Germany’s asylum problem – numbers soar by almost 90% so far this year

EU’s largest economy at a standstill, state administrations struggle to cope with influx

Montage Facts4EU.Org 2023

No wonder Poland wants to change its own asylum laws with a referendum

The latest figures released by the EU Commission show a dramatic 89% increase in the number of asylum applications in Germany in the first seven months of this year. State administrations were already struggling to house and assimilate massive numbers of migrants. Now it seems the problems are only getting worse.

The German people have already shown failing confidence in their country’s government bodies, as the usual ‘German efficiency’ has given way to backlogs and frustration. Angela Merkel’s glib “We’ll manage it” slogan is now sounding hollow for many Germans and the right-wing AfD party is benefiting.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Asylum applications in Germany, Jan-Jul 2023 compared to Jan-Jul 2022

  • Jan-Jul 2022 : 114,230
  • Jan-Jul 2023 : 215,745
  • Increase : 89%

[Source : European Commission, 24 Aug 2023.]

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2023 - click to enlarge

Germany’s ticking timebomb – the clock is counting down fast

Brexit Facts4EU.Org has predicted on many occasions that the number of migrants in the EU – those who entered and applied for asylum and those entered illegally and disappeared into the black economy – would escalate dramatically, and this is what is happening.

One of the ‘ticking timebombs’ is family reunification. This is the UN-enshrined right of a migrant, once established in a country, to apply for all members of his family to join him. A single migrant in one year can lead to a significant number of his relatives joining him the next year – and there’s little the authorities can do about this.

As UK boat migrants continue to come, Germany’s problems are far worse

This problem will also affect the United Kingdom, but the numbers in Germany are such that the already-creaking state machinery and its stock of housing, schools and hospitals are struggling to cope. This in turn is now having an impact on the German people’s experience of what used to be known as ‘German efficiency’. Dissatisfaction with the services being delivered at state level is growing all the time.

All of this coincides with a German economy which fell into recession earlier this year and is now stagnating. The OECD forecasts that Germany – not the UK – will be the slowest-growing economy in the G7 this year.

This has been filtering through into the German’s voting intentions at the next election. The right-wing ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD) party now leads Chancellor Scholz’s ruling SPD party by two percentage points, according to a poll released this week. Only a year ago, Chancellor Scholz’s party led by six points. That’s a swing of 8% in just 12 months in favour of the AfD.

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The Polish question

The problem is most acute in Germany but Poland has just announced a referendum on the subject, to tie in with its national elections on 15 October.

Former EU Council President Donald Tusk now leads a group of Polish opposition parties called ‘the Civic Coalition’. Tusk is well-known in the UK for his patronising antipathy – not to say hostility - towards the United Kingdom following the Brexit vote. He now trails the governing Law and Justice Party by six percentage points in his own country.

Mr Tusk was EU Council President when he publicly ridiculed the then British Prime Minister, Theresa May, on several occasions, making the UK look like the poor supplicant during the ill-fated Brexit negotiations with the EU under her disastrous tenure of No.10 Downing Street.

Faced with a referendum on immigration and asylum announced by the Polish government for 15 October, it is perhaps not surprising that Mr Tusk has refused to recognise it and is urging people to boycott it. This a man who ruled in Brussels for years without ever being elected by popular mandate. Respect for democracy would not appear to be his strong point.


From Sweden in the North to Spain and Italy in the South, the Right are advancing

In the United Kingdom the Conservative Government of Rishi Sunak does not appear to be reading the European tea leaves. Whilst his government seems to be drifting to the left, more and more backbench Conservative MPs are advocating policies which look likely to appeal to the voters.

Across the EU, right-wing parties have been making gains. Even Sweden now has a centre-right government – something which would have been unthinkable a few short years ago. Italy now has a government led by Georgia Meloni, head of the right-wing ‘Brothers of Italy’ party. In Spain, the right-wing nationalist Vox party has been making significant gains.

It has always been our position that the levels of immigration – both legal and illegal – are of far greater concern to the ordinary people of the United Kingdom than they appear to be to those who inhabit the Westminster Bubble.

Making announcements from time to time – and throwing £800 million at the French for not doing their job – is unlikely to impress many people in our view. What people are looking for are results. It’s time for the PM to start making the tough decisions advocated by many MPs we know.

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[ Sources: EU Commission | German statistics office | Polish government ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Fri 25 Aug 2023

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