LABOUR’S EU MANIFESTO : Vote Labour, get Remain

7 reasons NOT to vote Labour in 13 days' time

Brexit Facts4EU.Org analyses and summarises Labour’s EU Parliament elections manifesto

Yesterday in the South-East of England Jeremy Corbyn launched the Labour Party’s manifesto for the EU Parliament elections which take place in just under two weeks’ time.

Readers can read the full manifesto here (PDF), but for convenience we have summarised some of the key passages below.

Manifesto excerpt

Brexit Facts4EU.Org comments

Our Verdict

1. “Labour has put forward an alternative plan to seek a close and cooperative relationship with the European Union...”

We voted to leave the EU, not to get into bed with it again.


2. “... including a new comprehensive customs union with a UK say...”

We voted to leave the EU. Exiting the Customs Union delivers many of the economic benefits of leaving the EU. Having a ‘new, comprehensive customs union’ stops the UK from negotiating its own trade deals and negates all these benefits. Being in a customs union is an integral part of EU membership and is one of the four, indivisible pillars of it.


3. “... close single market alignment, guaranteed rights and standards...”

We voted to leave the EU. Labour’s policy means mirroring Single Market obligations, another integral part of EU membership, and one of the four, indivisible pillars of it. The 92% of UK businesses which do no trade with the EU would still have to obey all the rules imposed by it.


4. “...and the protection of the Good Friday peace agreement in Northern Ireland.”

We voted to leave the EU. Everyone wants the Good Friday Agreement to continue. This agreement was not negotiated by the EU, but by the British and Irish governments. Leaving the EU does not threaten the agreement unless the EU deliberately wish to do so.


5. “We believe such a deal could bring our country back together and deliver on the result of the referendum.”

Labour’s policies amount to Remain, and most certainly do NOT deliver on the Referendum result.


6. “Labour will continue to oppose the Government’s bad deal or a disastrous no deal.”

The Government’s ‘deal’ is a surrender treaty which has no support. A ‘no deal’ is now the proper exit route, thanks to deliberate and incompetent negotiations by Mrs May and her Remainer civil servants. ‘No deal planning’ is now at the stage where this is THE viable and practical solution for a clean Brexit.


7. “And if we can’t get agreement along the lines of our alternative plan, or a general election, Labour backs the option of a public vote.”

Crucially, given that the EU will not agree to Labour’s “alternative plan”, (over two years of negotiations have proved this), and given that a general election is not in Labour’s gift, this leaves the ‘public vote’. This is more commonly known by the term “Referendum”. We had one. The people voted to leave. The decision of the people must be delivered, or a second ‘Losers Vote’ has no legitimacy.


The extracts above come from the Foreward by Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, in Labour’s manifesto for the elections to the EU Parliament in 13 days’ time.

Other contradictions

It is impossible not to comment on a couple of other issues contained in Labour’s manifesto.

1. Delivering rights and protections at work

In this section Labour says “EU laws underpin our rights to paid holidays, maternity and paternity leave, and on limiting working time.”

In the very next section (“Campaigning for equality”), they say: “Labour is the party of equality. We brought in the Equal Pay Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, the Equality Act, and the Minimum Wage. Every progressive piece of equality legislation has been delivered by Labour.”

So on the one hand Labour credits the EU for workers’ rights, and a few sentences later they claim that most of these rights were brought in by the UK Parliament under Labour governments.

In fact, almost all workers’ rights have happened due to UK laws being passed in the UK Parliament – nothing to do with the EU. The EU does not even require member states to have a statutory minimum wage.

2. Keeping us safe

This entire section in the manifesto does not contain a single word about the EU Defence Union nor the EU’s rapidly escalating military ambitions. Defence issues are mentioned nowhere in the document, despite defence of the Realm being the No.1 priority of Government.

Two Conservative perspectives on Labour's EU Parliamentary manifesto

Two Conservative MPs (and staunch democrats) Anne Marie Morris MP and Andrea Jenkyns MP gave Brexit Facts4EU.Org their views on the Labour manifesto

“Every voter should scrutinise party manifestos very carefully before they vote. A vote for Labour, Liberal Democrats or the Green Party will deliver Remain.”

“We did not vote for and do not want these elections but we have them and need to take our vote seriously. The country voted to leave and our vote on 23 May must send that message again. We voted to leave!”

Anne Marie Morris has been MP for Newton Abbot in Devon since 2010

“The public need to have confidence that their representatives will deliver what the country did vote for - which certainly was not a Brexit in name only.

“It’s clear that the Labour party will prevent a clean Brexit at every opportunity and it’s time for the public to speak up again. MPs need to listen to the will of the people and respect the referendum result.”

Andrea Jenkyns has been MP for Morley and Outwood since 2015,
defeating shadow chancellor Ed Balls.


Our summary is simple. Vote Labour, get Remain.

Readers know that we are party-neutral, except on matters relating to Brexit. We have judged Labour’s EU Parliamentary elections manifesto against the requirement to leave the EU, as voted for in the largest democratic vote in British history.

We urge all Labour voters to lobby hard against this manifesto using any connections they have, and most definitely to vote for a pro-Brexit candidate in the elections in 13 days’ time.

[ Sources: Labour Party manifesto for EU Parliament elections on 23 May 2019 ]

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, 10 May 2019

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