France’s migrant channel traffic - Is the EU knowingly letting in illegal migrants?

EU allows visa-free entry from 61 countries, knowing many thousands will abscond

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Latest EU report makes grim reading for Priti Patel’s plans to stem illegal channel crossings

On Wednesday (04 Aug 2021) the EU released its latest report on its ‘visa liberalisation programme’. The report includes the figures for the large number of entrants from some countries who abscond and never return home after the obligatory 90 days.

Facts4EU.Org has analysed this report, together with the latest data from the EU’s official statistics agency on the number of illegal foreign nationals the EU is aware of.

The citizens of 61 countries – almost one-third of all countries in the world – can enter the EU perfectly legally without a visa and stay for a period of 90 days. They have no need to cross in small inflatable boats nor to crawl under barbed wire at remote EU borders. Many never go home.

The United Kingdom is not on this list of 61 countries.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

  • Total illegal foreign nationals present in EU: 557,455
  • Illegals from the 8 countries in EU’s latest report: 143,205

© Facts4EU.Org - click to enlarge

[Source: The EU’s official statistics agency, figures for 2020. These are only the numbers the EU is aware of and they do not include those who have slipped ‘under the radar’.]

EU's policy is to let in people from its ‘partnership’ countries - knows most will not go home

The report released by the EU Commission on Wednesday only focuses on the eight countries in the EU’s “Western Balkans” and “Eastern Partnership” arrangements: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Georgia; Moldova, and Ukraine.

These are all countries with which the EU has agreed ‘visa liberalisation’ arrangements in the last 10 years, some as recently as 2017.

Hundreds of thousands enter from very poor countries – how many only coming on holiday?

The EU’s report is careful not to give the numbers of people entering from the eight countries it reports on. However, Facts4EU.Org looked at the number who applied for “international protection” as soon as they got into the EU. Naturally this will only be a proportion of the total number entering because many will avoid any contact with the authorities whatsoever.

The proportion not applying is likely to be very high, given that they know their chances of being accepted are only between 5-10%. Nevertheless, even the numbers making applications are still high. In Albania’s case, almost 7,000 applied in 2020, and only 5.3% were accepted.

To give some idea of the scale of the problem, 23,235 Albanians were issued with return decisions by the EU in 2020. Naturally most have never abided by these decisions.


With no disrespect to the peoples in the EU’s latest report, they come from relatively poor countries. There can surely be no question that the EU Commission knows full well that the large numbers taking advantage of its ‘visa liberalisation’ programme are entering the EU with no intention of leaving after the obligatory 90 days.

We must also ask the question: are all these people seriously entering the EU for a holiday? Even if we were to accept that hundreds of thousands of people from these poor countries were only coming for that reason, who can afford a 90-day holiday? Right now, most British people would happily settle for just one week in the Mediterranean sun.

So why is the EU allowing this? – The United Kingdom factor

It is important to note that the eight countries in the EU’s report on Wednesday are all countries which the EU wishes to draw into its empire, and that five out of the eight already have official candidate or potential candidate status.

Offering ‘visa liberalisation’ is just one of the sweeteners that the EU has in its armoury. With the departure of its second-largest member, the United Kingdom, the EU is very keen to purge that loss by adding new members.

It matters not that the combined effect of all eight countries joining the EU would still not make up for the EU’s massive economic loss as a result of the United Kingdom leaving. The EU will spin every new member as an increase from ‘the EU27’ to ‘the EU29’, ‘EU31’, etc.

Allowing in thousands of people, some of whom will make their way to Calais and board rubber dinghies to the UK, is a small price to pay for the Commission’s territorial and ideological ambitions.

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[ Sources: EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sat 07 Aug 2021

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