Are the UK’s red lines with the EU turning a light shade of pink?

Signs point to HM Government capitulations to the EU over sovereignty and Brexit

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All the mood music from Whitehall suggests UK will remain a divided country

For close observers of the Brexit political scene, ominous writing started appearing on the walls in recent weeks, culminating in an alarming statement at the Conservative Party conference last week.

Currently a part of the United Kingdom is ruled over by an unaccountable and unelected Commission and a foreign court over whose laws and decisions a significant proportion of the United Kingdom population have no say.

No other country in the world would accept the jurisdiction of a foreign court over its citizens. De facto, the UK does not have full sovereignty and is not a fully-independent country. Below we present just three pieces of evidence, indicating a climbdown to the EU by HM Government is imminent.

Evidence – Exhibit No.1 – The Hillsborough meeting, UK-RoI, September 2022

Late last month the UK Secretary of State hosted the ultra-nationalist Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coverney TD at Hillsborough Castle.

Following the meeting Mr Heaton-Harris said the following:-

We have had a fantastic conversation. We are going through some of the very important issues that face us both. Our joint top priority is doing everything we can to ensure an executive is re-established before an election has to be called.”

Simon Coveney subsequently told the Irish state broadcaster RTE that Mr Baker :-

“has recognised that some of his contributions towards solving Brexit problems haven’t been helpful.”

All press reports indicated a significant “warming” in relations.

Evidence – Exhibit No.2 – Abject apology to the EU and to the Republic of Ireland

The Rt Hon Steve Baker MP was once the Chairman of the pro-Brexit ERG group of MPs. He is now a Minister in the Northern Ireland Office.

Despite his Brexiteer past, at last week’s Conservative Party conference Mr Baker made an abject apology to both the EU and the Republic of Ireland for the UK’s behaviour.

Sitting alongside the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Chris Heaton-Harris, Mr Baker said:

“It’s with humility that I want to accept and acknowledge that I and others did not always behave in a way which encouraged Ireland and the European Union to trust us to accept that they have legitimate interests.”

The Rt Hon Steve Baker MP, Birmingham, 04 Oct 2022

Evidence – Exhibit No.3 – Red lines turning light pink

Finally, we have the statements made by Steve Baker on Friday.

“We’re going to some considerable lengths to create an atmosphere of friendship and willingness to make progress, recognising one another's legitimate interests.”

Putin’s illegal invasion and the energy crisis are now being used as the excuses.

“What’s changed? Everyone can see this is an incredibly serious moment for both of our countries, an incredibly serious moment for the European Union, all of Europe. The whole dynamic of politics in Europe has been radically transformed by the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and other issues.

“At such a time, we need transformation in our relationships. We are trying to rise to the burden of responsibility that is on our shoulders.”

And here’s the cruncher :-

"We don't really want to be discussing red lines. We know what our red lines are. You need to get into a negotiation and solve this problem."


Sovereignty is like virginity. A country either has it or it doesn’t. There is no half-way house.

The Facts4EU.Org team does understand that most readers have no specific relationship with Northern Ireland, but we are sure they understand the totemic significance of what may be about to happen in the next few weeks. It now seems likely that the UK Government will settle for changes to the trade arrangements between GB and NI.

If these negotiations result in a foreign power still controlling part of the United Kingdom with its laws and its courts, then this is unacceptable.

If it results in the continued breaking of the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement by the EU, then this is unacceptable.

If it results in any form of continued surrender of sovereignty of the United Kingdom as a whole to the EU, this is unacceptable.

If we are wrong and the Government stands firm, we will issue an abject apology like the one issued by Mr Baker to the EU and the Republic of Ireland. Unfortunately we doubt we will have to do this.

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[ Sources: Northern Ireland Office | Conservative Party conference | Irish media ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 09 Oct 2022

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