Shock admission by EU : ‘We have no level playing field’

The EU demands the UK does one thing, but does the opposite

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2020

Commission’s own 2020 Single Market scoreboard gives out 166 red & yellow cards to its members

The UK was one of the top performers but benefited the least, says the EU

Against a background of the EU continuing to demand that the UK obey all manner of ‘Level Playing Field’ restrictions in return for a trade deal, it transpires that the EU’s own playing field is in fact an “uneven landscape”, according to its own admission.

Not only that, but the UK was the top performing major country in the EU last year, despite getting the least out of Single Market membership.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Key findings of the 2020 Single Market Scoreboard include:

  • “Uneven enforcement of single market rules”
  • “An uneven landscape for Single Market enforcement”
  • The number of infringement procedures against Member States has grown
  • EU legislation was incompletely or incorrectly transposed
  • 59 red cards were issued – only one of these was to the UK
  • Worst performing countries were Italy, Spain, France and Austria

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Yet despite obeying the rules:-

“The UK has the lowest trade integration in the single market for goods
and the third lowest trade integration for services.”

- Official 2020 EU Single Market Scoreboard for 2019, EU Commission, 03 July 2020

The Single Market Scoreboard provides a detailed overview of how EU Single Market rules were applied in the European Union in 2019. It evaluates how Member States have performed as regards market openness, governance tools as well as in specific policy areas, based on a number of selected indicators. The findings are presented in the form of a "traffic light” chart, by attributing red, yellow, and green cards.

In its final full year as part of the EU, the United Kingdom received just one red card, compared to Italy (6), Spain (5), France (5), Austria (4), Netherlands (3), and Germany (3).


For years Brexit Facts4EU.Org has been monitoring the EU's annual Single Market Scoreboard. For all those years we have observed the UK performing very well against all the measures, and yet receiving the least benefit from Single Market membership.

The latter point is not just our opinion. It is what the EU Commission itself says, and it is based on the EU’s own trade integration figures.

So, the United Kingdom has stuck to the rules more than any other major EU country, and yet has gained the least.

Is it not extraordinary that Michel Barnier and his EU colleagues have whined on incessantly about the need for the UK to obey its “Level Playing Field” provisions, when that is exactly what the UK has been doing, compared to the other major member states?

And is it not even more extraordinary that the United Kingdom is the country which has benefited the least from Single Market membership?

Making Michel feel at home on Monday

On Monday Michel Barnier and his eurocracy will descend on London for the first time in these UK-EU ‘trade talks’. This a great opportunity to dominate the ‘landscape’. We propose that David Frost, UK Chief Negotiator, get some blow-ups of the following, and put them up on the walls in each meeting room.

© EU Commission - click to enlarge

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P.S. It's the Fourth of July

We would, as usual, like to wish a very happy Independence Day to all our American readers.

[ Sources: EU Commission report issued 03 July ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sat 04 July 2020

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