Colonial master of Northern Ireland flies in from Brussels to claim credit for UK’s money

Brexit Facts4EU.Org dissects his speech in Belfast

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An opinion piece on EU Vice-President Šefčovič’s visit to his EU colony yesterday

As we predicted, the unelected EU Commissioner and Vice-President of the EU Commission, Maroš Šefčovič did indeed fly into Belfast yesterday (Mon 11 Sept). His visit and speech commanded the presence of a UK Secretary of State, a UK minister, the Irish Taoiseach, and a large media pack.

Below we dissect Mr Šefčovič’s speech, reinforce some facts, and provide our commentary for him.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

An open letter to Mr Maroš Šefčovič

Blatant disinformation by you and the EU

“With an overall contribution of 1.1 billion euro, we are – collectively – clearly demonstrating that we are putting our money where our mouth is.”

No you’re not, Mr Šefčovič. You are putting the UK’s money where the EU’s mouth is.

[Sources: UK Government, Northern Ireland Office, and EU Commission.]

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This is a majority UK-funded programme

80% of the money for this ‘Peace Plus’ programme is coming from the UK. This is effectively a UK project, not an EU one, and it should be branded as such. To describe it any other way – as you are doing - equates to disinformation on the part of the EU Commission. This is what is now occurring and it must stop.

The EU is a ‘peace project’?

“The EU is, and will always remain, a peace project. This is especially pertinent at a time when war has once again blighted our continent.”

What has the EU ever actually done for peace? It’s NATO that has kept the peace in Europe, not the EU. Even in the latest crisis to which you allude, it was the United Kingdom that stood up to be counted. This started in 2014, after Putin’s first illegal invasion of Ukraine in 2014, when he annexed Crimea. The UK began providing military aid to Ukraine from that point onwards.

In Putin’s second illegal invasion in February 2022 the EU itself did almost nothing. Even today, after 12 ‘sanctions packages’, the EU27 are still buying €111.2 billion of goods from Putin’s Russia and have sold him €45.6 billion - and this is only for the last 12 months for which statistics are available.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The EU’s and the UK’s trade with Putin’s Russia, 12 months to June 2023

[Sources : EU Commission statistics agency and the UK’s Office for National Statistics, accessed 03 Sept 2023.]

1. Imports from Russia as % of their total imports (How much did they each buy?)

  • EU : 3.91% (The EU is buying 78 times more from Putin's Russia than the UK, pro rata)
  • UK : 0.05%

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2. Exports to Putin's Russia as % of their total exports globally (How much did they each sell?)

  • EU : 1.75% (The EU is selling Russia 10 times more than the UK, pro rata)
  • UK : 0.18%

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2023 - click to enlarge

What of the EU’s No.1 economic power?

The largest arms manufacturer in the EU – Germany – took many months following Putin’s second invasion before finally agreeing to allow some limited weapons sales to Ukraine.

The public may recall that Germany’s opening gambit was to offer President Zelenskyy’s troops some helmets. This is still a major issue and a cause of in-fighting in the German coalition government, as well as attracting severe criticism from the governments of many other EU countries.

One thing is clear. Whatever people think about the right policy to follow, Brexit Britain has been standing tall and the EU has been toothless.

The EU played no part in peace in Northern Ireland

Mr Šefčovič’ then moves on with an attempt to link the EU to the peace process in Northern Ireland, when in fact it had nothing to do with it.

“Here in Northern Ireland, we have seen how peace, when it is not a given, becomes an overwhelming desire, a primary necessity. And we have also seen how much we can achieve together when we put our hearts and minds to it. The Belfast / Good Friday Agreement has provided a sustainable basis for peace in Northern Ireland for the past 25 years.”

As Brexit Facts4EU.Org stated yesterday:

“The EU had nothing to do with the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998. This was negotiated and agreed by the UK and Republic of Ireland governments, with significant involvement from N.I. politicians (especially the late Lord David Trimble and the late John Hume) and under the chairmanship of the late and respected US Senator George Mitchell.

“The EU Commission played no substantive part at all. Despite this, the EU Commission has for years attempted to claim credit.”

Who is this grand panjandrum and potentate?

In our next report we will provide information on the troublesome background of this EU official, whose visit to Belfast yesterday commanded the presence of two UK Ministers, the Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland, and a gathering of the world’s media.


Even the pro-EU press could not spin yesterday’s events in a positive way. Here is The Irish News :-

“Historically, the Special EU Programme Body (SEUPB) has been responsible for overseeing the fund, and despite a greater proportion of the money now coming from London, it remains in place to distribute the latest tranche, which extends to 2027. To some degree that explains the prominent EU branding and the equal billing given to the fund's minority contributors…”

“The launch itself was rather uneventful. A series of underwhelming speeches from the above dignitaries were punctuated by music and highland dancing, alongside videos highlighting the PEACE fund's previous successes. It was all a bit toe-curling and self-congratulatory but nothing out of the ordinary.”

In our next report on this issue we will reveal the background of Northern Ireland's new colonial master. Not to be missed!

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[ Sources: EU Commission | NI Office ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Tues 12 Sept 2023

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