The Reform UK video interview Part One – Who are they?
Reform UK’s Alexandra Phillips on her party’s past, present and future
Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2023
“If I were to sum up what it is that people would get if they vote for Reform, it's easy: it's reform.”
In part one of a wide-ranging interview, Facts4EU's and CIBUK’s Chairman talks to Reform UK’s spokeswoman Alexandra Phillips on her party’s evolution from UKIP and the Brexit Party to its present incarnation as Reform UK.
Reform, she argues, will provide a breath of fresh air to a political system in desperate need of rejuvenation and speaks the language of millions of disaffected voters who are sick of the same agenda being pushed by the same parties, within a system that she believes is widely discredited.
In part two tomorrow, Alex addresses further policy issues and answers the question:
“Will Nigel come back?”
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Video interview and excerpts
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So, Alex, tell us about Reform UK
“There has always been an entity a bit like Reform. Back in the day I was UKIP's head of media.
“Then essentially the forces had to recalibrate back, after we'd been successful in winning the Referendum, to make sure that it was delivered. And I was then part of the Brexit Party. I was elected to the European Parliament after we successfully left the EU and thought that we could leave the political playing field.
“The Brexit Party was essentially put on ice, changed again, rebranded into Reform UK, and it's been quietly behind the scenes building and growing and starting to develop.”
“I'm delighted to say the party is already polling around 10% and that's with limited outputs. We're nipping at the heels of the Liberal Democrats who have been around for a very long time.”
Does Reform UK see itself on the left-right political spectrum?
“It does not, and I think the mistake is always made when an entity such as Reform pops up is that it must therefore be on the right - it must therefore split the conservative vote.
“But tracing that lineage all the way back to the early 2010s, when you look at UKIP and where they garnered their vote, 1/3 was from the Labour Party, 1/3 from the Conservatives and 1/3, crucially, was from disenchanted voters who had never voted before.”
Where does Reform stand on tax, law and order, immigration, defence?
“We have the highest levels of tax since World War Two and there isn't really much of an agenda for growth economics.”
“Reform wants to massively simplify the taxation system and make it far more competitive so we attract the brightest and the best.”
“We have a commitment to growth economics which no other party is really proposing.”
The government is proposing to increase corporation tax from its current level of 19% to 25%. Does Reform have a policy on that?
“It was announced just recently that AstraZeneca, which is an Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company, who everyone is very familiar with for the vaccine rollout in the UK, has decided to headquarter their operation in Ireland. Why? Because Ireland has a hugely competitive corporation tax.
“It's utterly vital we cut corporation tax… critically and crucially for small and medium sized enterprises out there who have been constantly overlooked.”
“We're definitely not going to go up to 25%. We want to bring it back down to 19% and further again still, because I think that we need to start looking at how we can undercut some of the big competitors on our doorsteps, and as a sovereign nation show that we're able to come out with strategies to attract businesses here and retain them.”
Freedom of expression, cancel culture, wokery - where does the Reform Party stand?
“The culture wars are becoming a huge part of political debates now… Reform has the benefit of not being beholden to any sort of embedded political correctness. It's not going to tie itself in knots like the Labour Party, who essentially exorcise and excommunicate any daring soul in their party.”
“It's not just about these big top line debates that we see echoed in the press and echoed on Twitter. But what's happening fundamentally in schools as well, where children are essentially being brainwashed and indoctrinated at an early age.”
“You're hearing plenty of stories about children who come home from school and their parents find out that their teachers have been labelling them with a different name and gender the whole time without consultation.”
“Teachers feel completely at liberty to impose their personal political viewpoints on children and tell them that Brexit's wrong… Children are being told there's white privilege and colonialism is all evil, and the British Empire was nothing but bad. And so there really has to be a concerted approach to getting hold of what is being taught in class.”
What does the Reform Party propose to do about this?
“I think we've got to start leaning towards a position where there is nothing taught to children in schools without parental consent, that parents get to look at the curriculum when it comes to personal education, sex education and so forth, and get to have a say on whether they want their children involved in those sorts of lessons.”
“You then have schools in parts of Yorkshire, for example, or Lancashire, where essentially religious indoctrination and extremism from minor religions is taking hold.”
“It’s quite clear that schools have become a law unto themselves.”
Does Reform have any views about the cancel culture going on?
“All of our policy, like most parties, is still in development. So I don't want to say anything that isn't then going to be completely different in the manifesto next year.”
“I think it's fair to say that when you've got publicly funded bodies, whether it's museums, art galleries, theatres, then it's only right that the government should play a hand in saying that we do not want to see cancel culture in these spaces.”
“The government does have a a role and a responsibility to make sure that our national heritage and our cultures, values and social worries are fundamentally protected.”
In part two tomorrow Alexandra Phillips expands on Reform’s policies and answers the question:
“Will Nigel come back?”
Firstly, Brexit Facts4EU.Org and CIBUK.Org each maintain their non-partisan status. The prism through which we view political parties is shaped by the issues of independence, sovereignty, democracy and freedoms.
With polling for Reform UK now nudging up to the 10% mark, we felt it appropriate to start looking at them and what they stand for. No political party sets out its full stall of policies in a formal way before an election is called and a manifesto is produced. That said, voters are entitled to start forming their judgements well ahead of any election.
We hope this video interview with Reform UK's 'spokesman' (as she refers to herself) will be useful in advancing the political debate. In Part Two tomorrow we address some further issues with Alexandra Phillips, including the questions of whether she will run as candidate for MP and - crucially - will Reform's President Nigel Farage come back as leader?
Please come back tomorrow for the answers to these questions and more!
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[ Sources: Reform UK | Alexandra Phillips ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thurs 09 Mar 2023
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