]

Firstly we must stress that all the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has done is to update their population growth projections. Nevertheless, these are based on reviews of all available data to date and encompass the projections they have requested of other bodies.

What has NOT been reported in the mainstream media is that the ONS has assumed a fall in immigration – legal or illegal. If this does not occur then the population explosion will be even higher.

Where are we going to house all these people?

This is the 6.1 million people question for the current and future governments. Facts4EU looked at the figures in detail. The overall growth in population is projected to be 6.6 million. 0.6 million of these will be from an increase because of births over deaths and might be assumed to be accommodated in existing households.

The remaining 6.1 million will be from migrants – almost all of whom will be adults and will need to be housed.

An extra 2.6 million extra homes will be needed

There are currently around 28.2 million households in the UK. According to the ONS, the average number of persons per UK household is 2.36 people. To accommodate an extra 6.1 million people will therefore require approximately 2.6 million extra homes.

This equates to building an extra 172,000 homes per year for each of the next 15 years – purely to accommodate the extra migrants. It gets worse. This is only the average number. In reality the ONS figures are front-end loaded and net immigration is expected to fall from 670,000 in 2023 to 315,000 by 2028 and thereafter. In other words for the next four years the number of new homes required will be double that for the subsequent years.

This figure is on top of the growing trend due to divorce, where more and more couples are becoming ‘two-household families’. An additional issue is that people are living longer. In 2021, 1.4 million people in England were aged 85 years and above, equal to 2.4% of the population. This is projected to more than double to 2.6 million people by mid-2045, representing 4.3% of England’s population according to estimates released in 2022.

On top of extra homes, migrants will use many other services

In addition to their housing requirements, migrants will require GPs, dentists, hospitals, schools, roads, public transport, and social services.

The predicted growth in population – on top of what is already happening – represents an increase of approximately 10%. The infrastructure of the United Kingdom is already creaking under the strain of the increased population. If a further 10% is added, what plans does the government (and future governments) have for building new schools and hospitals and providing all the new services which will be required, and who is going to pay for this?


What kind of country do you want to live in?

Putting aside all the practical considerations we have detailed above, there is another, more fundamental question. This concerns the nature of our society.

The UK still has a reputation around the world – despite what some of the media would have us believe - as a tolerant, kind, fair country. We fought for democracy and freedom in two world wars (at massive cost) in the last century, we gave the world its common language, and many parts of the world adopted our Common Law system.

Recent events since the horrific Hamas attack on Israel, however, have shown the world a different face. We now have experience on our streets of what less-integrated and extremist elements of our society are capable of. If we accept continued high levels of immigration it must be asked how our societal values will change.

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[ Sources: Office for National Statistics ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sat 03 Feb 2024

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