Five fishing days until Emperor Emmanuel’s ‘guerre franco-brittanique’?

France issues bizarre ultimatum to UK via the press, breaking international law in fish war

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2021

Facts4EU.Org fillets the French government’s claims, as Macron casts around for votes at home

The British government – and many EU27 governments – have been looking on in recent weeks as French ministers have increasingly made hostile threats against the United Kingdom over an issue so small that if it were a fish it would be thrown back in the water.

Yesterday evening, in what must go down as a low point in the grand tradition of ‘la diplomatie française’, the French government issued what amounts to an ultimatum to the British government. And they did so by press release (in French), rather than informing the United Kingdom government. This communiqué was issued on Twitter and is not available on any French government website as at 5am Wednesday.

What has Macron’s ‘attack puppy’, Clément Beaune, threatened?

The two page ‘press communiqué’ tables the following specific threats of French hostile action, starting on 02 November 2021.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The French ultimatum, 27 Oct 2021

  1. Blocking all British fishing vessels from landing fish in French ports
  2. Imposing strict controls at the border
  3. Systematic surveillance and checking of all British boats in French waters
  4. Imposing strict border controls on all lorries coming from or departing to the UK

Secondary actions listed

  1. The cutting off of power supplies to the UK as part of a second set of measures
  2. The stopping of cooperation on all other subjects concerning relations between the UK and the EU
  3. The French are also demanding another meeting with all EU countries about its fishing dispute, ‘without delay’


© French government - click to enlarge

It should be noted that French customs officials already operate an overly bureaucratic system for UK imports and exports at their borders. If on Tuesday next week the French increase the difficulties British lorries have in entering France, the queues will rapidly reach crisis point.

Lord Frost immediately sent a robust response

Someone in Lord Frost’s office clearly monitors the Twitter accounts of France’s Europe Minister, Clément Beaune, and its Minister of the Sea, Annick Girardin. At 10pm last night Lord Frost responded.

“It is very disappointing that France has felt it necessary to make threats late this evening against the UK fishing industry and seemingly traders more broadly. We set out our position earlier this evening.”

“As we have had no formal communication from the French Government on this matter we will be seeking urgent clarification of their plans. We will consider what further action is necessary in that light.”

Lord Frost, 27 Oct 2021

© UK government - click to enlarge

Emmanuel Macron seems set to break international law to gain votes

The French government appears to be set on a course that will steer them on Tuesday next week to act unilaterally against the United Kingdom, breaking all manner of terms of the UK-EU treaty, and doing so without the approval of the EU Council. The French applied significant pressure in the last two weeks to gain an EU-wide agreement to act against the UK, but singularly failed to do so.

Tomorrow Facts4EU.Org will reveal just how baseless the French claims really are

In the next edition of Facts4EU.Org we will provide evidence of how baseless the claims of the French government are, using official information.

The facts we have uncovered already are quite extraordinary. If any readers can help by sponsoring this work so that we can complete and publish overnight, we would be most grateful. We will be providing our research to Lord Frost and his team.


Unworthy of France

The petulance and outright hostility being shown by President Macron’s French government towards Brexit Britain now seems to know no bounds.

Unable to persuade the EU that the UK has acted unreasonably, (and goodness knows, the EU normally needs little encouragement for this view), the French are now acting unilaterally. Perhaps they are hoping to ‘bounce’ the EU into supporting them.

By saying they will block British boats from French ports, rigorously inspecting all British boats legally in French waters, and clogging up the normal supply of British goods into France, they will be breaking many of the terms of the EU Treaty, the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, and the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, to say nothing of several aspects of international law.

The secondary actions they are planning, including the cutting of power supplies which are contained in international supply contracts, simply beggar belief.

President Macron seems to want to create a foreign war to deflect attention from problems at home

History is full of examples of leaders in trouble at home, who see a foreign conflict as a way of distracting voters’ minds from their poor performance. In Emmanuel Macron’s case, he faces an election in April next year and his popularity ratings are not good.

What better target than Perfidious Albion, the old enemy? Attacking ‘Les Rosbifs’ is always going to play well in many parts of the French public, just as many parts of the British public don’t mind seeing the French in trouble. Perhaps a difference is that the British often do this in a humorous spirit, rather than a hostile one.

In his young protégé Clément Beaune President Macron has the perfect ‘attack puppy’ – someone oblivious to any damage he might do to France’s reputation in the EU and around the world and seemingly 100% loyal to his master in the Elysée Palace.

The French-EU connection…

If traditional anglo-french rivalry is one part of Monsieur Macron thinking - that a British spat will help his poll ratings - we suggest there may be another aspect at play here. The French President has seen how politicians on the right, (who will doubtless stand against him next year), have been doing well on a variety of topics concerning national identity and sovereignty.

Notables in this area are Eric Zemmour and one Michel Barnier, once the darling of the EU. In recent months Monsieur Barnier has become an extraordinary convert to Brexit thinking. He now wants to close French borders to immigration and to proclaim the French Constitution and laws as having supremacy over EU laws and its European Court of Justice.

In Brussels this amounts to high treason, but it’s playing well with the voters back home and Michel Barnier no longer works for the EU. Observing all of this, perhaps President Macron feels that if the rest of the EU continue to fail to back France in this manufactured conflict with the UK, he can improve his credentials as a man who is standing up for the French Republic.

The only question is: at what cost to France’s reputation?

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[ Sources: French Government | Lord Frost Twitter | EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 28 Oct 2021

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