These NHS numbers are so bad they’re scarcely believable, but they’re official

Facts4EU.Org reveals the full scale of the catastrophic effect of COVID on the NHS’s performance

Montage © Facts4EU.Org 2021

We publish our summary analysis of just how badly the nation’s general health is now suffering

Firstly, what are we about to show you?

We have not seen what follows anywhere else. Certainly not on the BBC or other broadcast media channels. Most people have heard about increasing waiting lists for NHS treatment, but our summary shows more.

The Facts4EU.Org team has researched the latest, detailed, official figures on waiting times for treatment in NHS England. We do not have comparable figures for the devolved nations of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland but we must assume the picture is equally bad – if not worse – there.

We wanted to know the true picture of just how much the nation’s health is being affected by the focus on COVID-19 since it started. All figures come from the official source – from the NHS itself.

Here are the three questions we chose, from what was available in the detailed data

  1. How many people have waited longer than four months (NHS target) from GP referral to treatment?
  2. How many have been waiting longer than one year?
  3. How many people are now waiting for treatment overall?

To keep things simple, we are showing just three facts, with our usual ‘at-a-glance’ charts for each. The full picture is far worse, because it does not reflect the extraordinary delays which people have experienced in trying to see their GP. All we can show is what has happened once they have seen their GP, been diagnosed, and been referred to a specialist.

And that on its own is bad enough, as readers will see.

Facts4EU.Org Summary of NHS England waiting times

Facts4EU.Org presents charts showing the change in the last two years, from July 2019 to July 2021
(Latest figures)

  • Waiting more than four months: 1.78 MILLION (+187%)
  • Waiting more than one year: 293,100 (+28,301% - over 28 thousand per cent rise)
  • Total patients waiting: 5.61 MILLION (+28.2%)

1. Patients waiting more than NHS 18-week target : 1.78 MILLION (increase of 187% in two years)

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org - click to enlarge

2. Patients waiting for more than ONE year : 293,100 (increase of 28,301% in two years)

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org - click to enlarge

NOTE: We know the percentage increase of over 28,000% is astonishing. This is not a typo. In July 2019 there were 1,032 people who had been waiting more than a year for treatment. By July of this year the number had risen to 293,102.

3. Total patients waiting for specialist treatment : 5.6 MILLION (increase of 28.2% in two years)

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org - click to enlarge

The ticking time bomb of the nation's health

According to The King's Fund, an authoritative source widely used in the health profession:-

"Covid-19 has had a big impact on elective waiting times. To prioritise hospital capacity for Covid-19 and emergency patients the NHS paused elective (non-urgent) treatment in April 2020 meaning waiting times grew quickly. However, during the national lockdowns fewer people were referred for treatment so the overall number of people on the waiting list remained fairly stable. We don’t yet know if there will be a backlog of people who will seek treatment as restrictions continue to be lifted."

The King's Fund report, 05 Aug 2021

There were almost six million fewer referrals in 2020 compared to 2019. It is highly unlikely that these patients all cured themselves. There are now recorded cases of people who became very ill but whose relatives could not persuade the GP to see them, and who sadly died as a result. In addition there are recorded cases of urgent calls for ambulances which did not arrive for many hours. And finally we know that the number of deaths at home has risen dramatically, but the reasons have not been analysed or published. As yet there is no official, detailed data about any of this.


The costs of Covid-19 measures on non-Covid health

As our name suggests, Facts4EU.Org deals in the analysis of facts. Typically these are facts about the UK’s relationship with the EU, using the EU’s own official data. Sometimes, however, we feel compelled to apply our expertise to subjects which affect the lives of those living in Brexit Britain.

We have long been dissatisfied with the quality and scope of the data available about the COVID-19 situation, and we have written about this before.

When a country is facing a situation where the government takes actions which change the fabric of society, possibly forever in several aspects, and which have had the largest impact on the economy of a country since the Second World War, it might be thought that all decisions would be based on the best facts which every official statistician involved could possibly supply.

It might also be thought that the nation’s broadcasters – in particular the state-funded BBC – would investigate the facts and ask all the appropriate questions of government.

Neither of these two hopes have been realised in the last 20 months.

Whatever readers’ individual views might be about masks, lockdowns, vaccines, COVID passports and the rest of it, we imagine all readers would like to know that the decisions made by Government would be based on very reliable and highly detailed information. We are sure that readers would also expect that decisions would be made considering all the contexts, rather than knee-jerk reactions to incomplete figures about one serious health scare.

In our report today we have tried to provide a little context, based on our research of the limited information available. Our monthly donations do not even cover the cost of one junior staffer at the BBC. Imagine what we could do if we had anything like the BBC's funding?

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[ Sources: NHS England | NHS Digital | The King's Fund ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thur 16 Sep 2021

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