SHOCK EXCLUSIVE : Almost 4 million EU27 nationals now live in the UK, not 3 million

We reveal the truth behind the latest EU official report

Credit: EU Commission

Freedom of movement has certainly benefited other EU citizens

On Tuesday the latest official report on ‘Mobility in Europe’ (Freedom of Movement) from the EU Commission’s statistics agency was released. It provides for shocking reading. The data shows that there were 3.9 million EU27 nationals living in the UK on 01 January 2018.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org has analysed the raw data on which the EU’s report is based and below we present our findings.

Brexit Summary

  • Almost 4 million EU27 nationals now live in the UK
  • This is one-third higher than the figure of 3 million used by most MPs and campaign groups
  • The UK has the highest number of EU citizens after Germany, which has a population 25% larger than the UK
  • The UK’s proportion of EU nationals is 70% higher than the EU average

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Where do they come from?

  • Poles top the table at over 1 million
  • Romanians are second, with 416,000, despite only having Freedom of Movement to the UK in 2007

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The numbers continue to grow

Despite the impression given by some commentators, the number of EU27 nationals in the UK has continued to rise since the 2016 Referendum. In May the ONS reported their estimate for 2018 to be a net increase of 74,000.

Although the EU’s report was published only this week, the data relates to populations on 01 January 2018 – over 18 months ago. Assuming that in the first half of this year the numbers entering the UK continued to grow, this would suggest that around 100,000 EU27 nationals should be added to the EU’s figures.


Official figures on population and immigration are notoriously unreliable, as we have stated in many previous articles.

That said, politicians have to use the latest official data and this is what we have provided above. We do not believe that the data represents the true picture – we believe the numbers to be higher. Our reasoning is based on the number of National Insurance numbers issued to EU27 nationals over the last three years, which indicates an EU27 population in the UK well in excess of four million.

Some might say that it doesn’t matter whether the official number is three or four million. We disagree. One of the three red lines for the EU in the Brexit negotiations was “citizens’ rights”. This was one of the issues they insisted be resolved before they would even begin to discuss the future relationship between the EU and the UK after Brexit.

The absurd demands they made – and which Mrs May and Olly Robbins agreed to – place enormous burdens on the UK. In fact, EU27 citizens and their families would have had superior rights to UK citizens, had the Withdrawal Agreement been passed. We think it should matter to MPs that the UK is talking about four million people, not three million.

Readers will understand that it takes time to drill down into raw, official data to bring you news such as that above. Given that the BBC will not cover important information like this, we feel we have to. We can only continue to do this if more readers donate. Quck and secure donation methods are below. Thank you.

[ Sources: EU Commission official statistics agency Eurostat Jul 2019 | ONS latest immigration figures May 2019 ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, 13 Jul 2019

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