Rishi’s rush to Net Zero - Latest figures show there has been no let-up - Part I
Despite Govt claims, UK is still hurtling to Net Zero faster than any country in the world
Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024
Facts4EU.Org presents official evidence to show there has been no slowdown in Rishi’s rush to Net Zero
On Thursday (28 Mar 2024), the Government presented its latest statistics on the massive reduction in the UK’s emissions of greenhouse gases. These show a reduction of 53% between 1990 and 2023 – down a further 5% from 2022. This is a world-beating reduction and is still happening despite Rishi Sunak's promise to 'take the foot off the gas' and extend the target period for becoming carbon-neutral.
All of this has to be set against a back-drop where the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions are pitifully small in world terms in the first place. The UK’s emissions now represent only around 0.75% of the world total. The reductions in the UK’s emissions will not make any difference to climate change, even if it is accepted that greenhouse emissions are creating global warming.
The UK is still the world-beater in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Regardless of the arguments about the cost to the country of the rush to Net Zero, the concerns about whether the electrical supply system will cope, and the increasing doubts from reputable scientists about the reliability of the evidence for climate change, below we present the UK Government’s latest official statistics.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary
UK Greenhouse gas emissions, 1990-2023
Showing the universally-accepted “million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)”
[Source : UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, 28 Mar 2024.]
© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2024 - click to enlarge
The EU continues to lag behind the UK
The comparable data we have from the EU only runs up to 2021, not 2023. We therefore used this data and looked at greenhouse gas emissions per person. These show that between 1990 and 2021 the UK's emissions per capita had dropped by 55%, whereas the EU's had dropped by only 34%.
On a per capita basis the EU is emitting 21% more greenhouse gases than the UK.
Some may welcome this, but in our ‘Observations’ below we raise some important questions about this.
We all want to live in a world with cleaner air. The questions relate to how to do this without destroying our way of life and without imposing draconian rises in the increasing cost of living we all face.
The secondary questions are these :-
- When did we ever vote to have a single issue dominate our lives in such a way?
- Who decided all of this?
- Where is the cost benefit analysis promised by the Government?
- Just how much is all this costing us already and by how much will it increase further?
- How indebted will we, our children, and our grandchildren be as a result of the rush to Net Zero?
- How is it possible to reduce our traditional way of generating electricity by so much without risking blackouts?
- What about the greenhouse emissions from all the energy and products we now import?
- Have we simply exported our carbon emissions to other countries around the globe with less scruples?
- Finally, why is the UK, a tiny emitter of greenhouse gases, in the vanguard of the world when it will make almost no difference to the planet what we do?
We are not experts in the climate change debate – our focus has mainly been on what the EU is NOT doing, but we have a healthy concern that the UK - previously energy self-sufficient – will soon find itself unable to provide basic energy sources for electricity generation and other energy needs.
In Part II tomorrow we focus on the even more rapid drop in the proportion of electricity generated by what might be called 'conventional means' and question the risks and the costs of this.
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[ Sources: UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, 28 Mar 2024 ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Easter Monday 01 Apr 2024
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