“The British people can and will make Britain great again”

It’s hard to recognise our country right now, but this will change for the better

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org

Reflections on a restoration of liberty, independence, and the British way of life

For almost fifty years it seemed as though a large part of the ‘ruling classes’ of the United Kingdom had lost their collective backbone.

These ‘Establishment’ figures appeared to dismiss and squander the hard-won victories of their parents’ and grandparents’ generations over totalitarian and despotic regimes in continental Europe. Not only that but they were - and still are in many cases - content to hand over the running of the country to the unelected successors of those whom their forebears had either defeated in battle or liberated from conquest and occupation.

With the exception of the years of the Thatcher revolution, it seemed as though the British lion had forgotten how to get to its feet, roar, and stand proud. In that exceptional decade, despite much civil unrest, the Falkland Islands were retaken from the Argentinian dictatorship, British trade union power was made more proportionate, and the Soviet bear was finally defeated in the Cold War. Then for decades we saw the defeatism of the Establishment return… until something rather remarkable happened in 2016.

The glorious revolution of 2016

© Stronger In campaign

Just when it seemed that the decline of the British spirit of independence was so far entrenched - in Westminster, Whitehall, and in the metropolitan classes - that our future as an independent nation looked bleak, along came a pivotal moment.

It was almost a moment granted by chance, as many of the great historical events in the world have been over the centuries. A promise to hold a referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of what had become ‘the European Union’ snowballed when David Cameron won an outright victory in the 2015 general election, consigning the ardent Europhiles of the LibDem junior coalition partners to history.

With a clear manifesto pledge to hold a referendum, the growing rise of UKIP as a threat to any future Conservative majority, and perhaps being emboldened by a lack of understanding of the feelings of a large part of the UK population outside the metropolitan sprawls, the Government of the day duly put the vote to the people.

On that wonderful day, the 23rd of June 2016, the people took their country back and the lion roared once again.

The wilderness years

Shocked to the core by the people’s rejection of the all-powerful and government-backed Project Fear campaign conducted by almost every public organisation, the Establishment quickly closed ranks. While the Brexit organisations and pro-Brexit politicians put out the deckchairs and poured themselves a celebratory drink, the Great Remain Cabal plotted and organised themselves.

In no time at all we had a new Remain-supporting Prime Minister and a cabinet comprising 74% of fellow-travellers. Aided and abetted by civil servants who were anti-Brexit almost to a man and woman, the new Government did everything it could to thwart the decision of the people whilst at the same time mouthing the nonsense that “Brexit means Brexit”.

Mrs May did all of this whilst being humiliated at EU meetings and even being dragged back to Brussels at 4.30am one December morning. It was a shameful period of British history.

One of the great ironies of the concerted attempts to overturn the democratic decision of the British people was the fact that the Remainers in other political parties really didn’t need to do much at all. Theresa May’s Government and its civil servants were already doing an excellent job of wrecking Brexit. Fortunately for the majority in the country at large, the petty politicking which took place in Westminster ended up with a stalemate and the fall of Mrs May.

Barnstorming Boris

The country had had enough. Cue Boris Johnson and his barnstorming win in the general election of December 2019.

Sadly Mr Johnson did not use his large majority to reject the EU Withdrawal Agreement, (almost all of it unchanged since Mrs May’s negotiations), but at least there were going to be no more delays. The UK duly left the EU - albeit in name only - on 31 January 2020. The process was eventually finalised on 31 December last year when the Transition Period came to an end.

The long road to post-Covid freedom

Earlier in this article we referred to accidents of history. As if the departure of the UK from the EU after a titanic struggle lasting so many years was not enough to contend with, the coincident arrival of the Coronavirus just as the UK was leaving the EU could hardly have been more badly timed.

For the last year the effects of the Government response to Covid-19 have made any national changes resulting from Brexit seem like very small beer indeed. Readers might well wonder at our sub-heading above this article: “Reflections on a restoration of liberty, independence, and the British way of life”. Now we can’t even go for a traditional British pint, let alone a small beer.

Individual liberties have been removed by Government diktat faster than you can say Politburo, and the British way of life is becoming a dim memory. But does that mean we must forget about the most significant constitutional change in our country’s history in the last half-century?

Covid dominates our lives, our television screens, and the rest of our media. The Facts4EU.Org team has some strong views on this whole subject, but this article is not the place for these.

Yes, there’s a lot to put right, but…

We have generally seen our job as “speaking truth to power”, which in today’s terms means presenting official facts about the sub-optimal Brexit we have been given, no matter how uncomfortable these facts may be. This often involves publishing some fairly negative assessments. We also have deep concerns about freedom of expression, the indoctrination of our youth, the nonsense of extreme and faddish race and sexuality movements, and many other important societal issues.

If we take a step back, however, let’s be clear. Most of the United Kingdom is now out of the EU. And that gives us massive opportunities as a country. Covid might be restraining us but it does not and must not define us.

We can’t and won’t forget that Northern Ireland is now under the jurisdiction of a foreign power, and that Gibraltar’s British status is under threat. Nor can we forgive the way our fishermen and their coastal communities have been treated. These are just three of the many reasons why we say that “Brexit is not yet done”.

We’ve had our backs against the wall before – and come out on top

These things said, the United Kingdom has made a massive step on the road to being a free, independent and sovereign country once again. There is certainly a lot to do to put right the unsatisfactory Brexit we have been given, but perhaps we should all be lifting our heads a little.

Unlike many organisations, Facts4EU.Org does not have central London offices and perhaps this has given us an advantage in building up a significant following over the last five years. We really do love the emails and messages which you send to us from all around the country. You keep our feet on the ground and remind us of what a great country the United Kingdom is. Real people, real opinions, strong wills.

There is a huge amount to do to counter a lot of the beliefs and policies prevailing in Westminster and in national capitals around the world.

As an example of the latter, on his first day in office President Biden signed an Executive Order which will have the effect of allowing boys who identify as girls to use female toilets and changing rooms in schools.

So, there may be a lot to do before normal life and sanity can resume. Nevertheless we have a feeling that the natural common sense of the British people together with the power of our collective cultural history will overcome all of these issues. It might take a bit of work, but then that hasn’t stopped the people of the United Kingdom before.

The British people can and will make Britain great again.

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[ Sources: Five years of Facts4EU.Org research and reports | The White House | ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Tues 26 Jan 2021

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