Migrants : “They can check out any time they like, but they can’t be forced to leave”

Once they’ve crossed the EU’s porous borders, very few migrants are forcibly deported

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2024

The other 97.6% might receive visas, or stay and enter the black economy, or head for the French coast and the UK

A Brexit Facts4EU.Org Series

Part I - The net rise in the population of the EU27
Part II - How it was the EU that created the UK's illegal migrant boat crisis
Part III - 66% rise in the EU’s number of first-time asylum seekers in the last 5 years
Part IV - Proportion of migrants rejected by the EU - and numbers deported (This report)

Facts4EU.Org’s fourth and final part in our investigation into the EU’s illegal migrant crisis concludes with some shocking facts. The EU’s crisis has become the UK’s crisis too, given that almost all the UK’s illegal migrants crossing the Channel today come from a safe EU country – Macron’s France. Today we reveal just how few of the migrants entering the EU are actually deported.

As reported on GB News

Our report below was covered by Martin Daubney of GB News on Friday, (26 Jul 2024), after they requested an advance copy of our findings. Our readership can now read our report in full.

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Our study of the raw, official EU Commission statistics shows that once they’ve crossed the EU’s borders, these millions of migrants are almost certain to be able to remain in the EU. This then gives them the option of heading for the UK in a small boat.

A Facts4EU.Org view

“The first duty of government is defence of the Realm. A week last Saturday we saw the number of illegal migrants entering the UK on small boats from the EU break the 130,000 mark.

“That’s more than 130,000 individuals about whom we know nothing. They are mostly male and threw their I-Phones and identity papers overboard while being escorted across the Channel by the French Navy. They were then ferried to the UK by Border Force or the RNLI. We don’t know how many have criminal records. We don’t know how many have been involved in terrorism. We don’t know how many intend harm to our country.

“And the numbers keep rising. These have risen significantly this year and are the highest since records began in 2018. When will this growing threat be properly addressed with robust action by the government?”

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

How many EU migrants were ordered to leave and how many were actually deported?

In the five years from 2019 - 2023

1. How many migrants were ordered to leave?

  • Detected within EU borders : 4,250,815 (Illegal migrants only)
  • Ordered to leave : 2,178,660 (Out of all illegal and legal migrants)
  • Percentage of all EU’s migrants ordered to leave : 51.3%

[Source : EU Commission statistics agency, 19 Jul 2024.]

NOTE : Those ordered to leave include both legal and illegal migrants. The EU Commission does not provide separate returns data for those illegal migrants detected, which means the percentage below is likely to be higher for illegal migrants only.

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2. Numbers backed up in the EU’s system

  • Pending asylum applications : 1,173,370

The EU’s number of pending asylum applications continues to grow and grow. On Monday last week (22 Jul 2024), we revealed that the latest figures show the bloc had over 1.1m applications backed up in the system, on which they still have to make a decision. This will only compound the unacceptable picture we have outlined.

3. Illegal migrants detected versus number of deportations

In the five years from 2019-2023

  • Illegal migrants detected : 4,250,815
  • Forced returns : 101,067 (2.4%)

Between 2019-2023 only 101,067 are recorded by the EU as having been ‘forced returns’. We believe this number is higher in reality, because some countries are years behind in declaring their information. We are showing the official numbers the EU Commission has in its database. Countering this is the fact that we can only express the number of illegal migrants as a proportion of total returns, which includes legal migrants outstaying their visas.

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A Facts4EU.Org view

“If you knew that once inside the EU’s borders you had a nearly 98% chance of being able to stay, wouldn’t you take that chance?

“And if you knew that this would also give you a route to the UK, with the generous life-style Britain makes available to its illegal migrants, wouldn’t that remove any lingering doubts?”

NOTE : All of our reports in this series on population and the migrant crisis exclude the 4.3 million Ukrainians who have been granted visas in the EU in the last two years.

The EU’s failure to control its borders

The demonstrable failure of the EU to secure its borders, many years after the illegal migrant crisis began, directly affects the UK as we have shown in this series of reports. Put simply, the more the EU lets in, the more cross to the UK in small boats. Below we look at the EU’s land and sea borders.

Like the United Kingdom the EU has sea borders. Unlike the UK, the EU also has 8,556 miles of land borders. It therefore has the possibility of erecting a permanent, walled and/or high-fenced barrier around its territory.

1. EU’s land borders – Will we see a ‘Fortress EU’ with Trump-like walls?

In 2015, Hungary’s Viktor Orban announced the building of such a barrier around his country in response to the millions trying to enter its territory. He did so following Angela Merkel’s rash and unilateral “All welcome here” statement in that year which resulted in millions of migrants flooding the EU.

At the time, Orban was pilloried by the EU establishment in Brussels and by many governments in EU capitals. His request for EU funding for this construction project was denied and he was roundly condemned. That was nine years ago.

Since then, the EU Commission has slowly and quietly agreed to fund the construction of selected barriers along parts of the external borders of other EU countries, as the EU’s illegal migrant problem has grown and grown. This has been done piecemeal, however, and there is no EU-wide commitment to closing its external land borders in this way.

Case study – Finland has had enough

Finland has an external EU land border stretching for 1,593 miles. That’s nearly 20% of the EU’s total external land border. On Monday its right-of-centre parliament voted for a law which, in an emergency, will allow Finnish border guards forcibly to turn back illegal migrants. This allegedly breaks international law but the Finns don’t care.

Naturally Finland's sovereign right to defend its own territory has already been condemned by the EU Commission and by every pro-migrant organisation with any interest in the region.

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2. EU’s sea borders

According to the CIA World Handbook, the coastline of the continental EU stretches for 41,000 miles bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea, and the Baltic Sea. Once again, attempts by countries such as Greece and Italy to prevent migrants from entering EU territory by sea have resulted in condemnation from Brussels as well as by international organisations such as the UN.

The most significant coastline in terms of inward illegal migration is in the south: the Mediterranean.

The ONLY EU coastline in terms of outward illegal migration is in the north - with boats leaving France for the UK in ever-increasing numbers.


“You can check out any time you like, but you can almost never be forced to leave”

Somehow, a paraphrasing of the famous Eagles’ song ‘Hotel California’ seemed appropriate.

In this fourth and final part in our migrant series, it seems clear from the in-depth research our think-tank team has conducted using the official data from the EU Commission that there are some inescapable conclusions.

  • The UK’s illegal migrant crisis has been caused by the EU’s inability to secure and control its borders over many years
  • The EU’s illegal migrant crisis continues to spiral out of control, having doubled over the past five years
  • Once a migrant gets into EU territory, he is almost impossible to remove
  • The same is true in the UK
  • The answer clearly lies in preventing migrants from entering in the first place
  • Without firm action, the numbers queuing up in northern France to cross to the UK in small boats will continue to break all records

Completely new thinking about this problem is required, from securing EU borders with permanent walls and high fencing, to changing radically the approach to the ECHR’s and UN’s outdated edicts. We live in a world very different to that which existed when the UN’s migration policies and bodies were first set up after the war. In addition, the subsequent interpretations of law from the highly-policised ECHR court have become completely unsuitable law for the modern age.

Strong and urgent political will is now required

If this radical change doesn’t happen fast in the EU, UK, and elsewhere, all western democracies will face an increasing number of crisis-level events including terrorism. The traditional identities of nation states - and people’s way of lives - will be gone forever.

It’s now up to ordinary people. Sit back and observe it happen, while watching TV and tut-tutting, or make a stand in whatever way you can. A good start would be to donate to organisations such as Facts4EU.Org. As things currently stand with our precarious funding level, this series of reports may be the last major series we are ever able to produce.

Finally, next week we will show you videos from one TV channel that has covered our reports in full. We CAN make a difference, given half a chance. Please be generous today if you can. Thank you.

NOTICE : Facts4EU is now scaling back to publishing 5 days-a-week

For over eight years we have worked seven days-a-week. As far as we are aware we are the only organisation of our type to have done this. We are grateful to those of our readers who have made donations but sadly the level of our funding is now such that we must make it stretch for as long as we can. This means team members taking other paid work and reducing our output to five days-a-week.

Please, please help us to carry on our vital work in defence of independence, sovereignty, democracy and freedom by donating today. Thank you.

[ Sources: EU Parliament | EU Commission ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Mon 29 Jul 2024

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