Before MPs’ debate, No.10 organises plane with EU deal for Boris to sign

Only 5 hours debate allowed before EU deal is rammed through at lightning speed

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2020

This behaviour is now nothing short of contemptuous towards our democracy

Three Brexit Facts4EU.Org articles on a momentous day in UK history – Part One

We are a moderate voice in the Brexit debate.
Today, however, with the mainstream media seemingly absent on the subject of basic democratic procedures and proper scrutiny, we feel we must speak out. Readers may not agree with all of the contents of our three articles today, but we hope you will all support the need for an alternative voice to be heard.

Today Parliament has been granted a few hours to debate the UK-EU ‘trade deal’ before it is signed by the Prime Minister in No.10 Downing Street.

No.10 announced yesterday that it had organised an RAF aeroplane to bring the UK-EU ‘Trade and Cooperation Agreement’ over to the UK, the moment it has been provisionally been signed by the EU Council President and the EU Commission President today. The document will be accompanied by EU and UK officials.

Meanwhile it was also announced yesterday that MPs would be given only five hours to debate the Bill which will enact this treaty, starting at 09.30 this morning. It seems that the RAF plane with the treaty will arrive before Parliament has even completed its hideously-truncated consideration of the largest trade treaty in UK history.

Forget sovereignty for a moment, this argument is about democracy

This article is not about whether the UK-EU ‘Trade and Cooperation Agreement’ is acceptable or not. We have made – and are making – those arguments separately. This article is about the democratic process. The rush to get this deal rail-roaded through, without anything resembling proper scrutiny and debate, is quite extraordinary.

This criticism doesn’t only apply to the UK Government. In Brussels, we have never seen the usually-languorous machinery move so quickly – particularly in holiday time – to get a deal signed, even if only provisionally. This, in our experience, is not a good omen.

It is worth pointing out once again that the EU Parliament has been given two months to review and debate this ‘trade deal’. Today the UK Parliament will debate and ratify this deal in one single day. Meanwhile the EU will only apply it provisionally and will not ratify it for another two months at least.

Where’s Gina Miller? Where’s the Supreme Court? Where are the Remain-dominated media?

When the Prime Minister attempted to prorogue Parliament in September last year, the Government was subjected to howls of protest from the usual Remain campaigners and the Remain-dominated media. Boris Johnson was then dragged through the courts (although he did not attend) and the Government was ordered back to Westminster.

Where are the howls of protest about the abuse of the democratic process now?

Today's articles:

PART ONE: This article
PART TWO: The Government applied 20 trade deals ‘provisionally’ this year – why not for the EU deal?
PART THREE: ‘The Starry-Eyed Chamber’ – short reflections on the surrender of the Ex-Spartans

Finally, we know times are difficult for many people this Christmas - they are for us too. Covid has affected us all, and it has definitely affected the level of donations we receive from members of the public. With no other source of income, we rely on our readers to keep us going.

We are most grateful to readers who have donated in recent days, but we badly need more readers to do the same if we are to continue researching facts, scrutinising, publishing, and lobbying MPs. Quick, secure, and confidential donation links are below this article, or you can use our Donations page here. If you have never donated before, please, please, keep us going with a donation now. Thank you so much.

[ Sources: No.10 | UK Parliament ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 30 Dec 2020

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