Rejoin the Road to Nowhere – London, 23 September 2023

LIVE! See Guy Verhofstadt, A C Grayling, Femi Oluwole, Steve “Sttoppp Brexit” Bray and others

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The second ‘National Rejoin March’ will be disrupting the capital in two weeks’ time

If readers did not get enough of that odd Remain character Steve Bray incessantly interrupting TV interviews on College Green outside Parliament with his continual shouts of “Sto-o-o-o-o-opp Brexit”, they will shortly have the opportunity to relive the experience in person.

In addition to other Rejoin speakers whom few will have heard of, there will be a stage outside Parliament large enough to take the ego of one Guy Verhofstadt MEP.

Below is the promotional video for this march, starring Femi Oluwole and a woman we hadn't heard of.

Facts4EU.Org sometimes sees pro-Brexit people criticising us online for continuing to research and report on the realities behind the reasons Britons voted on 23 June 2016 to leave the European Union. Today we give readers a glimpse of what we are up against.

Follow the money…

What some do not appear to be aware of is that there is a highly active set of Rejoin campaign groups, some of which have received millions of pounds in funding from a foreign billionaire’s ‘Foundations’. Their objective is to overturn the largest democratic mandate in British history and take us back into the EU.

These people’s fund-raising campaigns make our own efforts pale into insignificance. Not only have they raised far more than us for their version of our ‘Independence Documentary’, they have the money to make a regular stream of short videos and to organise expensive major events such as the one coming up in London on Saturday 23 September.

We believe in facts, not facials and photo-ops

Over the past eight years we have worked tirelessly, seven days a week, producing authoritative reports on Brexit, the European Union, and the UK’s relationship with it. We have also published many reports on Brexit Britain's success in forging new and improved relationships with the rest of the world.

We have shown how Rejoiners’ claims are not substantiated by the facts. We have published thousands of reports using official statistics from the EU Commission, the Office for National Statistics, the OECD, the IMF, the World Bank and others. We have left Rejoiners with nowhere to go – but now they are mobilising to march exactly there.

We have the facts and we have speakers who are household names

For once we have done something which might be described as ‘mainstream’. Yes, together with CIBUK.Org we have produced a movie. Featuring big names from the worlds of politics, economics, the law, and academia, this movie is now in its final stages of ‘post-production’.

A week after the Rejoiners disrupt the centre of London for their ‘March to Nowhere’, we will be launching the world premiere of our ‘Independence Documentary’. For security reasons we can’t yet reveal the big names who will join us on stage for a question and answer session with the media and with an invited audience from the public. Suffice it to say that this will be an event not to be missed!

The movie itself contains contributions from many senior figures, to whom we are very grateful

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A date for your diaries

Readers may wish to put this date and location into their diaries now : Monday 02 October 2023 in Manchester.

Please contact us now if you would like to be part of the audience. If you are one of those who donated to the costs of making this film, you will receive an invitation from us or from CIBUK by email.


Finally, we still need your help. Thanks to the generosity of many readers we are almost there with securing the funds to complete the film. As of this morning we only need around £2,500 more, to complete post-production and to pay for the venue for the première. Please dig deep this Sunday if you can.

We think you’re going to love this movie! Thank you for anything you can do.

We must get reports like this out there

Reports like the one above take far longer to research, write and produce than many people realise. If they were easy, readers would see other organisations also producing these daily. However, there’s little point in the Facts4EU.Org team working long hours, seven days-a-week, if we lack the resources to promote them effectively – to the public, to MPs, and to the media. This is where you come in, dear reader.

Facts4EU.Org needs you today

We are a 'not for profit' team (we make a loss) and any payment goes towards the actual work, not plush London offices, lunch or taxi expenses, or other luxuries of some organisations.

We badly need more of our thousands of readers to become members, to support this work. Could this be you, today? It's quick and easy, we give you a choice of two highly secure payment providers, and we do NOT ask you for further support if you pay once. We just hope you keep supporting us. Your membership stays anonymous unless you tell us otherwise.

Please don't assume that other people will keep us going - we don't receive enough to survive and we need your help today. Could you help us? We rely 100% on public contributions from readers like you.

If you believe in a fully-free, independent, and sovereign United Kingdom, please join now by clicking on one of the links below or you can use our Support page here. You will receive a personal, friendly ‘thank you’ from a member of our team within 48 hours. Thank you.

[ Source: The European Movement ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 10 Sept 2023

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