Is the Government’s ‘small boats bill’ already holed below the waterline?

We voted to take back control, but European judges will still rule in secret against the UK

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All but lawyers and ‘no borders’ extremists want to “stop the boats” – who will win?

Yesterday in Parliament the Home Secretary introduced the much-heralded “Illegal Migration Bill”, designed to stop the ever-growing number of illegal migrants crossing the English Channel from the safe country of France in order to claim asylum in the United Kingdom.

In doing so, Suella Braverman was forced to take the unusual step of announcing that the Bill cannot be guaranteed to comply with the Government’s Human Rights legislation and in particular the European Convention on Human Rights. Here is the opening to the Bill:-

© Crown (Parliament) 2023 - click to access the Bill

“Secretary Suella Braverman has made the following statement under section 19(1)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998:

“I am unable to make a statement that, in my view, the provisions of the Illegal Migration Bill are compatible with the Convention rights, but the Government nevertheless wishes the House to proceed with the Bill.”

It is very rare for any Government Bill to declare up front that it may not comply with the United Kingdom’s obligations under international treaties. The advice the Government receives from its legal officers is traditionally held to be confidential. In this case it seems clear that this advice was that the Bill does not or may not comply with international law. Or – more specifically – European law.

The Government plans to take on the ECHR

The Government’s plan seems to be to amend the ECHR or to disapply certain of its provisions, to allow the UK to pursue the policies laid out in the new Bill. Here is what Suella Braverman told the Commons yesterday:-

“Mr. Speaker, I won’t address the bill’s full legal complexities today. Some of the nation’s finest legal minds have been – and continue to be – involved in its development.

“But I must say this, the Rule 39 process that enabled the Strasbourg court to block at the last minute, flights to Rwanda, after our courts had refused injunctions, was deeply flawed. Our ability to control our borders cannot be held back by an opaque process, conducted late at night, with no chance to make our case or even appeal decisions.

“That’s why we’ve initiated discussions in Strasbourg, to ensure their blocking orders meet a basic natural justice standard - one that prevents abuse of Rule 39s to thwart removal. And it’s why the bill will set out the conditions for the UK’s future compliance for such orders. Other countries share our dilemma and will understand the justice of our position.

“Our approach is robust and novel, which is why we can’t make a definitive statement of compatibility under section 19(1)(a) of the Human Rights Act. Of course the UK will always seek to uphold international law and I am confident that this bill is compatible with international law.”

- Home Secretary Suella Braverman, House of Commons, 07 mar 2023

Torpedoed on first contact with the enemy?

The European Convention on Human Rights came into force 70 years ago this coming September. Drafted (mostly by British lawyers) in response to the appalling abuses of human rights across Europe under the tyranny of Nazi Germany, the Convention was a document of its time.

In 70 years life has moved on. While many of the provisions of the Convention apply today, it was not drafted with any expectation of the current immigration crisis, nor of the ways in which it has been exploited by immigration lawyers to thwart what the Home Secretary refers to as “natural justice”.

It is not possible for the UK to apply for a derogation from any provisions of the ECHR. The Convention’s wording states:

“Article 15 – Derogation in time of emergency”

“1. In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation any High Contracting Party may take measures derogating from its obligations under this Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with its other obligations under international law.”

- ECHR Treaty text

There is absolutely no possibility that the current small boats crisis would fall under this provision. This is why the Government appears to be seeking to amend the ECHR. With 46 countries as signatories, this will be a lengthy process and is likely to take years.


This is a problem created by the EU

The first and most obvious comment to make is that the illegal migrant problem would be solved at a stroke if the EU agreed to take back its illegal migrants immediately. The people reaching English shores have typically passed through many safe EU countries – apparently unchallenged – where they could have claimed asylum. They have then spent weeks or months in France where they could have applied for asylum.

This a problem which the EU has refused to engage with. It shows absolutely no signs of wanting to shoulder its responsibilities. Just as the EU has refused to obey its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement, the UK should also play hard-ball. The Government should suspend all payments to the EU until it takes back its illegal migrants.


Given that the Government seems too weak to stand up to the EU, there is an alternative. As always, the Brexit Facts4EU.Org team looks for practical solutions. In this case the answer is relatively simple.

The UK should apply for an urgent derogation from the ECHR in respect of illegal migrants. When this is refused, the UK Government should announce its immediate withdrawal from the ECHR and should amend the UK’s Human Rights Act (which incorporates ECHR law) as well as amending the Modern Slavery Act which was rushed through the Commons by Theresa May in her last act as Prime Minister.

In tandem, a communications initiative should be launched by the Foreign Office worldwide, to explain to the world that the UK is still adhering to almost all of the provisions of the ECHR (no torture, etc) and has only been forced to remove itself because of needing to solve one problem urgently. This is clearly a problem which was never anticipated by the founding fathers back in 1950-1953 when the ECHR was drafted.

Hey presto, problem solved.

Provided the FCDO does its job, (admittedly the riot act would have to read to all its senior officials to work as if their jobs depended on it), then world opinion would, we believe, be sympathetic.

It will still take months before the message seeps through to migrants seeking to enter the UK illegally. Perhaps, however, when those who are deported start sending Instagram videos back home, showing their lives in Rwanda, then the cynical and deadly trade in human beings by people traffickers will stop.

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[ Sources: UK Parliament | ECHR ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 08 Mar 2023

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