NEW: Youth unemployment is as high as 66% in one EU region

Latest official figures show EU’s uneven playing field for the young

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The UK’s average rate is 11.3%, according to the EU

It is said that the UK’s young people have for many years been getting a rose-tinted view of the EU from the heavily Europhile and anti-Brexit teaching establishment.

Below we present highlights from the latest official report on youth unemployment across the EU from the statistics agency (Eurostat), which shows youth unemployment rates across the 281 regions of the EU.

Brexit Summary

Worst regions in EU for youth unemployment

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  1. Melilla (Spain) - 66.1%
  2. Ceuta (Spain) - 62.4%
  3. West Macedonia (Greece) - 62.0%
  4. Mayotte (France) - 61.1%
  5. North Aegean (Greece) - 56.7%
  6. Guadeloupe (France) - 55.2%
  7. Campania (Italy) - 53.6%
  8. Sicily (Italy) - 53.6%
  9. Calabria (Italy) - 52.7%
  10. Continental Greece (Greece) - 51.1%

Comparison with the UK

In the UK region of ‘Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire’, the youth unemployment rate is 8.8%. The highest rate is found in ‘Outer London - West and North West’, where it is recorded as 20.0%. The UK average is 11.3%.

In more than 80% of the 281 EU regions, the unemployment rate for young people was at least twice that of total unemployment in the same region.

The overall picture

Looking at unemployment as a whole across the EU, ie not only young people, here is the overall picture :-

What are “EU Regions” and what is “NUTS”?

Since the late 1980s the EU has been using its own system for dividing up the countries of the EU into regions rather than nation states. In 2003, this was made into a formal Regulation of the EU Parliament and the EU Council.

The highest level is called ‘NUTS 0’. This is its name. We kid you not. If you live in the UK dear reader, in fact you live in EU NUTS 0 Region UK.

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There are 281 regions at NUTS level 2 across the EU. The UK has been allocated 41 of these. You can read more about this in an article we published three weeks ago here.


Dear student, or young worker, or young unemployed person,

We think you deserve to have as much information as possible about the EU. It is a simple fact that the teaching establishment in the UK is massively pro-Remain. If you want justification for that statement you are quite right to want it.

Brexit Summary

  • 75% of secondary school teachers backed Remain
  • Nearly 90% of university lecturers backed Remain

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Above is how the teaching profession voted in the EU Referendum, according to the Times Educational Supplement survey at the time.

The information in this article all comes from the EU itself. It will not be reported on the BBC, nor will you see it anywhere else, we suspect.

We just thought you’d like to know what EU membership has meant – and continues to mean - for millions of young people across the EU.

[ Sources: Eurostat official data for 2018 | EU Commission information on the Regions ]

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Bank Holiday Monday, 06 May 2019

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