One year on – what is your favourite Brexit Bonus?

Nominate your choice by replying and we will rank the most popular in a special report early next year

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It has been almost a year since the legal exit for most (but not all) of the UK became reality – what do you think has been the best outcome of Brexit that we could not have enjoyed without leaving the EU?

Merry Christmas! We thought while you are hopefully relaxing and before the New Year we’d ask you a question – what’s your favourite Brexit Bonus?

It is of course entirely your choice, but to kick things off we’ve suggested five possible nominations that might be up there with the rest. Feel free to nominate these as part of your own list.

In no particular order of merit:

  • Full democratic control of decisions that affect us
    It is now up to us; we cannot keep passing the blame on to other countries and institutions when in the past we have been ‘Gilding the Brussels Lilly’, but must now hold our politicians to account for not using the freedoms and powers that they have to make the changes we demand, or hiding behind others’ skirts…
  • Freeports
    Maybe watered down by the Treasury but potentially with the ability to be a game-changer in the locations where they have been ‘licensed’. Already there’s evidence of investment decisions being made into the country that would not have otherwise have happened, including some projects that would have gone to ‘Brexit free’ Scotland but instead went south to England because of Freeports. If ever there was a message to Scots about Brexit, that should be it.
  • Trade deals tailored to fit our export markets
    Ignore the doom-sayers. Of course most of the deals so far were ‘roll-overs’ – the need was to keep the current deals alive – but even those were previously said to be impossible by critics of Brexit. Yet the Japanese deal had additions that were new and the New Zealand and Australia deals are fresh. The media tries its best to look at the impact on British vested interests while ignoring the benefits to British consumers and exporters. More of these deals will in time become the norm…
  • The freedom to introduce our own Covid vaccine before the rest of the EU
    Whatever you think of the vaccines – and we do not publish our views about them as that’s not our job – the reality is that the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine would not have gained approval in time to be delivered by December 2020 had the UK Government not taken the decision to go with British drug approval (MHRA) without the EU agency oversight. Yes, that power always existed, but never would have a UK government have had the cojones to go it alone while inside the EU.
  • Escaping the development of an EU military force to support EU Foreign Policy
    Well, we kept telling people and those like Nick Clegg kept denying it, but there has always been a very complicated and deceptive route – rather like Mao’s Long March – which looked like a Remainer retreat but was in fact destined to be the way to obtain control. That is the ability to have a military force that would add heft to EU Foreign Policy. Up until Theresa May fell from power this was still included the UK Government’s agenda. It no longer is, but there are still sleepers in the bureaucracy and parliament that we must guard against – is this the most important Brexit Bonus we never expected?

Brexit Bonus List

Here's how to submit your suggestions

1. You can email us here, or
2. You can put your suggestions in the comments section below this article.


There are of course many others, some of which have maybe not been delivered as well as we all might like, but remain hugely important and would no doubt be recognised as more popular if delivered properly, such as:

  1. Effective control of our borders as a sovereign nation
  2. The power NOW to determine who fishes for what in our own seas
  3. The ability to avoid new EU taxes and regulations that burden our country’s businesses, and
  4. The avoidance of paying the annual membership fee for a club that took advantage of us and benefited far fewer than it claimed…

There are no doubt many benefits we have not mentioned. Actually we know there are but thought it fun to let you suggest them. So, send us some messages or comments telling us what you think… We’ll publish the best and compile a report you can read here. There are of course more than a hundred reasons we could list – but this is about what you think is the most important – it’s now over to you.

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Brexit Facts4EU.Org, 30 Dec 2021

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