PMs New Year Resolutions Do Not Include
"Must Tell The Truth"

© HMG 31 Dec 2018

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org New Year's editorial

Yesterday, the Prime Ministers New Year message to the people of the United Kingdom sadly ran true to form: weak, uninspiring, and fallacious.
The team at Brexit Facts4EU.Org would have loved to start the New Year with something uplifting and full of hope.
We do in fact have something positive for our readers, but first we must give you the Prime Ministers words yesterday.
"New Year is a time to look ahead and in 2019 the UK will start a new chapter. The Brexit deal I have negotiated delivers on the vote of the British people and in the next few weeks MPs will have an important decision to make. If Parliament backs a deal, Britain can turn a corner.
"The referendum in 2016 was divisive but we all want the best for our country and 2019 can be the year we put our differences aside and move forward together, into a strong new relationship with our European neighbours and out into the world as a globally trading nation."

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear

How depressing that Theresa May should continue her flagrant lie: "The Brexit deal I have negotiated delivers on the vote of the British people".
This is patently untrue. It does nothing of the sort.
Mrs Mays appalling Withdrawal Agreement is not only a sham, keeping the UK in all the EUs structures, but it goes much further and delivers a worse relationship with the EU than full membership itself.
If the PMs deal were ever enacted, it would quite possibly go down as the worst international treaty signed by any politician in modern history, anywhere.
Mrs May and her cabal of Remain-supporting civil servants could not have made a worse job of Brexit than if they had set out to keep the UK in the EU all along. Given that they have effectively delivered just that, we must assume that this was the intention all along.
After all, no-one who was truly negotiating Brexit could have ended up with the PMs Withdrawal Agreement, could they?
She has succeeded in giving us a worse international treaty than the EU Treaty itself.

There Is Hope, However

We believe in the deep-rooted common sense of the British people.
Never was there a better demonstration of this than on that glorious June day in 2016, when the people rejected the cacophony of lies they were being told by the Establishment – national and international – and voted for their freedom.
The belief of the majority was vindicated when all the immediate and supposedly catastrophic effects of a Leave vote failed to materialise. Not only were all the lies of Project Fear proven to be false, but the reality showed precisely the opposite effects. Jobs increased, wages rose, and the economy continued to grow.

The Challenge

The challenge now is to translate the decision of the British people to leave the EU into clear and decisive action.
And this, dear readers, is where you and we come in. We must all now act in 2019. Each of us must do whatever we can do to ensure that the democratic decision of the British people is enacted.
For our part, we have been doing two things, apart from researching and publishing our daily diet of original articles full of facts from official EU and national government sources.

New-Look For 2019

Later today, all being well, we will launch our new-look website.

Go WTO Campaign

This week we launch our GO WTO campaign to MPs, the media, and the public.

Please see the article below for more exciting details!

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