Those who fell in the service of Her Majesty – a remembrance of the 4,950

On the eve of a sombre day, we also remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice during her reign

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UK armed forces operational deaths, 1952-2022 – A Facts4EU.Org tribute

As the nation prepares itself for the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth tomorrow, Facts4EU.Org takes a moment to remember all those servicemen and women who died while serving Her Majesty.

With the military playing a pivotal role in tomorrow's proceedings we felt this only right and proper.

Each individual death is a personal tragedy for the families, colleagues, and friends of the fallen. In providing aggregated statistics, in no way do we wish to diminish this. This report is intended to honour those who served Her Majesty during her reign and who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and to offer remembrance of all of them.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Military operations during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II

Latest official figures for academic year 2020/21

  • No. of theatres : 29
  • Total deaths : 4.950

[NOTE: All figures come from the official Ministry of Defence data, up to March 2022. We have extracted the numbers of deaths in operations from 1952 to 2022. We have included non-combat deaths (eg accidents, suicides) as these occurred while in the service of Her Majesty.]

Loss of life by theatre of operation, ordered by the start date of the operations

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2022 - click to enlarge

The most costly operations

The most costly operations in terms of service personnel lost were Northern Ireland, Malaya, Korea, Cyprus, Canal Zone, Falklands, Iraq (Op TELIC), South Arabia, and Borneo.


We are now approaching a momentous event in the history of our country : the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, tomorrow, Monday 19th June 2022.

As we do so, it is worth thinking about the families of those service personnel who lost their lives in the Queen’s service. All our military forces swear an oath of allegiance to the Monarch and the military will play an enormously important role tomorrow.

For the families of those who died, it will no doubt be a particularly poignant time. For each person who died, thousands more had their lives turned upside down, never to return to ‘normal’. And neither do we forget the many thousands more who were injured in Her Majesty’s service and whose lives have never been the same again.

Today we salute them all and thank them.

Tomorrow the Facts4EU.Org team feel unable to publish. We are sure that the vast majority of our readers will understand our decision.

God save the King.

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[ Sources: Ministry of Defence ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 18 Sept 2022

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